My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1002: Tryst in the woods

Chapter 1002: Tryst in the woods

 “Hey, where is your home?”

"You want to go to my house? What do you want to do? Do you have a crush on me?"


Leng Yanxi wanted to hit someone after hearing this!

She was kind enough to want to help him get a taxi, but this guy actually came up with so many tricks.

“Secretary Zhao, I’m kind enough to take you home. If you make trouble again, I’ll throw you out on the street!”

 “No, no, I’m not going to sleep on the street, I want to go home.”

 “If you want to go home, tell me your address!”

“The address is 6-2, Unit 2, No. xxxx32, my home!”

 “Okay, okay, it’s your home.”

Leng Yanxi helped Secretary Zhao take a taxi on the street. Seeing Secretary Zhao like this, she had no choice but to adhere to the idea of ​​"helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West" to deliver Secretary Zhao to the location he reported.

Perhaps after seeing his own neighborhood, Secretary Zhao took the initiative to take out the sensor key and opened the door.

But Secretary Zhao refused to leave after entering the door.

Leng Yanxi couldn't find the direction for a while, so she had to ask him, "Left or right?"

Secretary Zhao reached out and pointed forward. Ye Leng Yanxi looked up and saw lush trees in front of her.

Secretary Zhao pointed to the right again, but before stopping for three seconds, he pointed to the left again.

"Which way are you going to go?" Leng Yanxi couldn't determine which building it was from the way he directed her.

 “Go to the right!” Finally, Secretary Zhao insisted on these two words.

Leng Yanxi believed it. She helped Secretary Zhao go to the right, and ended up walking into a small pavilion.

There is a road here, and Leng Yanxi wants to walk through it.

 It is now past ten o'clock in the evening, very late, and there are no people in the community. Leng Yanxi just supported Secretary Zhao and walked into the pavilion without any precautions.

 But why are there two people sitting over there?

Leng Yanxi was startled when she saw them for the first time. She took a closer look and suddenly found that the two people looked familiar.

  Secretary Zhao beside him made a fuss, attracting the attention of the two people.

 Now the four people looked at each other and recognized each other's identity.

In this environment, everyone knows it well and plans to continue their own affairs tacitly.

But Secretary Zhao seemed to be afraid that others would not notice him, so he rushed up and said hello with a smile on his face, "Miss Yu, Mr. Kitano, good evening."

 “Ha…” Leng Yanxi’s expression was about to collapse at that time!

 What has happened to her?

Now I have to walk over and say hello, "Miss Yu, Mr. Kitano, good evening."

  After finishing speaking, I realized why she had directly copied what Secretary Zhao had just said?

Yu Anran stood up, nodded to them, and said, "Good evening."

If it were originally true, Bei Xiaoye would have arrogantly knocked on Erlang's legs and turned over to tease Secretary Zhao a few words. Now because Yu Anran was present, Bei Xiaoye restrained his temper and stood up and said: "Good evening! "

 As if echoing Yu Anran's words, he is hers.

Leng Yanxi has stayed with Ye Weiwei for such a long time, so she must have some understanding of the affairs of Yu Bei and the two. Now seeing Bei Ye like this, she can't help but sigh.

"Miss Yu, if you have something to do, continue. Secretary Zhao is drunk, so I will send him back." Leng Yanxi was about to grease her soles and leave.

Yu Anran nodded.

I thought it would end like this, but who knew Secretary Zhao was so restless!

“Miss Yu, let me tell you, I saw many beautiful women accosting Mr. Kitano at the wedding banquet today.”

Bei Ye frowned, "Of course, listen to my explanation..."

 (End of this chapter)

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