My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1244: After eating it, he turns his face and refuses to recognize anyone else.

 Chapter 1244: After eating it, he turns his face and refuses to recognize anyone else

She looked at Nangong Luo with clear eyes and asked, "Uncle, do you want to protect my mommy?"


Nangong Luo's response was straightforward and affirmative.

 Xiao Yu'er had a faint smile on her face and seemed to be very happy about it.

From the beginning to the end, she never knew that the person who wanted to bully her mother and the person who caused her harm was precisely because of Nangong Luo.

Nangong Luo looked at the mother and daughter beside the bed, and his decision became even firmer.


Gong Qianli woke up after taking a nap.

  She straightened up, and the coat she wore behind her slid down her back to the ground.

She turned around and saw that the man's black coat undoubtedly belonged to Nangong Luo.

  reaching out her hand to pick up the coat, the feeling in her hand made her feel very uncomfortable.

 He raised his head and glanced at his daughter who was still sleeping with her eyes closed. She was sitting on the bedside, holding the coat in her hand in a daze.

 Should she not come back?

 Since returning to China, it seems that many things have started to go wrong.

 But what’s wrong with her wanting to go home?

Her roots are here, her relatives and friends are all here, in this huge S city, she, Gong Qianli, doesn’t need to bow down to anyone!

 Zhong Yun...She doesn't owe Zhong Yun anything.

Gong Qianli quietly left the ward and made a phone call in the corner of the corridor.

She didn't say much or ask much. She just left a quick warning, "Zhong Yun, I'm going to give you a warning. If you come to pester me again, I will take away whatever you are afraid of losing!"

Zhong Yun almost vomited blood when she received the call.

However, these are not within the scope of Gong Qianli's consideration.

 She returned to the ward to guard her daughter, but her stomach began to growl.

He touched his stomach and sighed, "I'm so hungry."

 She didn't want to tell her family about her daughter's injury, lest they worry, so she could only stay here by herself.

 It was absolutely impossible for her to leave her daughter alone in the ward.

Just as I was about to turn on my phone and order a takeaway, the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open.

 I saw Nangong Luo, wearing a gray singlet, walking in from the door with a bag in both hands.

Nangong Luo put the things in his hands on the table. Seeing that Gong Qianli was awake, he naturally called her to eat, "I bought breakfast, so you can eat some when you wake up."

"No thanks."

Gong Qianli refused simply.

 But the next second, her stomach growled and betrayed her easily.

Gong Qianli gritted her teeth and glanced away, not daring to look.

Nangong Luo sat on the stool and opened the fragrant food, "The meat pie here tastes the same as before, it's really good."

 He praised it while eating. As the aroma spread, Gong Qianli took a sniff.

 This is crazy!

This was her favorite meat pie.

She clenched her fists and suddenly stood up. The menacing Chao Nangong Luo walked over, and then...

 Then he picked up the food on the table and took a few quick bites.


 Eating too quickly, retribution came and I choked.

Nangong Luo quickly patted her back and handed her a glass of milk, "Still so careless."

 “I want you to take care of it!”

"Liu Li, are you trying to burn bridges across the river? After eating, you will turn your back on me and deny anyone else?"

 “It’s not like I begged you to buy it.”

“Yes, I forced you to eat it before I bought it.”

"Hey...if I remember correctly, that store seems to be ten kilometers away from this time..."

 “I remember correctly.”

"Then you..." You traveled so far just to buy her a breakfast that you once liked?

Gong Qianli lowered her eyes and saw that Nangong Luo’s fingernails were all black.

 (End of this chapter)

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