My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1314: Probably telepathy between children

Chapter 1314 Probably telepathy between children

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo held hands with each other and walked two steps. The scolding sounds from behind again reached their ears. Ye Zhiruo suddenly broke away from Ye Qingfeng's hand and ran back.



Facing this unexpected situation, others caught up with him fearfully and quickly stopped Ye Zhiruo.

 “Miss, please don’t run around, it’s very dangerous!”

The responsibility of taking care of children is very important, and Ye Zhiruo's casualness was beyond their expectations, because the two children are usually very sensible and well-behaved.

Ye Zhiruo seemed to know that she couldn't communicate with adults. She called out to Ye Qingfeng, "Brother, I don't want her to cry. She's not happy here."

She grabbed the clothes in front of her heart and shook her head while speaking to Ye Qingfeng, her little mouth pouting high.

 Ye Qingfeng also had a tangled expression on his face.

He also saw the little girl being dragged away by a very fierce woman, and felt very uncomfortable when he heard the cry.

Maybe neither of them can express their true feelings, but they have shown it with their actions.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo ran over holding hands.

Ye Qingfeng was brave. Maybe he knew there was someone protecting them, so he ran directly in front of the fierce woman and stretched out his hand to stop her, "Auntie, she's crying."

 The implication is: She is already crying, you should stop scolding her.

Ye Zhiruo nodded quickly "Hmm" twice, standing in front of Ye Qingfeng for no reason.

The fierce woman was quite discerning. When she saw that the Ye family brothers and sisters were not dressed as children from a mountain village, and seeing that there were strong men and shrewd-looking women standing next to the two children, she didn't either. Dare to be arrogant at will.

There are occasional outsiders here, and the woman roughly guesses that they are visitors from afar.

 With with me no more provocations, the woman just grabbed her daughter and said, "Li Pan, please stand up and walk!"

The little girl Li Panliao, who had been wronged a lot, followed the woman. Her thin little body looked frail.

 In the end, they are still other people's children, and Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo's heartache cannot change anything.

The woman took Li Pan'er and entered the door of her house as soon as she turned around the corner.

 Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng followed and could only stand outside and take a few glances.

“Master Qingfeng, Miss Zhiruo, we really should go back, otherwise the husband and wife will be worried soon.”

"All right."

This time no one else or anything affected them, so they cooperated and returned to the B&B.

 Ye Weiwei waited eagerly at the door of the B&B for her child to return.

Seeing those familiar figures walking towards this side from a distance, Ye Weiwei clapped her hands expectantly and opened her arms, in a posture waiting for a hug.

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo sped up and ran over when they saw her, and the two brothers and sister jumped into this warm and soft embrace at the same time.

Ye Weiwei hugged the children, patted their backs with both hands, and led the two children into the house.

 “Tell mommy, didn’t you have fun going out today?”

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo looked at each other a few times.

 Just like this moment of silence, Ye Weiwei has noticed that these things are unusual.

 She will wait for the report alone, but at this time she also wants to hear the children's experiences.

Ye Weiwei held a child's hand in his left and right hands respectively, and his eyes flickered on the faces of the two children, "Feng'er, Ruoruo, tell mommy what did you go out to play today?"

Ye Qingfeng said: "There is an aunt who is so cruel that my little sister even cried."

  【The title is very important】



 (End of this chapter)

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