My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1337: Nangong Luo sold his daughter

Chapter 1337 Nangong Luo sold his daughter

 “Is that boy from the Han family at home?”

"Yes. I said, can you please stop calling the boy of the Han family that way? Qi'er has been pitiful without her mother by her side since she was a child. You have to be nice to others."

 “Boys, you should learn to be strong on your own.”

“Anyway, I’ll leave my words here for you. You can make up your own mind. In any case, you can’t make Qi’er feel uncomfortable. Thinking about it, I feel very sorry for that child.”

It is really a pity for a child who has lacked maternal love since childhood and lives in an incomplete family.

Han Qi will live here for about a week. When Ye Weiwei conveyed this matter to everyone in the Ye family, Ye Zhiruo was very happy!

 “Great, this will give me enough time to communicate with Han Qi.”

Ye Zhiruo has been studying vocal music and dance recently, and now she finds that Han Qi has such extensive knowledge of vocal music at a young age. She is very happy to have someone to share or discuss issues with.

 The breeze in the night of knowledge is uncomfortable.

 “A week is so long…”

He thought, Han Qi had attracted his sister's attention as soon as he arrived. What if he stayed here for a week?

 After that, Ye Qingfeng really saw what "falling out of favor" meant.

Not only does my sister like to play with Han Qi, but my mother also takes more care of Han Qi.

Ye Qingfeng felt very unbalanced, and he also wanted to find someone to play with!

Hence, he went to Nangong's house and abducted Nangong Yu.

However, he paid a heavy price in order to take Xiao Yuer home to play for a few days!

 One day ago, Ye Qingfeng went to discuss a deal with Nangong Luo.

“Godfather, why don’t you bring sister Yuer to my house to play for a few days?”

At that time, he ran to Nangong Luo to make a joke, but Nangong Luo didn't accept his trick at all and rejected his request without hesitation, "If you don't go, I won't go. Recently, you have been listed as a dangerous person by me and I refuse to let you get close to Yu." Son."

 Speaking of which, Ye Qingfeng was the one who caused the trouble by pedaling on the boat at school. Now even Nangong Luo doesn't believe him.

 Dangerous person?

This reason is not valid, of course Ye Qingfeng will not give up!

 He continued to stay here and spent a long time with Nangong Luo, and finally came up with his trump card!

“Daddy, you know that new car that was just released last week, right? HG4, it has a unique model, the latest electronic devices in the world, and...”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean? Do you have one?”


 The two looked at each other and were in a stalemate for about three seconds.

Nangong Luo then laughed loudly, "Are you kidding me? I've been waiting for a month and haven't gotten it yet. How can you, a little kid, get it? Hahaha."

He didn't believe it at all until Ye Qingfeng took out a gold card, which was exclusively sold by HG4.

Nangong Luo’s eyes widened and he stared at the gold card in disbelief.

Ye Qingfeng held up the gold card and waved it in front of his eyes, "I know my godfather is an expert. He must know what this gold card represents."

“Is this the gold card for picking up a car when HG4 is launched?”

 “That’s right!”

  "I'll go! How could you, kid? Are you favoring me or not?"

  "Godfather, face the reality, I just have it!"

"How can this be!"

“Hmph, godfather, don’t forget, although I can’t do it on my own now, my daddy is Ye Xichen!”

That Ye Xichen of the Ye family who has a strong family fortune and a wide network of contacts!

Nangong Luo held his heart and leaned back on his chair helplessly, "Oh, it's a deal, it's a deal."

 (End of this chapter)

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