My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1421: Ye Weiyi teases the Li family couple

Chapter 1421 Ye Weiyi teases the Li family and his wife

Ye Ziwei spent a busy day with Ye Xichen. It was very uncomfortable to work overtime during the Saturday holiday, but thinking about the amount of income after completing the transaction, it was worth the pain.

 She finally had time to look at her phone.

  Before, she would also pay attention to the messages on her mobile phone. She also knew that there was a call from another city and there were three missed calls.

Doctor Ying had told her in advance that Li Paner's parents were coming to the city. She estimated that this number belonged to the Li family and they were close to each other.

 Wait until you have time after get off work in the evening before calling.

Mother Li followed the trace all the way, and finally saw a familiar figure in front of the cinema. A phone call stopped them in their tracks.

  Li’s father and Li’s mother immediately answered the call when they saw the qualified call back, and heard a nice young woman’s voice coming from the call.

 Li’s father and Li’s mother faced each other and made gestures, with Li’s father finally answering the conversation.



“I am Ye Weiwei. What are the three phone calls you made?”

Hands-free was on, and Ye’s only self-introduction was enough for the Li family and his wife to hear it at the same time.

Father Li took a deep breath and said, "Hello, it's me who made the call. Well, I want to ask, do you know Li Pan'er?"

 “Li Pan’er…”

Ye Weiwei read out the name, deliberately prolonging the sound at the end.

 The Li family’s couple’s hearts were lifted.

Just when they were anxious, Ye Weiwei gave a positive answer, "Li Pan'er, I know you."

 “Great!” Father Li and Mother Li breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

“Well, we are Li Pan’er’s parents. We want to see her. Where is she?”

“Really? Do you have any proof that you are Pan’er’s parents?”

 “What more proof is needed, we are the one!”

"That won't work. My Ye family is different from ordinary people. We can't leak information easily. If you can't provide evidence, then there is no need for us to continue talking. Goodbye."

Ye Weiwei spoke at a natural and smooth pace, and his serious lines frightened the Li family and his wife.

As soon as the two heard that she was going to hang up the phone, they quickly shouted, "Wait! If Pan'er answers the phone, she must be able to hear our voices."

 “I’m sorry, Pan’er is not with me now.”

“Then aren’t you trying to make things difficult? How can we prove it on the phone?”

 “Then this issue is not something I should consider.”

Ye Weiyi simply hung up the phone.

Her tone was "very good" from beginning to end, so good that it made people feel itchy but also felt helpless as if they couldn't reach out to hit the smiling person.

 She just deliberately made the Li family couple laugh, but she felt sorry for Li Pan'er in her heart.

These two people obviously wanted something from her but they still used that tone. It was simply disgusting to hear their tone when they mentioned Pan'er.

Isn’t Pan’er their biological daughter? Why is she being called around like a maid?


The Li family couple looked at the page where the call was hung up and stamped their feet angrily.

 “What’s wrong with this guy? He doesn’t believe what we say!”

"Hey, don't worry. Haven't you seen that the rich people on TV have great ostentation? The more careful she is, doesn't it mean that she has money?"

Father Li feels that only rich people can show off.

 Thinking about it this way, I feel much better.

Li Pan'er has indeed climbed onto a high branch. Maybe they can use this to gain more benefits!

“Let’s wait until night and continue calling her. We’ll wait until Pan’er is here.”

 (End of this chapter)

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