My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1382: The only letter left that night

Chapter 1382 The only letter left that night

 The next day, Li Paner did not go to school.

Zhou Yuqing was a little worried, "Why doesn't Pan'er come to school today? Yesterday, the principal said that she would be commended by the whole school."

 The main purpose is to formally commend the people who performed at Egger Academy in front of all the teachers and students, especially Li Paner.

 But today’s protagonist was not present.

 Zhou Yuqing was a little worried.

 At this time, Li Pan'er was locked up at home and could not get out.

  Li's father and Li's mother concluded that she had hidden the treasure and did not warn her: "Don't go out unless you hand it over."

The Li family's parents had to work in the fields during the day and could not keep watch over Li Pan'er, so they had to keep her at home.

 There is only one landline phone at home, which is still installed in the room of Li’s father and Li’s mother. Li Paner now has no way to contact the outside world.

Because her movement was restricted, she couldn't even fetch water and wash clothes, so she had to fold and put away all the clothes given by Ye Zhiruo.

This time there was no need to hide it under the bed, she piled it on the table again.

 While tidying up, she opened the bag in the corner.

That bag also contained a very delicate little skirt. She still remembered that it was given to her by someone else when she was very young.

She didn’t know who the person who gave the skirt was, and her memory of the incident was a bit vague. If the skirt hadn’t been preserved to this day, she might have forgotten it.

  By the way, there is also a piece of letter paper.

Li Paner took out a piece of paper folded several times from under the bag of her clothes.

The paper is crumpled and almost torn.

  But she had already memorized the words and paintings on the paper deeply in her heart.

 The words on the letter are set against the background of a big tree, under which a girl in a skirt is dancing.

That painting is very simple and not very good. At first glance, it looks like a child's masterpiece. But there is also a sentence attached to the back of the row: This is a gift for you, I hope you like it. A girl’s tears are very precious, so be strong!

 The text on the back is written in beautiful handwriting and comes from an adult.

It is these two things that have accompanied Li Paner through countless lonely nights.

The letter paper was almost broken. She went to her grandma's house to get some transparent tape and sealed it all before saving it, but it was still a bit tattered.

 She has always treasured those dresses and has never touched them.

 The same goes for the clothes Ye Zhiruo gave her now.

 She likes it very much and appreciates it very much, but she can't really wear it.

 Because these things that are worthless in the eyes of Li's parents are priceless treasures in her heart!

 She thought of Ye Zhiruo's words: If we meet again...

Li Pan'er couldn't help but hope in her heart, would she be able to enter a big city one day in the future?

I heard that many people in the village start working when they are sixteen or seventeen years old. She is fourteen years old and can only learn some basic knowledge in the sixth grade.

Thinking about it this way, Li Pan'er felt a little depressed.

With her appearance, others would think she was a ten-year-old child. She is so frail that no one would want her to work in the future.


 Eiger College.

 In addition to the regular teaching of the students, the follow-up work for the school anniversary is also coming to an end.

ˆBased on Ye Qingfeng’s outstanding performance, he has now become the most popular person in the school!

 Other students are jealous and envious of Ye Qingfeng. Some are dissatisfied, while others admire him very much.

Now teachers often use him as an example to encourage other students in class, and even praise the Ye family brothers and sisters for taking the initiative to invest in buying stationery for primary school students.

This matter also reached the ears of Ye Yiwei.

 (End of this chapter)

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