My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1065: Sweet date~

Chapter 1065 Sweet date~

From then on, Gong Qianli would go to the hospital to visit Mr. Nangong every day after get off work, and deliberately delayed her stay.

Mr. Nangong was also silently helping his grandson, so he said, "Liuli girl comes to see me every day, and she is still hungry. You take her out to eat something good today."

Isn't it a good time for two people to have dinner together to enhance their relationship?

Old man Nangong spoke, so naturally Nangong Luo had no choice but to refuse.

 He immediately looked at Gong Qianli and asked, "Liuli, would you like to choose a place?"

Gong Qianli stood up and said, "I know a good place and I will take you there."


The two of them waved to Mr. Nangong. Gong Qianli walked behind and stretched her right hand behind her back to make an OK gesture to Mr. Nangong.

 The old man and the young man can be said to be quite cooperative.

Mr. Nangong watched the young couple leave with a smile on his face. He sat upright and slowly leaned toward the bed, gradually closing his eyes.

 But he still couldn't bear it. He covered his mouth and coughed a few times. His face was covered with wrinkles from the years.

 Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli walked side by side.

Gong Qianli raised the topic, "Luo, have you been to the Nanmen Bridge?"

 “I’ve been very busy and it’s been a long time.”

“The place I mentioned is right over the Nanmen Bridge. It was the only one introduced to me last time. I tried it and it was delicious.”

“You are such a picky person that you can say it’s delicious. It seems I’m in for a treat tonight.”

 “Then I won’t take you with me.”

Seeing her natural reaction and hearing the long-lost conversation pattern, Nangong Luo couldn't help laughing, "Just now you vowed in front of grandpa that you would take me to eat delicious food. Now you want to go back on your word? It's too late."

 “Luanluoluo, what can you do to me?”

 Gu Chengxi, who had just received the case, came out of the room and saw two familiar figures disappearing from his eyes.

 Dr. Gu, who has always been cold and cold, has a burning gaze.

“Doctor Gu, Nangong Yao, a patient in the emergency room, rings the bell.”

 “Go over and have a look.”


Gong Qianli looked for a place, and Nangong Luo paid for the treat.

While waiting, Gong Qianli secretly took a photo of Nangong Luo and sent it to Ye Weiwei, smiling happily while holding her phone.

Nangong Luo wanted to ask, but when the words reached his lips, he held them back.

 Thinking of Mr. Nangong’s meaningful words, his heart was ready to move, but when he thought of Gong Qianli being estranged for so long because of his confession, he now had no hesitation in returning to the previous feeling, but as a friend.

Nangong Luo is also helpless. He is a grown man and has never been so timid since he was a child!

 Only when you meet someone you like, you will be afraid that your words and deeds will have counterproductive results.

 “You’re treating me to a treat today, be ready to swipe your card, I’m going to eat a lot!”

“You accompany grandpa every day and make him laugh. I should have thanked you a long time ago.”

"No, you are all very busy. Anyway, I haven't started working on night duty yet. Come over when you have time. I fight with my grandpa on the chessboard every day. It's fun."

“Grandpa always praises you for your superb chess skills.” Mr. Nangong is proficient in all kinds of chess, but chess is his favorite. Among the chess games that Gong Qianli has learned, chess is the most powerful.

Gong Qianli was very proud, "That's not true. In order to make grandpa happy, I lost several times on purpose."

“Grandpa actually doesn’t care about winning or losing.”

“No, I made a bet with my grandfather before, and he really wanted to beat me. Do you want to know what the bet is?”

【Nangong Luo: Think! Of course! 】



 (End of this chapter)

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