My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1359: The person who makes her heart palpitate

 Chapter 1359 The person who made her heart palpitate

Ye Zhiruo has a good memory. When watching the electronic version of the program, she browsed through all the training pictures of the program. She remembered the costumes.

No one in the pavilion has discovered them yet.

The woman was still scolding the thin girl sternly, "If I had known better, I wouldn't have let you come. If the principal hadn't insisted that you dance well, I would never have agreed to let you participate."

 “I’m sorry, teacher, I will try my best.”

“Work hard, how many times have I heard this? The performance is coming soon. During the rehearsal, everyone cooperated very well, but you were only a little slow. Are you deliberately causing trouble?”

“No, teacher, I’m just feeling a little unwell today.”

"Don't tell me these excuses. In short, you should practice well now. If you feel uncomfortable, you must persist. Wait until after the performance. You must remember that this performance is very important to us. If the performance is good, we will If something goes wrong with getting more funding, you can’t afford it alone!”

 “I know, teacher, I know.”

No matter how harsh the teacher said, the girl just let it go and acted like a victim.

Ye Zhiruo felt very uncomfortable hearing those harsh words.

You must know that the teachers she usually interacts with are very polite to her, but she has never heard such a harsh reprimand. No, it is simply a vicious reprimand!

“Brother, if a person like that is called a teacher, then the school must be too poor.”

"Okay, that's someone else's business, let's go up first."


 Ye Zhiruo sighed and had no intention of intervening.

They are just students, how can they care about other schools' affairs.

"Hold it up! Who told you to put it down! Stand still and don't stagger there!"


Suddenly there was another harsh scolding from behind. Ye Zhiruo looked back and caught the frightened expression of the thin girl.

 She was stunned.

Ye Qingfeng’s attention was focused on her sister, and she tugged Ye Zhiruo’s hand, “Ruoruo, what’s wrong with you?”

Ye Zhiruo suddenly covered his chest, "Suddenly I felt a little palpitating."

 It means that you will suddenly feel the pain of being pricked by a needle in your heart at some point, and it will go away in an instant.

 She even wanted to go down and take a good look at the girl, maybe she felt sympathy.

By coincidence, at this time, several other members of the support group had begun to contact her and Ye Qingfeng.

 The two of them looked at the time and saw that there were still ten minutes left.

 “It’s gone, gone, it’s too late.”

 When they trotted over, those people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you here? You are ready to take the stage."

 “It’s okay, I’m ready.”

Ye Zhiruo gestured to everyone with an OK gesture.

 Her three other companions nodded to each other.

The four hosts were carefully selected and trained by the school, and they have some tacit understanding.

 The hosts stood in pairs on the left and right sides of the stage, and Ye Qingfeng stood in the same direction as Ye Zhiruo's group.

Just as Ye Zhiruo was about to drag off his coat, Ye Qingfeng quickly stretched out his hand to stop him.

 “Take it off later.”

 “It’s okay, it’s only a few minutes.”

 “One minute and sixty seconds, still a long time.”


 When Ye Qingfeng becomes stubborn, no one can compete with him.

Ye Zhiruo's companions all felt envious when they saw her, "You two are indeed twins, you have such a good relationship."


Every time they hear twins, they feel very harsh.

 (End of this chapter)

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