My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1282: If others have it, my sister must have it too!

Chapter 1282: If others have it, my sister must have it too!

“Children, have you finished the drawing assignment of ‘My Favorite Person’ that the teacher assigned you yesterday?”


 The children's voices in the classroom sounded together, and they sounded full of energy.

“Since you have finished it, please hand in your homework now. After the teacher reads it, the person with the best drawing will be rewarded.”


 Yesterday, the teacher assigned a painting assignment and reminded them that the person they like the most can be a family member or a friend.

 In the minds of children, most of them think of their parents or other relatives who accompany them when they grow up.

Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng were the first ones to be picked out. The teacher looked at them and shook his head, "Ye Qingfeng, Ye Zhiruo, you two come here."

The brother and sister were called to the podium, and the teacher placed the paintings with their names in front of the two children and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The content of the paintings of the two brothers and sisters can be said to be almost exactly the same, but one painting uses balanced colors and is painted more delicately, while the other one seems to be inferior.

 The one who painted well is of course Ye Zhiruo, and the inferior imitation is of course Ye Qingfeng.

 “What’s going on? You two draw the same thing.”

When the teacher asked, Ye Qingfeng answered without hesitation: "Teacher, Ruoruo is my sister. Ruoruo's favorite is Mommy and Daddy. My favorite is Mommy and Daddy, and we have the same father." Mommy, of course it’s the same.”

 A string of tongue twisters came out of Ye Qingfeng's mouth without even taking a breath!

Zaiye Zhiruo also nodded in agreement and supported his brother unconditionally, "Teacher, that's right."

 Looking at the twin brothers and sisters helping each other, the teacher was dumbfounded.

 But as a teacher, she has to teach her children to do well since elementary school, and she must be more serious at this time.

"I know you are twins and have the same parents, but this is not the reason for you to copy each other. Even if you like your parents the most, everyone has different feelings in their hearts, and you can't draw them. Exactly the same. Tell me honestly, was this painting painted by my sister Ye Zhiruo?"

 The teacher knocked on the table with a serious expression.

Yezhiruo, who usually didn't like to lie, lowered his head and stuck out his tongue playfully.

Seeing that neither brother nor sister responded, the teacher said: "Since you are covering up for each other, your paintings today will not be included in the competition, and you will be ineligible to receive awards."

"don't want!"

 Ye Qingfeng was the first to stand up and object.

 The teacher looked at him, waiting for him to explain himself.

Ye Qingfeng reluctantly admitted her mistake, "I had to draw it according to my sister's homework. You don't have to give me a reward, but if Ruoruo draws well, teacher, you have to give her a reward."

Sister-controlled Ye Qingfeng would rather bear everything on her own at critical moments than let her sister be wronged.

 Ye Zhiruo held his hand and said, "Brother, it's okay. Ruoruo doesn't want any reward."

 “That won’t work!”

 “If there are many things.”

 “That’s different!”

Ye Qingfeng knew that the rewards given by the teacher were very ordinary and they could buy many.

 But he also knows that the rewards for homework in class have different meanings.

The teacher had no idea that he only wanted to educate the children to be honest but instead saw such a good show of deep brother-sister love.

 “It seems that you two brothers and sisters have a good relationship.”

 “What others have, my sister must have it too!”

 (End of this chapter)

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