My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1388: Heartless parents

Chapter 1388: Heartless Parents


 In a moment, Li Pan'er didn't know where the strength came from and actually waved away Li's father.

She bent down and tried to pull Grandma Li up, but she was too small and too strong to pull her up.

Grandma Li was sitting on the ground and was moaning continuously. She couldn't stand up even if she wanted to.

 “Go and get this person up quickly.” At this time, Li’s mother gave Li’s father a push, and Li’s father finally reacted.

 The man was very energetic. Father Li pulled the old man to his feet as soon as he started, but Grandma Li couldn't stand still.

 The whole family was in a panic.

Grandma Li was already old and frail, so she lay down directly after being tortured like this.

Li Pan'er ran to the doctor's house at the entrance of the village in the dark and knocked on the door. "Uncle, please help me. Go see my grandma."

Li Paner was worried and anxious. The doctor and her family were kind-hearted. When they saw how pitiful the child was, they picked up a flashlight and went out with her.

When I arrived at Grandma Li’s house, I saw the Li couple sitting on stools, helpless.

“Uncle, my grandma is inside.”

Li Paner pointed out the place to the doctor, and the doctor and his wife went in together.

Li Paner originally wanted to follow her in, but Mother Li stretched out her hand and forced her to stay.


 “I hope you’ll come over.”

Mother Li pulled her outside the door, bent down and asked in a low voice: "Did you go to see the doctor?"

 “Yes.” Li Paner nodded seriously.

The expression on Li's mother's face was unclear. "Do you have money to hire a doctor? Do you know how much it costs for a doctor to visit your home?"

“Mom, it’s already this time, these are not important at all.” Now she was only worried about whether there would be any problems with her grandma’s health. She was very anxious.

But Mother Li couldn't empathize with her, so she held her ears and taught her, "You **** girl, it doesn't matter if you come to the door to call me, can you get the money? I tell you, I don't care this time anyway, the doctor wants money for you Just find a way to pay off the debt yourself, oh, maybe you can ask your grandma if she can get a deposit."

Li Paner suddenly felt cold in her heart when she heard these words.

I have always known that my mother was not sincere to my grandma, but I never expected that at this critical moment of life and death...

 She could only hope that her father would retain some filial piety towards her grandma.

 But when Li Pan'er looked at Father Li, Father Li frowned and remained silent, acquiescing to Mother Li's words.

Li Pan'er didn't know where she got the courage. She seemed to be full of anger and turned around to avoid them.

 The doctor gave Grandma Li emergency treatment, but this alone was not enough.

“You must find a car to take the elderly person to the hospital immediately, otherwise it will be dangerous.”

 Looking for a car?

Upon hearing this, Li Pan'er could only ask her parents again without giving up hope, "Grandma is in danger. Dad, please help find a car quickly. I beg you."

 “Where should I find a car now? Damn it!”

Father Li was also anxious, but this kind of thing could only be done with money!

 He couldn't get the money and he didn't have a car to come back. Even if he was sent to the hospital, there was no money for treatment.

Li Paner cried and begged to no avail.

The doctor's wife stood awkwardly at the door and had no choice but to interrupt, "Pan'er, your grandma is calling you."

Li Paner quickly wiped her tears twice.

 After Li Pan'er entered, Li's mother pushed Li's father and motioned for him to go in too.

They estimated that the old woman might not live long, and perhaps it would be time to take care of her funeral arrangements.

“Even though your mother is old, she is not confused at all. If you go in and ask, there must be some good things hidden in the house.”

 (End of this chapter)

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