My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4475: Holy Sound Temple, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Meng Qingchen listened to Chen Yang's words and suddenly felt a little confused. Although she couldn't figure out the cultivation level of the Flame God Queen, she could feel that the Flame God Queen's cultivation level was far above Chen Yang. She doesn't think that three months can change anything... But she also knows that Chen Yang is not someone who can be judged by common sense. Since he dares to boast about this Haikou, he must have something to rely on!

The eyes of Flame God Queen and Holy Dragon King flashed with surprise.

Both of them could clearly see Chen Yang's cultivation, and they felt that nothing could change in three months. In other words, Chen Yang has no chance of winning.

But why does this guy dare to boast about such a Haikou?

The two of them also knew that Chen Yang was very eccentric and had strange methods... Things that were impossible for others may not be impossible for Chen Yang.

The Flame God Queen thought for a moment and said, "Why should I give you three months?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "If my true body is here, Your Highness naturally does not need to give me three months. Because the longer the time, the more dangerous it is, why not get rid of me early? But my true body is not here, so Your Highness you also You can't kill me. If you don't agree to this deal, kill Qingchen and refine Ziyi. Then from now on, I will make your Flame Temple never have peace. There are other seven temples in the Yanyang Galaxy. I will go If you unite your enemies to deal with you, you will definitely die. On the contrary, as long as Your Highness is willing to give me three months... By then, if I lose, you will kill us and it will be over. If I am lucky enough to win, I will help you improve in the future. Cultivation. By the way, it can also help you deal with other enemies. This is one of the best things you can do. I really can’t think of any reason for you to refuse my proposal!" Reading La

The Flame God Queen fell silent.

Chen Yang said: "Actually, you don't have to hesitate or think too much. Because if I can defeat you in three months, then I will definitely be a terrible enemy. If I can't defeat you in three months, You just wasted three months. I hope that everyone will not die on the road..."

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The Flame God Queen and the Holy Dragon King looked at each other, and they were indeed a little afraid of Chen Yang.

After thinking about it, I also feel that if this Chen Yang can practice to the point where he can defeat the ninth level master of creation realm in three months, that would be really terrifying!

Moreover, they were also afraid that Chen Yang would unite with people from other temples to deal with them.

After a while, the Flame God Queen had a plan and said: "This temple can give you three months, but you should know that there is no need for this temple to fight you alone. There are many masters in my Flame Temple."

Chen Yang said: "So, after three months, if I am lucky enough to win. At that time, as long as His Highness is willing to let you go, I will try to help His Highness to improve his cultivation to a higher level. At the same time, I am also willing to do something for you in return. I hope we can become friends in the end."

The Flame Goddess said: "You said that you can help our temple to improve our cultivation level, which is really illusory. On the contrary, it is more reliable to help our temple to do things. Just one thing is definitely not enough. At least three things..."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: "I can't stay here for too long. The three things are fine. But first, you can't let me help you kill innocent people indiscriminately. Secondly, the three things must be completed within a month. In other words, if everything goes well, I hope to be able to leave in four months.”

The Flame God Queen nodded and said: "Deal!"

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your Highness, please treat Qingchen and Ziyi kindly during these three months."

The Flame Goddess said: "Okay!"

Chen Yang clasped his fists and said, "Farewell!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Flame God Queen, and she said: "Farewell? I think you, the soul, don't have to leave."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I want to leave, you can't stop me!" After saying that, he quickly displayed the vortex of destiny.

The black aura of destiny enveloped him, and then the Void Gate appeared behind him.

No matter how powerful the Flame Goddess and the Holy Dragon King were, they were unable to capture Chen Yang in an instant. When they took the fingerprints, there was no trace of the Great Destiny Soul in the scene.

The Flame God Queen couldn't help but turn pale when she saw this, feeling that she had never felt proud in front of Chen Yang.

Meng Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his life could be saved.

At this time, the Holy Dragon Dharma King said to the Flame God Queen: "Your Highness, do you really plan to wait for three months? Or, you can refine the blue and purple clothes within these three months, and then absorb the fire crystal stone."

The Flame Goddess said in a deep voice: "It can certainly be done in three months to refine the blue and purple clothes, but the impure fire crystals may not allow our temple to improve its cultivation level within three months. If the cultivation level has not improved by then, That little thief becomes really powerful again, it will be very bad.”

The Holy Dragon Dharma King said: "Do you think he can really do it?"

The Flame Goddess said: "It's not whether this palace thinks it's okay or not. What's important is that he made a three-month deadline. This palace also believes that he is somewhat sure, otherwise he wouldn't do this deal."

Holy Dragon Dharma King asked: "Could it be that he is stalling for time?"

The Flame Goddess said: "Delaying it for three months will not have much effect."

The Holy Dragon King said: "He may go to move reinforcements."

The Flame Goddess said: "If he can move to shake our reinforcements, then by killing these two women in advance, we will also drag the matter into an irreversible situation. Therefore, for the sake of stability, in the past three months, we Must wait!”

The Holy Dragon Dharma King said: "It's just that I feel a little unwilling to accept it!"

The Queen of Flame God said in a deep voice: "Internal and external troubles... One wrong step will lead to a wrong step. Our Flame Temple seems to be indestructible, but in fact it is just barely maintaining a balance with the other temples. Once this balance is broken, the consequences will be disastrous. So now , we must be cautious and cautious every step we take, neither you nor I can afford to lose!"

The Holy Dragon Dharma King nodded and said: "Your Highness's concerns are extremely reasonable!"

In the void of the universe, Chen Yang merged with the Great Destiny Soul.

He sat in the Kowloon agarwood carriage and began to think about what to do next.

Promising a three-month period is indeed a bit risky.

To be honest, he was not absolutely sure that he could defeat the Flame Queen within three months. But if the time promised is too long, I am afraid that the Flame God Queen will not agree.

Right now, the most important thing is to find enough elixirs to improve his cultivation. As long as you can raise your cultivation level to the eighth level of creation realm, then there will be no problem after defeating the Flame God.

But where can I find this massive amount of elixirs?

This is a big problem!

Looking around the void of the universe, there must be no elixir anywhere else.

So if you want to find it, you have to be in the Yanyang Galaxy.

Chen Yang quickly returned to the Yanyang Galaxy and tried his best to avoid the flame star.

Chen Yang had some preliminary understanding of the eight major temples in the Yanyang Galaxy and knew that the Holy Sound Temple was the weakest.

Then, go to the Holy Sound Star to find the elixir!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang quickly flew in the direction of the Holy Sound Star.

The Yanyang Galaxy is much larger than the Solar System, but for a master like Chen Yang, distance is not a problem.

Not long after flying, we arrived at the Holy Sound Star.

The Holy Sound Star is six times larger than the Earth...

It also looks blue.

Chen Yang collected the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot, came out of the dust in white clothes, and quickly rushed into the interior of Shengyin Star.

Passing through the atmosphere, the next thing you see is the blue sky.

Below is the endless sea…

On the sea, there are sparkling waves.

It's sunset time...

The clouds in the sky are so beautiful...

Chen Yang flew slowly in the void, while collecting various molecules in the void, and then understood the information in them.

I soon learned that this place is in the south...

There are basically no people here.

Chen Yang flew carefully in the void, collecting information along the way. Finally, we came to a place called Aolai Country...

Landing in Aolai City in Aolai Country, while collecting information, he observed what the people of Aolai Country looked like.

The human beings in this Aolai country look very similar to the human beings on earth, and they all have some exotic customs.

Since this is a Dharma civilization, the technology is not developed and there is basically nothing modern.

The animals that pull the cart are not horses and oxen. Here, the animals that pull the cart are called horned beasts. For people to ride, it is called a red-maned beast...

Chen Yang walked among them and quickly changed the color of his eyes. At the same time, he also slightly changed his clothes to look like the local area. So he walked in the city like a local.

Amidst the chaos, countless information began to pour into his head.

He then learned that there were countless countries on the Holy Sound Star, and there were Taoist masters among the countries.

There are countless Taoist gates!

The head of the Taoist sect of the Holy Sound Star is naturally the supreme Holy Sound Temple.

A single messenger in the Holy Sound Temple can make all the monks in the world kneel down and surrender. In front of the messenger, the king would not dare to express his dignity.

The Holy Sound Temple is located in the North Pole, on Qingxue Mountain...

The mountains of Qingxue Mountain are very high. There is a snowfield on the way to Qingxue Mountain. There are ice and snow storms all year round in the snowfield. ωωw.ΚAЙδhυ㈤.net

And there is white fog surrounding it all year round.

Ordinary people, or even average experts, cannot cross the snowy plains at all costs.

Therefore, the Holy Sound Temple is very mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people.

According to legend, the master of the Holy Sound Temple sought extraordinary cultivation and became a saint. He even had a divine lyre in his hand... When the divine lyre was played, it could make mountains and rivers flow backwards, the heaven and earth collapse, and the stars turn upside down. It was absolutely terrifying!

Chen Yang didn't know what level of cultivation Xun Tianhuang had reached, but he thought it should be similar to that of the Flame God Queen. There are too many differences, I'm afraid it would have been annexed long ago...kΑnShú五.ξà

I came here not to make enemies, but just to get the elixir...

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, but the Xingxing Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could it not be injured at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading App to provide you with the ultimate master of "The Great God, I'm Smiling to the Sky"

Beast Master?

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