Chapter 1297 Scam

Gong Qianli took Xiao Yu'er home and soon after settling down, she received a phone call from Ye Weiwei, saying, "Let's take the kids out for a dinner together tonight. I really have something I want to talk to you about."

 It is naturally difficult to refuse an invitation from a friend, let alone the only invitation in the night.

Even though she thought it was a bit troublesome, she still agreed without hesitation and took Xiao Yuer out.

She had never been to the only place left in the night, but when she searched the map, she found out that it was a good place that had developed in recent years. It was said that it was a very tasteful high-end restaurant. The main reason for going there was not for enjoyment. Food, but experience that romantic atmosphere.

But Gong Qianli is usually quite rough, and as a police officer, she is not like those artistic and fresh little sisters who like to cultivate their sentiments. Besides, what kind of romance can she experience with a child?

When I replied to the message on the way, I couldn't help but make some jokes, "What, are you taking the children to cultivate their sentiments?"

 "Dong" received the only reply from Ye: "Children communicate with children, and we play by ourselves."

Gong Qianli understood the literal meaning very simply.

 But it wasn’t until she arrived at the agreed upon location that she began to understand Ye’s only true meaning!

Ye Weiwei led her two children to wait for her in the lobby. When she saw her, she asked Leng Yanxi to watch the three children and let them go to the entertainment venue outside to play games.

 “Let’s go.”

Ye Weiwei held her hand and entered the elevator together, leading her to a closed door.

 At this moment, the only cell phone ringtone in the night rang.

Ye Weiwei pointed to the door for her, "You go in first, and I'll answer the phone."

 It’s so true! It was so true that Gong Qianli had no idea what they were planning.

Gong Qianli just opened the door and moved forward. Ye Weiwei closed the door without hesitation, clapped his hands neatly, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth deepened, "Done!"

Gong Qianli turned around and it was already too late.

It is precisely because we were unprepared that all the plans went so smoothly!

When I walked in, I realized that this was not a private room for eating and chatting, but a very spacious hall.

This hall is different. After entering the door, the floor is completely made of transparent glass, and you can see the pool through the glass.

Stepping on the glass feels like standing on the edge of a cliff, and if you move, you will fall into the deep river below the cliff.

Even though she is usually very brave, people are afraid of certain things, just like Gong Qianli is afraid of the feeling of high altitude.

 This is her weakness, Nangong Luo knows it.

"You came."

Looking for the sound, she raised her head and saw Nangong Luo. The man was standing by the glass window, opposite her, at least ten meters away from her.

 “What do you want to do?”

 “Invite you to play a game.”

 “I don’t like this game.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it. The door won’t open until you complete the game.”

 “You threaten me?”

 “How can I give it up.” How lacking in emotional intelligence is this?

Nangong Luo walked toward her step by step, keeping his eyes on her, and his walking pace was smooth and natural.

Gong Qianli was still worried until Nangong Luo's hand touched hers, holding her tightly and leading her forward.

 “Look at me, don’t look down.”

I don’t know if his words had a specific hypnotic effect, but she did so seriously and took a few steps forward steadily.

 Walking to the middle position, Nangong Luo suddenly let go of his hand and left quickly.

【I have moved on to the next chapter, picture: Someone asked at the top of his voice, "Are you going to get married or not?"】



 (End of this chapter)

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