My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1239: Xiao Yuer was injured and fell into coma

Chapter 1239 Xiao Yuer was injured and fell into coma

Nangong Yu pushed Xiao Yu'er to the ground hard, and her head hit the floor with a loud "thud".

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations. The moment Gong Qianli saw her daughter being pushed to the ground, she was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her chest.


Gong Qianli quickly reached out to hug her daughter, only to find that Xiao Yu'er had her eyes closed tightly and didn't respond.

The head that hit the ground gradually began to bleed with bright red blood.

Blood stains spread to Gong Qianli's fingers, and her hands trembled.

 “Yu’er, don’t scare mommy…”


Gong Qianli sent Xiao Yu'er to the hospital as quickly as possible. Unexpectedly, this push directly sent Xiao Yu'er into the operating room.

Zhong Yun was guarding outside with Nangong Yu who had caused trouble, and her heart was numb with nervousness.

If something happens to Xiao Yu'er, their mother and daughter will suffer.

Nangong Luo didn't wait for Gong Qianli and Xiao Yu'er at the old man's side. He hesitated for a long time and finally decided to call and ask.

Hearing Gong Qianli's panicked voice on the phone, he realized that something was wrong.

The nurse's voice came accidentally on the phone, and Nangong Luo immediately asked: "Liu Li? Are you in the hospital?"

Gong Qianli couldn't care less about hiding anything now. She was filled with worry, "Yu'er, Yu'er, she fainted and entered the operating room. It's been half an hour and she doesn't know what's going on. What should I do... what should I do..."

 “Don’t worry, I’ll be right over!”

Nangong Luo put away his cell phone and was about to walk out. Mr. Nangong, who had gotten up from the bed at some point, suddenly called him from behind, "Luo'er, what happened?"

"Grandpa is fine. Liuli said he has something to do today and can't come. I'll go help with it."


Nangong Luo made up a nonsense reason and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

It was almost fifty minutes after Xiao Yuer was sent to the operating room. Zhong Yun was also waiting outside with Nangong Yu in her arms.

Gong Qianli paced back and forth, very anxious.

Nangong Yu, who had just gotten into trouble, was also a little scared. She asked, "Mommy, is someone going to die?"

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Zhong Yun quickly covered her mouth, but Gong Qianli had already heard it!

Gong Qianli strode over and forced Nangong Yu out, warning fiercely, "You are talking nonsense and I will tear your mouth apart!"

Nangong Yu didn’t listen, “It’s like this on TV, you’re going to die!”

Three-year-old Nangong Yu still has no real concept of death. Not knowing what a horrible nightmare this word is for a worried mother.

 Zhong Yun wants to get her daughter back.

Gong Qianli pulled Nangong Yu back, raised her hand and slapped Nangong Yu on the face.


 After this slap, it seemed as if the whole world was quiet for a second.

When Nangong Luo, Mrs. Nangong, and Zhong Mu arrived together, they happened to bump into this scene.

Mrs. Nangong, who came in a hurry, was also anxious, "What's going on?"

Only Nangong Luo stood beside Gong Qianli and asked: "How is Yu'er's condition?"

Zhong’s mother rushed over, “You woman, what do you want, how dare you hit my granddaughter!”

The arrogant Zhong Mu also raised her hand to slap Gong Qianli, but Nangong Luo caught it steadily with one hand.

Zhong Mu pointed at him and accused, "Why are you helping outsiders?"

Nangong Luo didn’t answer, but restricted Zhong Mu’s movements.

Gong Qianli raised her eyes and glanced at everyone, and warned coldly, "So what if you hit someone! If you hurt my daughter, she won't get better!"

 (End of this chapter)

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