My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1201: Xiao Yuer is allergic to mango

Chapter 1201 Xiao Yuer is allergic to mangoes

 At the strong invitation of the Ye family brothers and sisters, Xiao Yuer was sent to the Ye family on weekends.

Ye Youwei was originally looking after her, but Ye Weiwei received an emergency call and had to leave the house.

Leng Yanxi watched her three children play in the yard, and they took Xiao Yuer to see the beautiful swing in the yard.

“Look, this is the swing my godfather made for us.”

 “Your godfather is so good.” Xiao Yuer’s words revealed deep envy.

Ye Qingfeng patted her chest and promised, "I have already told you that Ruoruo and I's godfather is also your godfather. When the time comes, let your godfather make one for you too."

Xiao Yuer corrected him, "Well, mommy said you can only call me uncle."

“Uncle, I’m just an uncle. My godfather is a very nice person. If you tell him when the time comes, he will definitely agree.”

Xiao Yu'er still shook her head, "Mommy said you can't accept things from strangers."

 For her, Nangong Luo was someone she had never interacted with in person, and was equivalent to a stranger.

Although, she quite likes the stranger in the photo...

Hearing what Xiao Yu'er said, Ye Zhiruo gave her an idea, "Brother, why don't we call the godfather here and let him be Yu'er's godfather too, so that he is no longer a stranger!"

 “I think it’s okay!”

 The three children made their own decisions while talking.

Ye Qingfeng hurriedly ran to the living room to call Nangong Luo. Like a little adult, he asked formally: "Godfather, are you free?"

Today is the weekend, and Nangong Luo happens to be free while taking a break from his busy schedule.

At this moment, he received invitations from two children. He had no reason to shirk and was willing to go and see the two children.

 Meanwhile, the three children were playing on the swings in the yard.

As an older brother, Ye Qingfeng graciously gave up the swing to his two younger sisters.

Leng Yanxi brought fruit plates to the children. She had no idea that Nangong Luo was about to arrive at Yejia!

“Feng’er, Zhiruo, and Yu’er, come over and eat some fruits. I’ve cut them up for you.”

“Auntie, I don’t want to eat fruit.” Ye Qingfeng is not picky about food, but she is a little resistant to fruits.

Leng Yanxi shook her head, "You must eat a little, often fruits."

 She handed the children forks. The Ye family brothers and sisters were already used to it. Everything on the plate was a nutritious combination.

It’s just that the fork handed to Xiao Yuer happened to be forked with mangoes.

Xiao Yuer shook her head and refused to answer.

“Yu’er doesn’t like to eat fruits either?” Leng Yanxi was worried, maybe she had met another child who rejected fruits.

Xiao Yu'er shook her head again and explained: "Mommy told Yu'er not to eat this because it will cause stomachache."

"Ah, are they taboo? I'm sorry." These fruits are very common. The Ye family brothers and sisters have no fruit taboos. She ignored them for a moment.

Leng Yanxi quickly changed another plate for Xiao Yu'er and let her eat by herself.

 The three children were sitting around the table. Ye Qingfeng was eating and playing, "Why isn't your godfather here yet?"

 “Who did you say is coming?”


 “Which godfather?”

“Auntie is stupid, of course he is godfather Nangong!”

“…” Being despised by the children, Leng Yanxi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Nangong Luo was a regular guest of the Ye family. He didn’t need a guard to notify him when he came here, so when he came in, Leng Yanxi didn’t know about it.

By the time Leng Yanxi learned the news of his coming from the children, Nangong Luo had already arrived at the door before she could stop him.

  【Get excited, the father and daughter are about to meet】



 (End of this chapter)

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