My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1367: Two girls, very different lives

Chapter 1367 Two girls, very different lives

Ye Zhiruo seemed particularly patient tonight and offered to take Li Pan'er back to her dormitory, which flattered Li Pan'er.

 “I’ll send her back, and if necessary, I’ll guard her temporarily.”

 Ye Zhiruo's words were convincing, and Du Heng finally left with Fang Yuxi.

 Ye Zhiruo and Li Pan'er were left standing together, and Li Pan'er kept thanking her.

“Ye, classmate Ye, thank you very much.”

“Ye classmate? Ah, it sounds really awkward.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, I’m stupid and don’t know what to say.”

 “No, you are cute.”

 Ye Zhiruo was confused by his current behavior.

 Has it been in the past, or was she facing another person, would she really be so kind?

I don’t know what chord this little girl inadvertently touched in her heart, causing her to do something that was contrary to her usual habits.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you what your name is yet?”

 “My name is Li Paner.”

“Pan’er, that’s right, I just heard your brother Du Heng call you Pan’er.”

 An ordinary name, an ordinary girl, nothing really seems special.

 Ye Zhiruo really sent Ye Zhiruo to the dormitory.

The dormitory temporarily arranged for them by the school is on the top floor. Originally, there were not many people from the school, but now they are all gone. This floor is dark, thanks to the voice-activated lights.

“I remember that there were quite a few of you here, but why are they all gone now?” Ye Zhiruo asked casually while walking in the corridor.

Li Paner explained: "The teacher said we can move freely for two hours. My classmates were all curious about your place, so they all went out."

"how about you?"


“You must be curious too. Do you want to go out and have a look?”

Li Pan'er learned to recognize the reality a long time ago, "I...I'm not lucky, I got sick at this time."

I have to say that Ye Zhiruo's question aroused regret in her heart.

But reality is reality, no matter how unsatisfactory it is, you have to admit it.

Hearing the unconcealed sense of loss in Li Pan'er's words, Ye Zhiruo suddenly felt filled with panic.

 She couldn't help but ask herself silently: What's wrong with me? Compassion overflowing?


Li Paner opened the door and turned on the light at the door. Ye Zhiruo also saw the layout of the room clearly.

She had never been to the top floor of this dormitory before. When she came up today, she learned that the temporary dormitory prepared for them by the school looked like this.

  A relatively spacious large room with two tables and some stools in the middle. There are beds on both sides of the wall, which are bunk beds.

“Does the school arrange for you to live here?”

“Yes, does it feel very spacious? This is my first time living in such a big house.”

“…” The eloquent Ye Zhiruo suddenly didn’t know how to answer her words.

 Because Ye Zhiruo knew that the dormitory was not like this.

The dormitory prepared by Ege College for its students is for four students in one room. The basic facilities include wardrobe, desk, shoe cabinet and bathroom. The dormitory is like a warm bedroom.

 But the dormitory here can only accommodate one person.

Li Paner crossed her arms and inadvertently rubbed her arms with her palms. This is a subconscious behavior when the human body feels cold.

Ye Zhiruo looked around and couldn't find the air conditioner in this room.

 “Are you cold?”

 (End of this chapter)

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