My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1192: Nangong Luo spoke the truth after drinking

Chapter 1192 Nangong Luo spoke the truth after drinking

Gong Qianyu patted his head and wanted to say something.

When Gong Qianli went abroad four years ago, he stubbornly blamed Nangong Luo for his fault, thinking that it was Nangong Luo who broke his sister's heart.

 But until a certain party, Nangong Luo got drunk and talked to him a lot.

It is said that one speaks the truth after drinking. That time Nangong Luo revealed all his feelings for Gong Qianli.

  He said that he liked someone from high school to now, and would even last a lifetime.

 He said that he was jealous of Gu Chengxi, jealous that Gu Chengxi got the people and hearts that he could not ask for.

He also said he asked a question, "Do you know how much I want to be your real brother-in-law?"

At that time, Gong Qianyu already understood that Nangong Luo really liked his sister.

 It's just that a lot of time has passed now, and Gong Qianyu is no longer the child who could do whatever he wanted.

Since Gong Qianli didn't want to listen, he naturally didn't bring it up to spoil the fun.


 When Gong Qianli returned to the Gong family, the elders had already educated her after knowing that she was pregnant before marriage.

 Educatability is education. Now that children are already able to do soy sauce, they still have to accept it.

Mrs. Gong relented at that time and said, "Let's take the child home and have a look first."

Gong Qianyu still has the biggest question at the moment: "Sister, I still want to ask, whose child is Yu'er?"

Gong Qianyu raised her index finger to her mouth and said two words mysteriously, "Secret."

“I can’t figure out which **** takes advantage of my sister and is not responsible!”

"Wrong! Do you think your sister and I are being taken advantage of? It's just that I can't bear to kick someone."

Gong Qianyu didn't believe it. He felt that his sister must be too proud to admit it.

At that time, when Gong Qianli told the Gong family that she had given birth to a daughter but had no father, they were shocked and asked about the father of the child, but Gong Qianli only said that she was now raising her daughter alone.

 Just thinking about it makes me angry!

"Even if you kick someone, you still have to tell us who it is, right?"

"I don't want to pay attention to those who kicked me. I'll tell you what to do. If something happens to break the connection and implicate my Yu'er, I have to worry about you!"

 “Okay, okay, I won’t say.”

 “That’s okay.”

 While the two were talking, Xiao Yu'er had fallen asleep in Gong Qianli's warm embrace.

Gong Qianli told her cousin, "Keep your voice down."

 “I got it, sister.”

My cousin feels very amazing when he sees how meticulously Gong Qianli takes care of Xiao Yuer now.

In Gong Qianyu's heart, Gong Qianli has always been a tomboy, and she was born to be cared for by others. Even though she wanted to protect others, she couldn't be so meticulous in the details.

I didn’t expect that she would change so much after becoming a mother. I’m afraid Mrs. Palace would be amazed when she saw this scene.

 The eldest lady of the Gong family has finally matured.

 The car drove slowly towards Gong's house.

At this moment, Nangong Luo, whom Gong Qianli didn't want to mention, had actually arrived at the door of Gong's house.

  I learned from Ye Weiwei that Gong Qianli didn’t know what to do after she came back, and Nangong Luo was in a state of confusion.

He himself didn't know how he appeared outside the Gong family. It seemed that by the time his consciousness became clear, he was already here.

 It turns out that the things you have been avoiding do not mean letting go.

Even a simple sentence like "Liu Li returns home" can disturb his mind.

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【Then the question is, will Luo bump into Liuli holding the child, hahaha】



 (End of this chapter)

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