My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1027: It's Dr. Gu

Chapter 1027 It’s Dr. Gu

 “Dr. Gu is here.”

Gong Qianli looked up sensitively when she heard that title, and she saw Gu Chengxi.

"Gu Chengxi? Why is he here?"

Fang Yu was surprised by her question and quickly answered her, "You didn't know? He is the cousin of our director. Sometimes he will come over when the bureau is handling cases."

Gong Qianli was stunned for a moment.

 She really didn’t know that Gu Chengxi had such a relationship with the director.

But she was confused about one thing, "Isn't Gu Chengxi very busy? How come he has time to come to the bureau to help us handle the case?"

"you do not know?"

"I have no idea…"

Fang Yu shook his head at her and sighed, and asked her, "You know the Gu family is a medical family, right?"

“I know.” Gong Qianli nodded.

Fang Yu then explained: "In this area of ​​City S, let's take our bureau as an example. The people who come to examine the corpses are all people hired from the Gu family."

"I see."

 She realized that the Gu family was not only treating patients and saving people in the hospital. No wonder they were not only wealthy but also powerful in City S.

Gong Qianli and Fang Yu's gossip didn't last long, and the captain just assigned them to go to the market to investigate.

This vegetable market is not far from Sun's house. It covers a fairly large area. However, at this point in the evening, there are basically no people in the vegetable market. The only ones left are those with stalls in the market.

Gong Qianli, who had never been to a vegetable market, was unaware of some of these things. They walked around here several times and found nothing different.

“This is strange. No one left the market at the time of the incident.”

"No, my eldest lady, don't you know that there are more than just stall stalls in the vegetable market? Those who set up stalls on the ground are also very suspicious."

 “Huh? Where is the stall on the ground?” This sentence was really difficult for Gong Qianli.

Fang Yu explained to her for a long time that the wet market is not like a supermarket where each area is divided into different types of food and has dedicated people responsible for it. Instead, in addition to stalls, some people will also find places to set up stalls on the ground.

"Alas." Gong Qianli sighed after hearing this. Only now did she realize that people who sell vegetables are so knowledgeable.

But even if they knew this, they couldn't arrest all the vegetable sellers.

“The Sun family has said that the time when the victim’s accident happened was when she was selling vegetables on weekdays, but she went so far away. She must have been lured there after buying vegetables.”

 After searching for a long time, no strong evidence was found, and new news came from over there, "According to the medical examination report, the victim this time is similar to the previous murder that occurred in Xixiang."

  “What is it?”

“The way the victims died was that they were all knocked unconscious with drugs and had a long wound on their heart.”

Thinking of Sun Ma's body, when they walked away, they saw that Sun Ma's upper body was dripping with blood, and a long wound was cut from the heart, which was very ugly.

  Preliminary speculation is that the sharp weapon used to inflict harm was a knife, with a slightly wider opening, but a bit...

 What images flashed through Gong Qianli's mind.

 She suddenly remembered...

“It suddenly occurred to me that when we were walking around the vegetable market just now, I saw that the meat sellers were using knives like know how they look when they cut meat.”

She frowned as she spoke. She couldn't describe it, but if the scene of a pork seller cutting meat was transformed into cutting human flesh, it would be horrifying to think about it!

 “I’m going to see Doctor Gu to ask about the situation.”

 (End of this chapter)

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