My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1380: She is your biological daughter!

Chapter 1380 She is your biological daughter!

Father Li dragged Li Pan'er out. At this time, Li's mother came back with a basket on her back.

Li Paner felt there was still some hope when she saw her mother, so she ran to her side.

Li's mother didn't know what happened yet, but when she saw Li's father beating Li Pan'er again, she still protected her a little.

"What's going on? She just came back and you lost your temper again."

"Ask yourself what she did! I heard someone said that she got some kind of learning machine in the city. She is a very rich treasure. If she gets it back, she can definitely exchange it for a lot of money. But she is good. She handed over the good stuff without saying anything. Give it to the school. This **** girl is deliberately cutting off my money!"

Li’s father explained Li Paner’s “crimes” in a snap.

When Mother Li heard this, she didn't look very good.

 Their family is poor, so they must hide good things when they see them, and try every means to make money.

They didn't expect that Li Pan'er would do such a thing without their knowledge!

“Pan’er? Is everything your father said true?”

Li's mother turned around and asked, and Li Pan'er knew that he was in danger.

She kept shaking her head, "No, mom, that learning machine originally belonged to the school. It was just taken in my name. It's not my thing."

“Whatever is taken in your name is yours. No one asked you for it. You handed it in yourself!”

At that time, Li Pan'er's actions made people at the school very happy. Those people brought this incident up to praise her selflessness, but they did not expect that it would become a fatal tool for Li Pan'er.

 “Mom, Pan’er knows that she was wrong.”

Li Paner hugged her mother and prayed, hoping that she could continue to speak for him.

 But Li’s mother made the same choice as Li’s father and directly ordered: “Go and get it back!”

 Li Pan'er could only shake his head.

 How can you get back what you gave away?

But Li’s father and mother, who are obsessed with money, don’t care about Li Pan’er’s thoughts. They feel that since Li Pan’er gave the thing away, they should get it back themselves!

Li Pan'er shook his head to express his refusal, and Li's father picked up the broom next to him and was about to hit him.


The breathless voice stopped his violent behavior in time.

 The gray-haired old man slowly walked up the steps.

Grandma Li appeared and was somewhat of a deterrent to Father Li.

When Grandma Li saw how pitiful Li Pan'er was being bullied, she reached out her hand to wipe away her tears, pointed at Li's father's nose and scolded, "Pan'er is your biological daughter, why are you so cruel to her!"

Father Li snorted coldly, "My daughter didn't help me, but turned to those people outside. I should teach her a lesson! Let her remember!"

Grandma Li pulled Li Pan'er into her arms and protected her with both hands, "You traitor! If you want to beat me, beat me to death first. Pan'er is young and can't stand the beatings and scoldings of your cruel parents." !”

Seeing Grandma Li protecting Li Paner so firmly, Father Li gradually put down the broom in his hand.

Hearing Grandma Li gasp for breath as she spoke, Father Li was afraid that she would not be able to turn around in one breath, so his tone became much gentler, "Okay, okay, I don't care now."

Li's father is not a good person, but facing his biological mother who has been kind to him since childhood, Li's father will still give him some face.

Father Li felt that since his biological mother gave birth to him and raised him, he could give in.

But Li Pan'er was born as if he was here to collect debts. He was frail and sick, and his elbows were bent outward. If his wife hadn't been able to conceive a second child for so many years, he would have lost Li Pan'er long ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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