My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4328: King of Gossip, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Qin Yunshuang gradually realized that she was no longer so disgusted with Chen Yang's jokes.

After all, Chen Yang today is young, sunny, and very talented. At the same time, he is also a very thoughtful person. Facing such a boy, she really couldn't dislike him.

Just like a man, there is a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old in front of him, who is smart, extremely talented and full of ideas. No man would hate such a girl.

Chen Yang is now expressing himself more and more boldly, which he would never dare to do before when he was too weak.

Now, you can show your edge!

After all, if you keep pretending to be a grandson, your life will not be easy.

After eating breakfast, Qin Yunshuang said to Chen Yang: "You are in the initial stage of practicing now, so you must not relax. Now that Sister Tianyao and I are fine, you can practice boxing on this deck. If anything goes wrong We can also give you some pointers."

"Ah?" Chen Yang was picking his teeth, and his jaw almost dropped when he heard this.

Are you kidding me, letting a great master like me practice boxing in front of a girl like you?

He is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. Aren't Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao just little girls in front of him?

Seeing his reaction like this, Qin Yunshuang was immediately displeased and said, "I think you are really too arrogant now. You must know that you lost in the ring last time. Why, you don't want to practice now?"

Luo Tianyao looked at Chen Yang with a smile, but did not interrupt.

Chen Yang said: "The main thing is that Sister Shuang you taught me Baguazhang and Tai Chi. I have already mastered it!"

After hearing this, Qin Yunshuang became even more angry and said: "Old boxers who have practiced for decades don't dare to say that they have mastered Baguazhang and Tai Chi. You have only practiced for a few days? You are really a bit I don’t know how high the sky and the earth are!”

Chen Yang sighed and said: "If you have been practicing for decades and still haven't mastered it, then you can only say that this person has no talent."

Qin Yunshuang said: "I tell you, all things are connected. If you master one kind of boxing, you can master other boxing and martial arts at your fingertips. If you can master one method, you can master all methods. Do you understand?"

Chen Yang said: "I understand!"

"You know everything about hammers." Qin Yunshuang couldn't help but swore and said: "You have a low level of cultivation and don't understand anything, but you think you understand everything. This kind of mentality over there is the most terrifying. You are Sit in a well and look at the sky, you know?”

Luo Tianyao smiled at the side and said: "How about this, Xiao Yi, practice Baguazhang once and let me see. Whether you really know it or not is up to us to judge."

Qin Yunshuang was very angry with Chen Yang and felt that this child was really too arrogant.

Chen Yang was helpless, so he stood up and said, "Okay!"

After standing still on the deck, Chen Yang took a deep breath, which was like hiding a breath of vitality in his chest. Then, his body moved, really moving like a swimming dragon, and his palms moved like the wind.

I saw that every time he struck out with his palm, there was not a trace of wind in the palm. The palm was like a knife, with restrained strength and slight shaking, like a high-speed rotating millstone. It doesn't look fast, but it's actually very fast. It doesn't look like anything serious, but in fact, once you are hit by his palm, the grinding force will immediately seep into your bone marrow, and it will be absolutely heartbreaking pain.

His movement at his feet was very fast, but he looked disorganized.

Not long after, a set of Baguazhang techniques was completed.

The moment the fight was over, his body stood firm and returned to its original position.

Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao were both experts in boxing, but they were stunned at this time.

If an ordinary expert saw the Youshen Baguazhang that Chen Yang had just played, he would definitely say that he was doing it randomly.

But in the eyes of experts, it is quite different.

First of all, both Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao saw that Chen Yang's footwork seemed chaotic. In fact, if there were marks on the ground, there would be a very beautiful Bagua diagram on the ground at this moment.

Chen Yang's Baguazhang just now was not only sharp and fast as lightning, but he also drew a Bagua by the way.

This is truly natural and impeccable!

"How... is this possible..." Qin Yunshuang's eyes were full of disbelief, and she said blankly: "He has only been practicing for a few months? How can he actually practice Baguazhang to this extent?"

She felt that even she could not practice Baguazhang to such perfection.

A look of high appreciation flashed in Luo Tianyao's eyes, and he gave Chen Yang a thumbs up and said: "Xiao Yi, you are the best martial arts prodigy I have ever seen. No one's talent can match yours. As time goes by, the rest of us will They will all be far inferior to you.”

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Then you can't force me to practice any more, right? When I want to practice, I will practice naturally!"

Qin Yunshuang immediately said: "How can that be done? Even if you are very powerful, you cannot be proud and complacent."

"Let it go!" Luo Tianyao said: "I believe Xiao Yi has his own sense of proportion. Without this talent, practicing hard every day is just that. Since he can practice Baguazhang to this point, I believe he will be fine. of."

Qin Yunshuang saw that Luo Tianyao had already spoken, so he said nothing more.

Afterwards, Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang left the deck.

They returned to the bedroom together, Luo Tianyao's beautiful eyes flashed with excitement, and said: "It seems that we have really dug up a huge treasure!"

Qin Yunshuang knew what Luo Tianyao was referring to... and said: "His excellence is indeed beyond my imagination. I also believe that given time, he will definitely surpass me."

"He will surpass you, he will surpass me, and he will surpass my father." Luo Tianyao said with a smile.

Qin Yunshuang said: "But, it's still too late to relieve you."

Luo Tianyao's eyes suddenly darkened.

After a while, she smiled and said: "Let's go out to play and not talk about the unhappy things. There is always a way to solve it..."

Qin Yunshuang nodded.

Luo Tianyao later said: "I'm still a little worried. He will be too good and powerful by then. Can we still control him? From what he said today, we can see that he is a very thoughtful person. His He is very independent in his thinking and will not be a foolish and loyal person. A foolish and loyal person will not have such a powerful talent."

Qin Yunshuang was silent for a long time, and then said: "Sister, don't worry, I will win over him."

Luo Tianyao smiled slightly and said: "Don't think nonsense. I'm not asking you to sell your feelings to win over him. Anyway, we try our best to be good to him. As for what will happen to him in the future, it depends on his own heart. . It would not be a pity for people with evil intentions to leave us."

Qin Yunshuang suddenly felt moved.

The days of sailing are boring, but the journey goes by smoothly.

Chen Yang also pretended to practice the Marrow Cleansing Technique every day, and at the same time he also stepped up his practice of Shouku Zen.

He found that this kind of Kung Fu Zen was even more effective when combined with spells.

In other words, as long as he doesn't show his true strength, even if someone with higher magic power than him comes, they won't be able to see his depth. Unless he removes Ku Chan!

This made him feel more at ease!

Cultivation is a good thing, just like ordinary people's money.

Ordinary people are conflicted. They are afraid of being looked down upon and afraid of having their wealth exposed!

The best ones are those that show a little wealth, but not too much. Both respected and forgotten.

Chen Yang also has the same mentality now. He has to show his talent, which makes Luo Tianyao and Qin Yunshuang value him more and more.

But it can't be revealed in full, because it would be too shocking.

Anyway, the best thing is to have confidence in your heart. The higher your cultivation level, the more confident you will be!

There will be too many enemies in the future, too strong!

"After returning home this time, I will get my identity settled. After that, I will try to go to Jerusalem. If I can get the Sinai Code and the original stone, it will be easy to talk about later." Chen Yang thought to himself.

The voyage was smooth and there was no extreme weather.

About twenty-eight days later, the cruise ship finally arrived at the port of a coastal city in Xia Kingdom.

This city is called Dashun City.

Qin Yunshuang and the others have always had a relationship at the port in Dashun City. After some inspections, Chen Yang and others successfully landed...

After landing, after exiting the border, a luxury car was waiting outside.

The one who came to receive him was the person in charge of the Sun Temple branch.

If the eldest lady comes, the person in charge will definitely come to curry favor with her.

The person in charge was a man about thirty years old named Li Qin. Li Qin arranged the hotel and the dinner.

All services are meticulous!

At the banquet, Luo Tianyao praised Li Qin and said, "Your reception is very good. Do it well. The company will not treat you badly." After that, she asked Li Qin to wait outside.

She didn't want to come to socialize with Li Qin.

Li Qin was elated when he received Luo Tianyao's approval. As for being asked out of the banquet room, he had no objection at all. Knowing that this was a private party, the eldest lady definitely didn't want to talk to him, a stranger.

He was waiting outside and doing all the service work.

That night, Chen Yang stayed in a nice suite.

Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao live next door to him.

The next day, Qin Yunshuang and Luo Tianyao went shopping together, taking Chen Yang with them. Chen Yang was most afraid of going shopping, but considering he was accompanying two beauties, he could barely accept it.

On the third day, Li Qin personally acted as the driver to send Chen Yang and his party to Xiajing City, the capital of Daxia Kingdom!

Qin Yunshuang told Chen Yang that this time they were going to visit an old man from Xia Jing. If everything goes well, Chen Yang's identity can be easily figured out.

"What if things don't go well?" Chen Yang couldn't help but ask.

Qin Yunshuang said: "I could have done it for you here, but the authority here cannot be compared with Xia Jing's. In Xia Jing, everything is a legal channel. Last night, the eldest lady received a call from Xia Jing. .The old man wanted to meet Sister we changed our minds and thoughts."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

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