My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1180: Airport, meeting acquaintances

Chapter 1180 Airport, meeting acquaintances

“Counting the time, Liuli will get off the plane in half an hour.”

When the clock reached one o'clock, Ye Weiwei pushed open the children's room and called out Ye Xichen and the two children who were playing games, "Ahem, it's time, we are going out."

Ye Xichen drove, and Ye Weiwei sat in the back with his two children.

 Four-year-old Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo have grown up a bit. They are handsome boys and beautiful little princesses. The two children have inherited the appearance advantages of their parents and are so beautiful that everyone loves them.

The quieter Ye Zhiruo clung to her mother's arm obediently, while the noisy Ye Qingfeng entangled Ye Weiyi, chattering and asking, "Will my godmother give me a gift?"

 “Will my godmother bring me something delicious?”

The little guy seemed to have a hundred thousand questions in his head, chattering endlessly.

Ye Zhiruo, who really couldn't stand listening, held her mother's arm and poked half of her head out to look at her brother sitting on the other side, "Brother, you dismantled the limited edition robot QAQ that your godmother gave you yesterday."

Ye Qingfeng stuttered when his sister pointed out the bad things he had done without mercy, "Who, who broke it! He broke it himself!"

Ye Zhiruo smiled shyly, but Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen saw through it without saying anything.

The family of four arrived at the airport, ten minutes before Gong Qianli got off the plane.

Originally, Gong Qianli was not going to inform anyone about her return to China, but when she contacted her before, Gong Qianli let it slip. Ye Weiwei asked for details in a few words, and then she learned that Gong Qianli was returning to China today. oh.

However, Gong Qianli Qian warned Wan not to tell the Gong family, lest the entire Gong family get excited and rush to the airport to "besiege" her, which might cause a blockage?

Gong Qianli always used exaggerated words, but Ye Weiyi understood what she meant.

Finally, she made an agreement with Gong Qianli that her family of four would come to pick her up at the airport, saying, "Let you feel the warmth of home as soon as you return to China."

 They all thought that Gong Qianli would come back "alone".

 Ye Weiwei waited and waited, always staring at the exit.

  A slightly familiar figure appeared in her sight, but when she saw that figure was holding a child next to it, she dismissed it instantly.

Ye Weiwei picked up his mobile phone and called Gong Qianli, but saw that the man also raised his mobile phone at the same time.

Ye Weiwei blinked and saw the familiar figure turning his head.


 She was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone.

 Ye Youwei heard Gong Qianli on the other end of the phone say to her, "Youwei, I saw you." "

Then, Ye Weiwei saw the woman dragging the suitcase in one hand and holding the child in the other walking towards her.

 The closer she got, the clearer she could see, until finally she had to admit that the woman with the child was...

 “Hello, long time no see!”

Gong Qianli! Saying hello to her!

The only thing I could clearly see these nights was that Gong Qianli, who was becoming more and more feminine, was no longer talking to her through video calls across the ocean, but was actually standing in front of her.


According to Ye Weiwei's excitement about meeting her friend, she should have given her a big hug as soon as she saw Gong Qianli, but now she was both excited and confused.

Ye Weiwei couldn't hold back her restless heart and asked tentatively: "Who is the kid next to you?"

Gong Qianli smiled brightly and generously pushed her daughter forward a little, "Let me introduce you, this is my daughter, Gong Qianyu."

 (End of this chapter)

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