My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1139: One night and a hundred days of grace between husband and wife

Chapter 1139: One night and a hundred days of grace between husband and wife

 The news about Xiang Yan came again, and the pervasive sense of coercion invaded her sanity.

Xiang Yan sent one message after another, using her photo set to force her to submit.

Xia Xiyun clenched her fists, and the rings between her fingers were wrapped around her fingers.

She couldn't bear it anymore and called back and asked angrily: "Xiang Yan, what on earth do you want to do!"

 Xiang Yan’s triumphant laughter came from the phone, as if he was happy that he had successfully caught the prey.

"Yun'er, one night's love lasts for a hundred days, don't forget to easily forget our one night's love."

 “That’s enough! Stop talking!”

“Yun’er, don’t be angry, come out and have a meal, otherwise I don’t even know who to give the stack of photos in my hand to…”

 Threat, the threat of red lolo.

Xiang Yan meant that if she didn't go to the appointment to get it in person, she would give her photo to someone else, which would be tantamount to being exposed.

 But she knew very well that she could not compromise.

 Once she compromises, there will be a second time after the first time. For her, it will be endless hurt and humiliation.

Xia Xiyun angrily retorted, "Are you trying to drive me crazy? Xiang Yan, let me tell you, don't threaten me. A dog will jump over the wall when he is anxious. If you drive me anxious, I don't know what I will do. Crazy things!”

After hearing this, Ke Xiangyan felt no fear in his heart and said three words confidently: "You can't."

Just three words shattered the strong fortress that Xia Xiyun had built.

It’s not that she doesn’t know how to do it, it’s that she doesn’t dare.

 Xiang Yan is rich and powerful, and she cannot overpower him.

In a lose-lose ending, it doesn't matter if she is scarred, but it will definitely affect the people around her.

 It’s just that all this weakness and incompetence must not be shown in front of Xiang Yan. Even if she is afraid, she will not lose her momentum.

“Xiang Yan, don’t think that everything will go as you wish. The worst may happen! I don’t care about my future or my reputation. Let’s see!”

Xia Xiyun decisively hung up the phone and immediately added the number to the blacklist.

She did not hesitate to ask the company to terminate the contract. Even if it required compensation for breach of contract, she did not want to continue.

Everyone asked for the reason, but Xia Xiyun did it cleanly and decisively.

 A stain that cannot be erased, in order to prevent it from getting bigger, use extreme methods to reduce it.

Director Li approached Xiang Yan for unknown reasons, "You asked me to help take care of Xia Xiyun before. Why did you suddenly change your mind today? You would rather pay liquidated damages than touch the contract."

Xiang Yan found out after checking that Xia Xiyun's affairs were indeed out of his control!

Xia Xiyun would rather give up her promising future and cut ties with him.

 Xiang Yan has played with more women than he can count on one hand. Some took the initiative to climb into bed for money, some were coaxed by his handsome appearance and gentleness, and some were forced by him like Xia Xiyun...

 In short, those who are favored by Xiang Yan will most likely not be able to escape, because the villain will use all possible means.

Xiang Yan is used to tempting people with money and fame, but when he met Xia Xiyun, Xia Xiyun was the first to resist him in such a decisive way.


Xiang Yan didn't have any sense of crisis from beginning to end. He had checked that Xia Xiyun's family background was ordinary, so he had nothing to fear.

Xiang Yan does have photos in his hand, but he doesn't plan to release these things before he loses interest in Xia Xiyun. After all...

  After all, this is the trump card in his hand!

 What Xiang Yan didn’t know was that he was already being targeted!

 (End of this chapter)

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