My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1103: Child, the body is cold

Chapter 1103 Child, the body is cold

"Don't play tricks on me. You have to know that it would be as easy for me to crush her to death as an ant."

 “Don’t be impulsive! We won’t mess around.”

Ye Weiwei was afraid that Ye Hantian would suddenly hurt her child out of sheer thought. As a mother, she was really not willing to risk her child at all.

Looking at Ye Xichen retreating step by step.

 Ye Youwei stared at Ye Hantian closely, looking timid because he was worried about the child.

Until Ye Xichen exited the door, Ye Hantian was slightly satisfied, "Close the door and leave my sight."

Ye Xichen slowly raised his hand and held the door handle.

Ye Weiwei echoed, "We agree to everything you said."

 At the same time, she took a step closer to Ye Hantian.

 “Bang—” The door closed.

Ye Hantian breathed a huge sigh of relief.

He glanced at the flustered Ye Yiyi and smiled mockingly, because he felt that the remaining Ye Yiyi had no threat to him.

 But just when Ye Hantian was relaxing, someone hit him **** the back.

Ye Youwei took the opportunity to **** the child from his arms. While holding Mo Xiangnuan in his arms, the door suddenly opened.

Ye Weiwei held the child tightly and turned around to run away. It wasn't until Ye Xichen caught her that she felt at ease.


Ye Xichen protected her and sent mother and daughter to the car downstairs. This was considered safe.

 In fact, they installed a portable camera at the door when they entered the house just now.

Ye Ziyi is really worried about the child, but she has not really lost her ability to think, so she and Ye Xichen cooperate in a tacit understanding.

When Ye Xichen exited and closed the door, the sound he made was to cover up the rescuer who came in through the window, so when that person took action against Ye Hantian, Ye was the only one able to take the child away in time.

The child returned to her pregnancy. Ye Weiwei couldn't wait to look down at the child, and found that the child had his eyes closed, neither crying nor fussing, as if... lifeless.

 When they receive the child, the first thing they do is take the child to the hospital for a physical examination.

 On the way, Ye Youwei tried to wake the child up.



Deliberately putting aside bad thoughts, Ye Weiyi comforted herself, "Of course Nuan Nuan can't answer me at such a young age. I'm so stupid."

Even though she said this, she still stretched out her fingers tremblingly and approached the child's nose.

Ye Ziyi’s heart felt like it was stabbed suddenly, and it hurt so much that he couldn’t speak.

 Because the child...has no breath.

 “No, it’s impossible.”

Ye Weiwei shook her head as she muttered to herself, her facial expressions constantly changing, because her thoughts were now in a mess.

 Ye Xichen tried to take the child away from her hands, "Give me the child."

Ye Weiyi "smiled" and carefully put the child into his arms, "Brother, look, our Nuan Nuan is very cute, right? She is so good."

 Ye Xichen came into contact with the child and truly felt that the child's temperature was cold.

 There was a deep sting in the eyes.

 As a father and husband, he cannot express all his emotions like Ye Weiyi.

 He tightened his hand, and his warm and thick palms dragged the child's body, showing his gentle care for the child.

 “Well, our daughter is very well-behaved.”

No one wants to face the real results.

 They still continued to go to the hospital.

 “Doctor, look at this child.”

The doctor wanted to examine the child, but as soon as he looked at it or touched it, his expression changed.

Ye Weiwei stared at the child closely, tears welling up in his eyes, but he couldn't hold them back.

 “My daughter is healthy, right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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