My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1224: Mrs. Nangong’s suspicion

Chapter 1224 Mrs. Nangong’s Suspicion

Xiao Yu'er couldn't name the dishes that were too complicated, but the names of the foods she named were very clear.

Mrs. Nangong felt something sounded familiar. She was surprised when the food was served. Aren't these similar to Nangong Luo's hobbies?

Some people are picky eaters, and some people think that any food is acceptable, but even people who are not picky eaters always have some foods that they particularly like.

 The one Xiao Yu'er ordered was similar to Nangong Luo's preference.

Gong Qianli had been carefully paying attention to Mrs. Nangong's expression. Seeing her staring at the food, Gong Qianli picked up the tea and took a sip.

“Auntie asked me out for something today?”

“I’ve heard a lot about what happened after you came back. I’ve wanted to see you before but couldn’t find a suitable opportunity. Today is a coincidence.”

Mrs. Nangong didn’t expect that Gong Qianli would bring the child, so there were some things she couldn’t say.

 “Mommy, I want to drink some water.”

There is only tea from the restaurant on the table.

 Appropriate amount of light tea is good for children's health, but Gong Qianli usually doesn't let little Yu'er drink tea outside.

“Wait a minute, Mommy, go and ask if there is warm water for you to drink, okay?”


When Gong Qianli stood up, she suddenly heard Xiao Yu'er asking Mrs. Nangong, "Does Grandma Nangong need it?"

 Xiao Yu'er's question made the two adults stunned for a moment.

Gong Qianli didn't expect that it was because the adults had no scruples about tea, so she didn't ask specifically.

 Mrs. Nangong was surprised by this.

The child she usually interacts with is Nangong Yu. Nangong Yu has always been self-centered and never knows how to care about other people's feelings when speaking or doing things.

She really didn't expect that Xiao Yu'er would even think of greeting her specially when he drank water... The difference between Xiao Yu'er and Nangong Yu is so big!

 “No, no need, thank you Xiao Yu’er.”

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t even think of this.” Gong Qianli first apologized to Mrs. Nangong, and then encouraged Xiao Yuer, “Thank you for the reminder, honey.”

 It doesn’t have to be so complicated, but as a parent, she must set an example in front of her children!

Mrs. Nangong seems to understand a little better. The behavior of children is often directly proportional to the education of adults.

Xiao Yuer is well-educated at first glance.

After Gong Qianli left her seat, Xiao Yuer remained obedient, chewing the rice in the bowl slowly.

Mrs. Nangong tried to talk to her, "Yu'er, do you think these dishes are delicious?"

 “Hmm, that’s great.” Xiao Yu’er praised without hesitation, and at the same time, her little gesture of extending her thumb was natural and cute.

Mrs. Nangong smiled.

“Yu’er, as long as you like it, is there anything you particularly like to eat? Or is there anything you can’t eat?”

 “Hmm…I don’t know.” She shook her head.

 She is not picky about food, she thinks anything is fine, but what if it is something she cannot eat? She only has fruits that she can't eat, but there seems to be no vegetables that she can't eat.

“It’s okay, just eat more if you like. Children need to grow up.”

 “Thank you, Grandma Nangong.”

“The four words sound awkward. It’s better for Yu’er to just call her grandma. It sounds more friendly.”

 “Okay, grandma.”

Xiao Yuer happily changed her voice and shouted, her voice sweet and soft.

I don’t know if it’s because of the different personalities of the children, but Mrs. Nangong felt that Xiao Yu’er’s shouting of grandma was different from Nangong Yu’s shouting.

She even had a selfish thought: It would be great if Yu'er was a child of their Nangong family, and she would be loved by the elders.

“Yu’er, have you always lived abroad with your mother?”

 (End of this chapter)

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