My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1293: Can't you see it? I'm teasing you

Chapter 1293 Can’t you see it? I'm teasing you

Gong Qianli sent him the coordinates and said only one sentence: "Luo, I'll wait for you to come."

 When you come, everything will work out.

This place is not far from where Nangong Luo lives. He rushed here and started sweating in the cool autumn. He didn't know whether it was because he was in a hurry or because he was too anxious.

He stood in front of Gong Qianli and looked at her carefully. There was no sign of injury on the surface.

"what happened?"

 “When I came here, I had a fight with someone when I saw an injustice.”

“You came to the hospital? Are you injured? Where is the injury? Is it serious?”

A series of questions fell into his ears. Nangong Luo wanted to reach out but was a little afraid of touching something he shouldn't have touched.

Gong Qianli saw the undisguised worry in his eyes and these meticulous movements, and her heart throbbed with an indescribable warmth.

 “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

 “Why are you in the hospital if you’re fine?”

Gong Qianli pointed to the injured arm and said, "Hey, don't hit it. I'm relatively weak. Come and apply some medicine."

 Hide the extent of the injury with half-truths.

Nangong Luo even wanted to lift up her sleeves to check!

“Has it been checked by the doctor? Did you take any medicine?”

“I’ve seen it and applied medicine. Look, I’m standing here talking to you properly.”

Nangong Luo observed her expression carefully, and found that her expression was indeed the same as usual, but he was still very uneasy and wanted to check it with his own eyes.

"let me see."


Gong Qianli turned half of her body without leaving a trace, hiding a smile in her eyes.

"Liu Li..." Nangong Luo frowned, unable to speak the next words.

  Although someone may be eloquent and joking at ordinary times, but at a critical moment, the more you care, the more cautious you will be.

Not knowing how to answer that sentence, he awkwardly tried to change the subject, "Didn't you take Yu'er home? Why did you come out and make yourself scarred? Do you know that this will make people very sad?" worried."

 “Well, I can see it, you seem very worried.”

 “Don’t make a fuss, I’m serious.”

 “I’m also serious, aren’t you worried about me?”

 “Of course I’m worried about you.”

Gong Qianli suddenly hooked his hand and led him to the side.

 As he walked, he said, “I came out to find you.”

Nangong Luo was puzzled, "Looking for me? What's the matter? Why don't you call me in advance. If anything happens, I can pick you up."

Gong Qianli suddenly stopped and looked up at his expression, smiling, "Why didn't I realize you were so verbose before?"

“Now that you are injured, you still find me nagging me?”

 “So are you angry now?”

“If you hurt yourself because of your bravery, I would be very angry!”

His frown was very serious, which showed that he was really worried and angry, angry that she didn't care about his own safety.

Gong Qianli lifted up her sleeves and clearly displayed the injured area in front of him, "Look, it was just a collision. It's really nothing serious."

 “It’s all green.”

Nangong Luo’s frown deepened now.

Gong Qianli raised her hand, and her gentle fingers touched his eyebrows, like distant mountains.

 “I just realized now that you are very good-looking.”

“I used to have a baby face that was too tender, but now I look like a little fresh meat at my age. Wow, it’s so cool.”

The one who feels the need to take advantage of others and sigh is none other than Gong Qianli.

 “Do you know what you are doing now?”

 “Teasing you?”

 “Let you tease me.”

 The deliberately low voice fell into the ears like feathers brushing against them.

 There was also a warm touch falling on her lips.

 (End of this chapter)

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