My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1435: identifying

 Chapter 1435 Confirming Identity

As soon as Ye Zhiruo finished speaking, someone suddenly came over and fiercely grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

“Who are you? Why are you yelling and making such a fuss at my door?”

 A woman wearing a black down jacket appeared in front of them.

The brother and sister looked at the person at the same time. The person's appearance naturally matched the photo of Wang Yuxia found earlier, and they immediately knew the woman's identity.

 “Are you Ms. Wang Yuxia?”

"I am."

 “Great, I’m looking for you.”

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo quickly explained their identities and informed their purpose.

When Wang Yuxia heard this, a look of guilt appeared on her face.

 “It’s actually you...”

 “Do you remember?”

Wang Yuxia couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It was such a big fuss back then, how could I not remember it?"

That incident cost her her job, but more importantly, it made her regret it for the rest of her life.

The doctor was kind-hearted. She was on duty on the day of the accident, but due to her negligence, someone took the child away, resulting in the child's death. She saw the only pain she felt that night, it was the biggest irreparable mistake she had ever made in her life, and she didn't complain even if she was fired.

"I watched you three brothers and sisters being born back then, but it's a pity..." It's a pity that one of them died.

 Everyone knows what is left unsaid.

Wang Yuxia felt a little relieved when she saw the two children who had grown up safely. "Fourteen years have passed in a flash. I didn't expect you two to have grown up so much."

“Aunt Wang, we are not here today to investigate what happened at the beginning. We just want to ask, do you remember if there are any special birthmarks on my sister?”


“Yes! Do you remember whether there are any birthmarks on her body?”

"I..." Wang Yuxia frowned and thought seriously, and suddenly blurted out: "I remembered, there should be a round birthmark on her waist!"

 “Round birthmark? Are you sure?”

“Well, the child was just born and was still small. I’m not sure if it’s round, but I’m sure there is a birthmark on her waist.”

“After so many years, is Aunt Wang still so sure?”

“Well, it did happen many years ago, and that event was very meaningful to me, so I remember it very clearly and it’s unmistakable!”

Hearing Wang Yuxia's affirmative words, the brother and sister looked at each other and had a sense of calculation in their hearts.

 After that, the Ye family brothers and sisters said goodbye to Wang Yuxia.

 The next thing to do is to come up with scientific evidence to prove a guess that may be impossible!

“Pan’er had multiple examinations at the hospital last time, and the hospital should still have Pan’er’s blood samples.”

Healthy blood samples will be cleared within three days or a week, but because of Li Paner's special condition, some were deliberately kept.

  After the brother and sister handed over the prepared things to the doctor at the appraisal office, their hearts beat like drums.

 “Brother, I’m so nervous now.”


 “Brother, your hands are shaking.”

 Ye Qingfeng: “…”

 You are my biological sister, can you stop tearing me down?

 Tweet: "Green plum in hand, bamboo horse without worries"

  【Favourite, 1 to 1】

Li Yue met Mu Chi when she was three years old. She knew how to strike first at a young age. Fortunately, Mr. Zhu Ma was "gentle and considerate" and Xiao Qingmei successfully embarked on the road of hooking up with him.

·When expressing her love, she never concealed her possessiveness: "You are mine, no one is allowed to care about you!"

When proposing, his affection was unquestionable: "I will give you the best love for the rest of my life!"

  Nothing in the world is cheap. If you say we are together, I will contract for life!

 (End of this chapter)

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