My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 138: The unspeakable truth

Chapter 138 The unspeakable truth

Ye Weiwei saw Ye Xichen turning the phone with one hand, slowly and lightly touching the table.

 But that’s her mobile phone?

 “Brother Chen, what’s wrong with you?”

Ye Weiwei, who still didn’t know the reason, boldly walked up to him, wrapped her weak, boneless hand in the big warm palm, and her voice of concern was sweet.

Ye Xichen's movement of turning the phone almost stopped the moment she got close to him.

 “Have you gone to play with your classmates today?”

"Well! It's the An Ruan I told you about. She's such a nice person."

Ye Xichen sneered. Of course he was not interested in that person named An.

But he never explained it in front of Ye Youyi. He turned slightly, brushed her cheek with his palm, and asked in a low voice: "Really? Did you have a good time?"

"Uh..." She was quite happy at first this morning, but when she thought about what happened next, she felt guilty and broke out in a cold sweat, "It's okay."

"You have only had one same-sex friend, Liuli, since you were a child. It would be nice to have one more friend now."

His voice was very soft and light, like a feather floating on the water, with no gravity at all.

I don’t know why, but the only thing Ye felt was a bone-eroding cold force attacking her, as if she was trapped and unable to be free.

She shook her head suddenly, still remembering what Nangong Luo said when she came in.

She turned her head and looked to the side. Sure enough, a corner of the gray carpet fur was wet, and the broken glass of water was still lying quietly on the ground.

Ye Youyi looked at him cautiously, pursed her lips, and took her hands away from his.

Just when Ye Xichen felt the warmth in his palms disappear, he saw her stretch out her arms again, gradually brushing the edges of his arms, and then... hugging him.

Ye Xichen looked slightly startled.

 Only heard the small voice in my ear, faintly.

“Brother Chen, what’s wrong with you? If you’re unhappy, just tell Xiao Lingdang.”

Ye Xichen's lips suddenly raised into a smile, "I don't think you want to know."

Ye Ziyi couldn't see it, let alone know that the smile on the corner of his mouth was very different from usual, instead it was a kind of sarcasm.

Ye Youyi naturally didn't see it. She responded eagerly, "No! I want to know everything about you!"

 She was telling the truth. She didn't want to miss anything about Ye Xichen.

 But relatively…

Ye Weiwei suddenly thought of something, and his heart skipped a beat.

 Why is Ye Xichen holding her mobile phone?

If she is angry about other things, then she will not take it out on her test paper no matter what the reason is.

 In this case...could it be her?

“Chen, brother Chen, I...I...”

"you say."


Ye Weiwei filtered everything in his mind and sorted out his thoughts. Just when he was about to confess honestly, his ears trembled and he suddenly heard...

 “Did you hear what they said?”

 “The voice is very small, I can hear you.”

 “Pah!” Gong Qianhen hit Nangong Luo on the shoulder, “Go away and let me listen.”

 Yeweiyi: “…”

The room is only so big, so why are the two people hiding at the door and opening the crack of the door pretending to be so obscene?

Ye Weiwei pretended not to hear, and when he had collected his thoughts and was about to confess to Ye Xichen, the two people who were crowding at the door suddenly opened the door and rushed in.

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo were at a loss, "Ha, we went to the wrong place."

 “Well, I’m drunk.”

 The two pretended to be stupid and prepared to sneak away.


Ye Xichen opened Ye Weiyi's hand that was attached to his body, stood up with a leap, and strode out of the room.


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 (End of this chapter)

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