My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1107: Liuli went abroad for training...for half a year

Chapter 1107 Liuli goes abroad for training...half a year

“There is a new email sent from above, please download it and take a look.”

“Okay.” For the police, the words from their superiors were instructions. They immediately started downloading and reviewing the documents. Only Gong Qianli sat there staring at the computer screen in trance.


 The partner next to her pushed her and reminded her, "Why are you distracted at work again?"

Gong Qianli changed her sitting position and shook her head, "What are you looking at?"

 “Let’s download the file.”

"Oh, thank you."

Colleagues asked with concern: "What's going on with you recently? You're absent-minded at work. Did something happen?"

 Putting her elbows on the table and rubbing her eyebrows with her fingers, Gong Qianli's voice was much lower than usual, "I've been a little upset lately. I'm sorry, I will adjust it as soon as possible."

 “Take care of yourself and let me know if you need help.”


 She has indeed been a little out of sorts recently, mainly because all the things that happened during this period were unexpected to her.

 Fang Yu died, Zhong Yun became pregnant, and Nangong Luo got married. The continuous bombardment of these three events alone made her heart scarred.

 Finally, the only happy event of giving birth to triplets one night brought her some joy, but the youngest poor child died early.

 All things added together more than doubled the original sadness.

These things have been bothering her.

These days, she deliberately avoided those people because she was really afraid that she would not be able to help but do something!

  Ratching her hair, Gong Qianli clicked on the download file.

 Click on the beginning to see what kind of training-related documents it is.

Anyway, it would definitely not be her turn as a newcomer to get the benefits. She took a quick tour and didn't take it to heart.

 Until her superiors found her to talk to.

“This training is mainly for newcomers, because new talents are the new strength injected..."

Gong Qianli heard a lot of official words. She really wanted to rub her ears, but she couldn't make a mistake in front of her boss.

 “You mean to ask me to attend training?”

“It’s like this, this time the quota has come down, and we have one in our bureau. Ordinarily for a new person, you will be an intern for one year, but you will not be able to serve for more than one year. You also have experience in assisting in case handling, so we think it is most appropriate to recommend you to go.”

“This is a rare opportunity. If you are lucky, you may not just be a small policeman in the future.”

 As police officers who serve the people, they can hold many positions.

Perhaps some people want to have a stable job, and some people want to rush to the front to serve the people, but who doesn’t want to climb higher?

Gong Qianli has no objection.

“Thank you, Director, for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely work hard!”

“Okay, then go back and get ready. We will arrange for you to go abroad together.”

 “Going abroad???”

Gong Qianli was stunned when she heard the last sentence.

 “Isn’t that... training?” Why are you going abroad again?

Gong Qianli asked this question well, but the director was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you read the relevant content in the document?"

"..." Gong Qianli blinked. She was embarrassed to say that she didn't care, and then lied, "Maybe, there were too many words at the time, and I missed it. I'm sorry."

The director put one hand behind his back and pointed to the paper document next to the computer with one hand, "Look at it."

 “Going abroad for training…half a year?”

 (End of this chapter)

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