My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 104: A bell bracelet for you

Chapter 104: A bell bracelet for you

  A small roll of paper wrapped in thin gold wire is usually something girls use to make wishes, and since this is Ye’s only room, this thing must be Ye’s only room.

Li Moer smiled lightly, bent down and picked up the wishing note on the ground.

 “Who allowed you to come in?”

Ye Xichen's voice suddenly came from behind, and Li Moer subconsciously clenched his hands.

  She turned around cautiously, acting particularly reserved, "Sorry, I'm just curious... I'm sorry, I won't do it next time."

After speaking, he glanced up at Ye Xichen and then quickly looked away. Those pupils were like wet drops of water, which made people look pitiful.

 “Get out.” Ye Xichen didn’t show any mercy to her, and a single word revealed his undeniable strength.

Li Moer bit her lip and walked away without defending herself.

  Until she walked back to her room, Li Moer spread out her hand, and the pink wishing paper inside had been crumpled by her.

 She took apart the gold thread, read the few lines of beautiful black writing on the scroll paper, and quickly folded it up.

Ye Xichen immediately locked the door after taking away the things.

Li Moer, who was standing next door and witnessed everything, had a gloomy expression on his face.

Mrs. Ye was arranging flowers leisurely in the hall and humming melodious tunes, looking very happy.

When Ye Xichen passed by, Madam Ye reminded her with a smile on her face, "Chen'er, come back after delivering the things. We will take Mo'er out for dinner later to show our loyalty as landlords and allow Mo'er to integrate into this world as soon as possible. family."

Ye Xichen is deaf and deaf.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Madam Ye chased him out and yelled, "Mo'er is your sister too. You, the older brother, must fulfill your responsibilities."

Finally, Ye Xichen stopped and looked over with an expressionless face. His hoarse voice was cold and cold, "Not some messed up person is worthy of being my sister, Ye Xichen!"

Getting in the car, Ye Weiyi could almost instantly feel that Ye Xichen was in an extremely bad mood.

"You, are you okay?" Ye Weiwei finally relented. He raised his hand slightly on his knee, and quickly retracted it before it could touch Ye Xichen.

He caught all her little moves with his peripheral vision, his eyes darkened, and he asked, "Why don't you call me brother?"

“…” Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes in a daze and said, “I’m sorry.”

Calling her brother made her feel like she was still in Yejia.

 The car door closed with a bang, and his face was filled with coldness before he knew it.

 “The only night…”

He hesitated to say which name he called out, but Ye Weiyi showed resistance with complicated eyes and retorted: "I am not Ye Weiyi!"

Ye Xichen held her chin with his backhand and shouted meaningfully: "Okay, Qiao Li."

The name that had been buried in her memory was awakened, and her heart suddenly felt stung, but she resisted the feeling of being pressed against her body and unable to breathe.

“You really want to break up with me?”

Ye Youwei bit his lip, and slowly touched his left wrist with his right hand. The bell bracelet slid past the ulna and pressed between the fingers. It hurt if he applied any more force.

 There was no lubricant to moisten her hands. She closed her eyes suddenly and forcibly took the bell bracelet out of her hands. .


A clear bell rang, and the edge of the ulna turned red.

Ye Xichen's whole body was stiff, and he couldn't make any sound while holding her hand.

Ye Youwei smiled and held out the bell in his hand, his eyebrows a little more stubborn.

 “Bell, for you.”

The bell will also appear in subsequent plots



 (End of this chapter)

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