My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1288: There is always a love rival who wants to take advantage of me

Chapter 1288 There is always a love rival who wants to take advantage of me

 “Xiao Yuer drew a picture today.”

 “Huh? What are you drawing?”


Nangong Luo deliberately raised the topic, and Gong Qianli followed his words and asked.

Gong Qianli looked back at her daughter and asked expectantly: "Hey, Yu'er drew the policeman, is it me?"

Wagged her fingers, the answer was the opposite of what she expected.

“It’s not mommy, it’s the police uncle.”

 “Police uncle?”

“Yes, it’s the policeman uncle that Yu’er saw before. He looks good in his clothes.”

 The clothes Xiao Yuer mentioned were police uniforms.

Gong Qianli understood it well and stared at Nangong Luo, seeing the man's calm look on his face.

If she doesn’t understand Nangong Luo’s thoughts now, she would be too stupid!

 She leaned back a little, and so did Nangong Luo.

 The two little Yu'ers were sitting upright, and the two adults were making eye contact behind her invisible eyes.

Gong Qianli was silently contemptuous, "Is it interesting to you to use your daughter to make explicit hints?"

Nangong Luo returned her a meaningful smile.

The innocent child didn't know that there was an undercurrent between them. He even turned out the painting book and showed it to Gong Qianli, "Mommy, look, Yu'er is going to finish this painting soon."

Gong Qianli put on a very satisfied smile and praised the painting for a good job.

Nangong Luo touched his chin, his eyes fell on the mother and daughter sitting next to him, and he felt that this day was extremely wonderful.


 Reality is always full of twists and turns.

Still halfway through, the Gong family members actually planned to ask Gong Qianli to go back with her children shortly after she got off work.

He specified that she should take Xiao Yu'er there, which would definitely not include Nangong Luo.

“Hey, I’m not going home for dinner today. I want to take Yu’er back to Gong’s house.” Gong Qianli raised her phone and saw Nangong Luo’s expression changed.

Nangong Luo's eyes seemed to be filled with anticipation, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

 In the end, Gong Qianli glanced away and pretended not to know what he meant.

“Yu’er, let’s go first.”

It's Nangong Luo's car now, and Gong Qianli plans to get off with him and transfer.

Nangong Luo took her wrist and looked at the two of them.

 “I’ll send you there.”


 The atmosphere became much lower in the second half of the journey, and even Xiao Yuer did not dare to speak casually.

 Finally, after arriving at the destination, Gong Qianli picked up her daughter from the car and did not invite Nangong Luo to sit at home.

Gong Qianli waved to Nangong Luo. It was rare to see such a calm look on his face, and she felt a little guilty.


"See you."

After getting out of the car, Nangong Luo seemed to hear Xiao Yu'er's doubtful question, "Mommy, isn't Daddy going with us?"

“Daddy has other things to do, so he won’t be with us today.”

"oh oh."

Nangong Luo lowered his head, with a vague smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, but it was not very genuine.

 The car did not turn around and drive away. It stayed here for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Gong Qianli took Xiao Yuer back and stayed there for several hours.

The driver had already been put off work by Nangong Luo, so he sat alone in the car.

 Night fell, and I didn’t see him out after eight o’clock in the evening.

 He was expecting a text message from Gu Chengxi.

 “Can we meet you sometime?”

 “Time and place.” Nangong Luo replied with four words without hesitation.

After a while, the car turned around and left its original position, flying away in a cloud of dust.

At this moment, the Gong family mansion was still full of laughter and laughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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