My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1312: It's someone else's child

Chapter 1312: Someone else’s child

 The Ye family brothers and sisters got up early.

This time the housekeeper who was traveling with them brought the two children down. Ye Qingfeng looked around but didn't see the person he wanted to see.

 He asked doubtfully: "Uncle, where is my father and mother?"

“Oh, sir and madam haven’t gotten up yet, young lady and young master, please go to dinner with me first.”

Ye Qingfeng nodded and said seriously: "It turns out that mom and dad are also in bed."

Ye Zhiruo felt it made sense and nodded accordingly.

  The two siblings soon accepted the fact that their parents were lying in bed.

 “Sister, hurry up and eat, we still have a lot of things to play with.”

 “I ate very quickly.”

The two children quickly scooped rice porridge into bowls with spoons. After Ye Qingfeng finished eating, he thoughtfully peeled eggs for his sister and even put them in her mouth himself.

Soon, Ye Zhiruo raised his head and put the empty bowl aside, as happy as if he was about to win a prize after reporting a task, "Brother, I've finished eating!"


 “Can we go out and play now?”

“The sir and madam have given instructions that the young master and young lady can walk around the area as long as they stay within our sight.”

Since they were two children, four people followed them when they went out, just in case.

 These are small things that children don’t care about.

 After getting ready, I ran out happily, like a bird or two that had just flown out of the cage, full of expectations for the new world.

They have seen bustling cities and magnificent buildings, but they have never seen such vast and boundless fields or such simple and peaceful mountain villages.

At the same time, Ye Weiwei followed Ye Xichen to talk about work.

Although she has not worked outside in the past few years, as the young lady of the Ye family, she is still involved in business matters.

Meeted with a partner today, and both sides enjoyed the conversation.

Especially Ye Weiyi felt very happy after hearing a certain sentence from the other party, which was when the other party praised her to Ye Xichen, "Mr. Ye, your wife is great."

 That is a recognition of personal charm and ability.

 After the negotiation was settled, the only thing that Ye worried about the most was the children.

 “I want to go find them now.”

Ye Xichen put his arm around Ting Ting's shoulders and asked in a deep voice, "Didn't you say that you have to learn to let go from time to time?"

"Well, that's right." She hesitated for a moment, then picked up her phone to ask about the current situation, "Then I'll ask again."

Every once in a while, the person responsible for taking care of the children would take the initiative to report the current situation of the children to Ye Weiyi, and Ye Weiyi also let them play on their own this time.

Children are mostly interested in novel things. They look here and there, and time flies by.

When they passed by the farmhouse, they saw two or three children squatting on the ground playing jumping beads. The jumping beads accidentally fell from the cement floor to the road, and rolled to Ye Zhiruo's feet.

Ye Zhiruo bent down to pick up the dancing beads and was about to return them to the owner when the children ran over and took the dancing beads away from her palm and ran back to their original place.

Ye Zhiruo was stunned by their unprepared action.

The children all gave them strange looks after running back, and Ye Zhiruo also thought they were strange.

She still had some doubts: "Brother, they didn't say thank you to me."

Ye Qingfeng held her sister's hand, hesitated for a moment, and said, "They are rude, let's go."

They walked forward again, and suddenly heard a moderate cry from not far away.

 (End of this chapter)

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