My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1279: Gong Qianli’s choice

Chapter 1279 Gong Qianli’s choice

 “A guest from afar.”

Gong Qianli’s words brought everyone’s thoughts back.

“Since Dr. Gu is here, let’s stay and have dinner together.”

Nangong Luo was very happy to hear that Gong Qianli treated Gu Chengxi as a guest, but the next sentence he said was to persuade Gu Chengxi to stay at home for dinner, or was he cooking the food himself?

 This made him a little annoyed.

 He gave Gong Qianli a resentful look, but Gong Qianli just pretended not to see it.

“Yu’er, mommy will take you to wash your hands and get ready for dinner.”

Xiao Yuer was obedient and stayed away from this invisible war. When the mother and daughter came back after washing their hands, Nangong Luo and Gu Chengxi sat at the dining table, staring at each other face to face.

At this moment, there is a solitary dish on the table...

Xiao Yu'er raised her head and asked doubtfully: "Mommy, can Yu'er still eat shrimp meat today?"

"Of course." Gong Qianli gave her a reassuring look, walked calmly to the dining table, paused for a second, and walked straight in the direction of Nangong Luo.

"It's just one dish. Where's the shrimp meat that Yu'er wants to eat?" She asked politely. Only a family could use such careless language.

Nangong Luo saw his daughter’s expectant expression and immediately stood up and expressed his opinion to her daughter, “Yu’er wants to eat shrimp?”


"Don't worry, daddy can go and do it for you now, okay?"

 “Thank you, Daddy.”

Xiao Yuer called Gu Chengxi doctor daddy in front of him, and Nangong Luo was so happy that he was so happy!

If Gu Chengxi hadn't been present, he would have pulled Xiao Yu'er and asked him several times whether he heard it wrong just now!

Nangong Luo was so happy that he entered the kitchen happily.

 It’s just that Gu Chengxi’s situation is not so good...

"You asked me to hide it for you before, but now you have violated your original wishes." Gu Chengxi looked at Gong Qianli and spoke in a bad tone.

Gong Qianli replied calmly: "People always change."

Xiao Yu'er couldn't understand what riddles they were playing. She only knew that mommy had told her when she took her to absorb, "Yu'er, listen to mommy now. When you go out in a while, you have to call you daddy in front of Uncle Gu." For daddy.”


Although daddy should be called daddy, Gong Qianli’s special reminder made her very confused.

Gong Qianli told her, "Uncle Gu is a guest from afar. You must be polite in front of guests. Don't let others know about your family affairs, otherwise others will think too much."

 “Hmm, Yu’er knows!”

 So Xiao Yu'er remembers that from now on she will change her name to Nangong Luo Daddy.

And she discovered that Nangong Luo seemed very happy when he heard her call "Daddy" just now.

 Xiao Yuer actually wants to make everyone around her happy.

Gu Chengxi's face is colder now than before he entered the door, and he seems to be a bit chilly.

Gong Qianli is fearless, and she knows exactly what her actions mean at this moment.

She had already understood her feelings four years ago, but she didn't expect that when she clearly understood her feelings, Gu Chengxi would be interested in her and follow her abroad.

  It’s not that she understands this way because of her narcissism, but Gu Chengxi once told him personally, “I am here because of you.”

 She was frightened at the time.

 She was alone in a foreign country, and Gu Chengxi had to stay. She couldn't even hide away.

 Until she found out she was pregnant...

 (End of this chapter)

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