My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1136: I'm dirty, dirty...

Chapter 1136 I am very dirty, very dirty...

The night wind was desolate, Xia Xiyun stood by the river, letting the cool breeze blow, she couldn't feel the normal temperature, she only felt bitingly cold! Cold to the core from the outside to the inside.

If she jumped into this calm lake, would it be able to wash away all the dirt on her body?

She endured the humiliation soberly but was unable to resist. Every time she thought of that scene, she really, really seemed to jump from here to end all nightmares!


Han Xingye found Xia Xiyun based on her mobile phone positioning. The moment he saw her, he found her standing by the river without guardrails, half of her feet out.

Han Xingye’s heart suddenly reached its peak.

 He approached quietly and hugged Xia Xiyun from behind.

Xia Xiyun struggled like a frightened trapped animal and reacted extremely.

 “Yunyun, it’s me.”

 “Let me go, don’t touch me!”

Han Xingye was worried about hurting her, so he let her go and held her hand, "Yunyun, what happened?"

Xia Xiyun shook her head and backed away. What she wanted most was to break free from Han Xingye's hand, "Let me go, don't, don't come over."

 She was frightened and full of fear.

Han Xingye felt even more worried when he saw her losing control of her emotions.

“Don’t be afraid, let me take you home first, okay?”

Xia Xiyun still shook his head, and his tears kept falling like dropped beads, which made Han Xingye feel distressed.

With Xia Xiyun looking like this, he would definitely not dare to let go.

Han Xingye took a step forward and hugged her directly, hugging her tightly and not letting her go. "Yunyun, no matter what happens, just tell me and I will accompany you to help you solve it. Don't reject me."

Hearing Han Xingye's firm defensive tone, Xia Xiyun leaned into his arms and burst into tears.

 “I’m very dirty, very dirty…”

 In the end, Xia Xiyun was carried back by Han Xingye when she was tired from crying.

Xia Xiyun never said anything, and Han Xingye had countless speculations in his heart, knowing that he found those marks on her body when he changed her clothes.

Based on what Xia Xiyun said intermittently, he guessed that an accident was very likely to happen, and he felt as if a knife had opened a dripping wound in his heart.

Xia Xiyun's eyelashes trembled. When she felt those warm palms touching her body, she could no longer pretend to sleep.

 She opened her eyes, pushed Han Xingye's hand away, and rushed into the bathroom.

She wanted to wash her whole body, but the humiliation she suffered would become a scar that would be burned into her heart forever.

Han Xingye did not remain silent because he knew that his current attitude was particularly important to Xia Xiyun.

“So, no matter what happens, you have me.”

"say no more."

 How does she deserve it? How could she deserve the millions of affection he gave her now?

"It's me, I'm sorry for you, I'm not worthy of you, please leave."

"Yun, I don't care about that. For me, it's enough for you to stay with me."

  “Can’t, can’t.”

 He is the proud son of heaven, the bright moon hanging high in the sky in her heart.

Originally, she was like the stars. Later, she worked hard to chase and catch up, and finally became the star closest to the bright moon. But now, she has fallen into the mud on the ground and can no longer get close to the bright moon in the sky.

 Unworthy, she is not qualified to get closer.

“Han Xingye, I’m sorry for you.”


 She refused to come out, so Han Xingye opened the door directly.

Xia Xiyun immersed her whole body in water, her face covered with tears.

 She couldn't face it, she really couldn't face it!

 (End of this chapter)

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