My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1391: she is unconscious

Chapter 1391 She is unconscious

“Pan’er’s situation is very bad and she must go to a regular hospital for examination.”

"Go to the hospital?" Li's father shook his head upon hearing this, "No, no, how much does it cost to go to the hospital?"

These words are unbearable for people to listen to.

 Doctor Ying couldn't help but ask: "Is money or my daughter more important?"

 Concerning this issue...the Li family couple looked at each other and refused to say anything.

 If there is enough money in front of them, they will definitely choose money without hesitation!

 From this performance, we know their choice.

Doctor Ying shook his head helplessly, and just put Li Pan'er's condition in a bad light: "She was not in good health to begin with. The long-term labor prevented her from getting a good rest, which directly dragged her body down. Now she has to Wait until she wakes up. Even if she wakes up, she won’t be able to get out of bed for ten days and a half, and she has to be well cared for.”

"What? If she can't get out of bed for ten days and a half, doesn't that mean she still has to be cared for? She's such a big person, wouldn't it be better if she wakes up!"

The Li family are considered rough people. They don't usually get sick, so they really don't realize the pressure on Li Pan'er's weak body.

 Doctor Ying couldn't help but ridicule, "Oh, you still want Pan'er to work for you?"

This attitude was unacceptable to Mother Li, and she shouted back dissatisfied, "How can you talk like this?"

Doctor Ying felt confident and said, "If you don't like to hear it, you can go out, otherwise you can take your daughter back and treat it yourself."


Seeing that the situation was not good, Father Li quickly pulled Mother Li away and said, "Forget it."

"Doctor Ying, since Pan'er hasn't woken up yet, I'd like you to take care of her first. I have some things to do at home, so let's go back first."

With just one excuse, Li's father left Li Pan'er's trouble at Dr. Ying's house, and he and his wife ran away without even mentioning a penny.

The soles of the feet felt like oil, and they disappeared after a while.

After the couple left, Dr. Ying’s wife came over with a bowl of medicine and fed it to Li Paner.

“The Li family is really heartless. It’s so pitiful for Pan’er, how come he has such unscrupulous parents.”

 “Yes, I doubt that I am biological.”

  "Isn't it true? How can you do this to your biological daughter?"

 Doctor Ying’s wife complained a few words, but was still full of sympathy for Li Paner.

Li Paner stayed here today.

The next day, Fang Yuxi knocked on the door with a few eggs, "Uncle, my mother asked me to give these eggs to you."

 “Hey, come in quickly.”

Fang Yuxi is Dr. Ying’s nephew. The two relatives have a very good relationship and often visit each other.

 No, the Fang family’s chickens were doing well this year in the winter, and they laid a few eggs and brought them over.

 Ask the doctor to stay home for lunch.

Fang Yuxi regards this place as half of his home and is very familiar with it.

 He wanted to go into the room to get something, but suddenly he found someone else in the room.

Curiosity drove him closer, and when he saw it, he turned out to be Li Paner!

“Uncle, why is Li Paner here?”

 “Alas, this child fainted. His parents didn’t care about anything and just stayed here.”

“Wow, I’ve heard that her parents are not very kind to her, but I didn’t expect them to be so cruel.”

How serious is it to just leave your child at someone else’s house...

Of course you are lucky to meet a good person. If you meet someone with evil intentions, then Li Pan'er will be disabled.

 “Is she okay?”

 “There’s something going on, it’s a big deal.”

 “Heart trouble.”

 (End of this chapter)

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