My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1258: Zhong Yun’s true purpose back then

Chapter 1258 Zhong Yun’s true purpose back then

The news of Mr. Nangong's death spread quickly. On the day of the funeral, prominent figures in S City came to express their condolences.

As the grandson, Nangong Luo knelt in front of the portrait, and with him were Gong Qianli and Xiao Yu'er.

Almost everyone regarded Gong Qianli as the old man's granddaughter-in-law. Those in the circle were very surprised by this, but they did not dare to question it due to the solemnity of the funeral.

Zhong Yun ran away with Nangong Yu because she was responsible for the death of the old man. She was so guilty that she didn't dare to appear in the sight of Nangong's family.

Following Gong Qianli's actions, the Gong family finally knew Xiao Yu'er's true life experience.


 But the truth was revealed at the time of the old man's funeral. As close friends of the family, they would tolerate it temporarily even if they were dissatisfied with Nangong Luo.

It takes a few days to endure it when you first know the truth, and after a while, you will gradually digest the truth.

Soon, Nangong Luo revealed all about his relationship with Zhong Yun, and also revealed the fact that he and Nangong Yu were not related by blood, including the marriage was all fake.

Zhong Yun, who got the news from afar, was going crazy.

“Nangong Luo, you deceive me so much!”

Zhong Yun threw away the phone and squatted down, feeling angry and heartbroken at the same time.

She used Nangong Luo's guilt to ask Nangong Luo to help her cover the birth of her daughter. At first, it was because of hatred. She hated Nangong Luo for appearing in the bank and causing Fang Yu's death. She was unwilling to let Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo finally get married. . So she devised a scene with her mother and successfully persuaded Nangong Luo to cooperate with her.

During the time they got together, although Nangong Luo was not close to her, she gradually discovered the benefits of marrying Nangong Luo, so after giving birth to her daughter, she began to make excuses to delay the marriage.

 She didn’t expect that game feelings would transfer with the passage of time. When she found that she gradually forgot about Fang Yu and fell in love with Nangong Luo, she became greedy and wanted more.

It's just that Nangong Luo has always hidden an untouchable person in her heart, and the true love deep in Nangong Luo's heart has become her biggest obstacle.

Over the past few years, she has been able to show the image of a considerate wife in front of Nangong Luo, but in the end she still couldn't move Nangong Luo's heart.

And because of Nangong Yu's relationship, Nangong Luo's people became more and more alienated from her.

 The two of them are strangers under the same name.

 But she thought that at least she was listed as Nangong Luo's legal wife in name, but she didn't discover the truth until today!

It’s really ridiculous. There was no wedding ceremony in her “marriage”, and even the marriage certificate was fake.

The marriage certificate in her hand was just something Nangong Luo used to deceive the Nangong family. Everything was fake!

No matter how hard you calculated, you never expected that he would be so cold-hearted.


Nangong Yu ran to Zhong Yun holding the dessert she just bought, "Mommy, when are we going home?"

 “Yu’er, do you want to go home?”

“The house here is not big enough, and it is not as beautiful as Yu’er’s room. Yu’er still wants to live in a big room.”

“Then mommy will change Yu’er to a bigger room tomorrow.”

“It’s not about changing to a bigger room, it’s about getting that big room at home!”

“Yu’er, haven’t you always wanted to go out and play? It’s only been a few days since Mommy took you out.”

 “I don’t, I don’t, I want to go back!”

 (End of this chapter)

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