My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1277: peek at him secretly

Chapter 1277: Secretly looking at him

These words are really so imaginative.

Gong Qianli saw something from Nangong Luo's expression and frowned instantly, "Hurry up and do it."

 “Do it?”

"Do you think I let you come into the kitchen to play? You are responsible for all the dinner tonight."

Nangong Luo's heart felt cold, it turned out that he had thought wrong.

 “Are you asking me to perform and cook for you here?”


 “Yes, yes, but why?”

"Yesterday, I heard Yu'er mention that her deskmate's father is a chef and the food he makes is delicious. She said she was envious, so today it's your turn to perform, let's start." Gong Qianli made a "please" to him posture, but the domineering look and eyes guarding the door seemed to tell him: Those who don't do it well are doomed!

Nangong Luo calmed down and smiled, saying, "It's a great honor to cook for you."

This is an opportunity for him to win over Xiao Yu'er, and he can't wait for it.

Nangong Luo started washing vegetables, while Gong Qianli sat at the door and played with her mobile phone.

Nangong Luo would look back at her from time to time, but he always saw her looking at something on her phone instead of paying attention to herself, which made her feel a little disappointed.

But he will not be discouraged!

 Seeing the kitchen filled with oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, an idea suddenly came to mind, "Liuli, which knife should you use to cut vegetables?"

 “The first one on the left side of the knife slot.”

 “Which side do you want to take the bowl from?”

 “The dove in the middle on the far right.”

 Gong Qianli would look up at him when answering these questions.

Nangong Luo enjoyed it because it felt like he was always communicating with her.

 As he was about to put the pot in, Nangong Luo turned on the fire and was about to ask: "This oil..."

“Every condiment and commonly used oil and salt are labeled next to it. Don’t tell me that the dignified young master of the Nangong family doesn’t understand Simplified Chinese.”

  When Nangong Luo's question just came out of his mouth, Gong Qianli blocked everything with one sentence.

Nangong Luo turned around and looked at the labels with white and black letters, and thought: %*…*…

Depend on!

 Is it so "black and white" to put oil, salt, sauce and vinegar at home?

 Starting to cook, Nangong Luo wanted to make delicious dishes to please his daughter, so he put away his extra thoughts and concentrated on considering the ingredients and the amount of ingredients.

Gong Qianli raised her eyes and looked away from her mobile phone.

 In fact, this page on the phone has not changed since she entered this room and turned on the phone.

Previously, every time Nangong Luo looked back at her, he thought she was looking at her phone. In fact...

  When a person does something seriously, he will exude his own unique charm. When the noble young master enters the kitchen and rolls up his sleeves and picks up the spatula, there is nothing unconventional about it.

Sitting at the door, I looked up and just saw his profile.

Nangong Luo's face was originally tender. He had been in society for many years. Even though he was wearing a suit, he looked like he was just over 20 years old. If he changed into a simple T-shirt and went out, he might be recognized as a college student.

The sound of the spatula colliding with the pot was particularly clear in the quiet kitchen. Nangong Luo raised his hand and touched his forehead with the back of his hand. He inadvertently looked back towards the door and happened to catch Gong Qianli's sight.

 Looking at each other.

Gong Qianli could hear herself swallowing.

 The heartbeat is suddenly accelerating, and the "bang bang bang" is obvious.

Nangong Luo's handsome face suddenly burst into a smile, "Liu Li, are you attracted by my handsome appearance?"

  【Men who cook are really super attractive】

 (End of this chapter)

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