My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1321: Gu Chengxi confessed the truth about that year

Chapter 1321 Gu Chengxi confesses the truth about that year

On the way to the appointment, some fragments flashed through Gong Qianli's mind, and she finally remembered the past intermittently.

 This is where she decided to leave.

She didn't have a good impression of this place. Some things made Nangong Luo mistakenly think that she liked Gu Chengxi. If she wanted to find out the reason carefully, she couldn't remember it, because her impression at that time could be described in two words. Description: Regret.

I also blame myself. I didn’t know what I was arguing about at the beginning, and I was always unwilling to explain clearly what I had in mind.

I want to leave it to the other party to guess and treat it as a test, but in the end I misunderstand myself.

 Fortunately, they woke up early, or they were lucky, and it’s not too late to change now!

Gong Qianli went there, and it was rare to see Dr. Gu, who "never arrives early for appointments", sitting in advance and waiting.

 Gen Jue Gong Qianli’s observation ability when handling cases in the past, and from the water cup and other traces left by Gu Chengxi, it can be deduced that he arrived here at least half an hour in advance.

Gong Qianli couldn't figure it out. She guessed that Gu Chengxi was the kind of person who was too arrogant.

 When others like him, he doesn't pay much attention to him. When others don't pay attention to him, he likes him instead. Arrogance is a disease and must be cured!

After Gong Qianli arrived, Gu Chengxi looked at her calmly and said one word with as much preciousness as gold: "Sit down."

 Gong Qianli was quite serious and serious at first, but looking at the moral character of the man in front of her, it was as if her ex would not pay back the money.

“Ahem, Dr. Gu, hello at noon. What do you want to eat or drink?”

"Need not."

Gu Chengxi refused lightly and said nothing more.

Gong Qianli couldn't hold it any longer and directly tapped the table with the back of her fingers to attract Gu Chengxi's attention, "Gu Chengxi, if you have something to say, just say it and don't nag me. Can't you, a man like you, be more straightforward? ?”

If she hadn't seen Gu Chengxi's face getting darker and darker, she might have compared him to a shy girl.

 Gong Qianli is still the same Gong Qianli as before, with a straightforward and unobtrusive personality.

Gu Chengxi calmly took a sip of tea and finally got to the main topic of the day.

Seeing Gu Chengxi's expression full of meaning, Gong Qianli always felt that there was a big secret hidden in it.

 In order to appease her soul, she also lowered her head and held a cup to drink water.

"You missed Nangong Luo in the first place because I was in the way."


Gu Chengxi suddenly revealed that he had done something terrible, and Gong Qianli almost burst into tears at that time.


 She pressed her fingers slightly against her throat and poured another sip of water into her mouth to smoothen the breath.

 “You, what do you mean by what you just said?”

“Just telling the truth.” Gu Chengxi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then relaxed the curve in just a moment.

Gong Qianli felt that the amount of information in this sentence was a bit large, and she seemed to be unable to turn her head around.

According to Hu Chengxi, he was the one who deliberately caused the destruction in the first place, including what happened next? But Gu Chengxi and Nangong Luo were also brothers back then?


 Gong Qianli enjoyed this "lunch" without food, because she got a lot of valuable information from it.

 Especially things related to Zhong Yun.

 After separating from Gu Chengxi, Gong Qianli had many worries.

 When mentioning Zhong Yun, Fang Yu will naturally come to mind.

The Fang Yu who treated her kindly from the first day she entered the police station, the Fang Yu who died heroically for justice.

 (End of this chapter)

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