My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4105: Another magic weapon, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Yuan Sheng was horrified. He never expected that Chen Yang would become so powerful now.

Chen Yang did not continue to attack Yuan Sheng. Obviously, he still had to rely on Yuan Sheng's power to become so fierce! Yuan Sheng's spiritual thoughts continued to sweep the battlefield, and he saw that his side was already winning. Right now, we don't have to be obsessed with killing Chen Yang. As long as we let the undead army break through the barrier, the overall situation can be decided.

He also saw other saints struggling to support themselves.

Therefore, Yuan Sheng immediately judged that as long as he held Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang firmly, everything would be fine.

After figuring this out, Yuan Sheng sent out several clones to entangle Chen Yang, but they did not attack with all their strength, but they did not give Chen Yang a chance to break through.

Taishang Daozu and the three Yuan Sheng clones were fighting together. Suddenly, Taishang Daozu's body shook continuously, breaking through the restrictions of the three clones. Taishang Daozu is also a smart man. He found that Yuan Sheng could not defeat Chen Yang for a while. At this time, the other saints were in critical condition... He might as well kill Long Xiaofeng and Black Corpse first, and then let all the saints come back to help and join forces to attack Yuan Sheng.

This is the plan of Taishang Daozu!

Yuan Sheng immediately understood Taishang Daozu's intention. How could he give Taishang Daozu a chance at this time? He immediately separated two more clones, a total of five clones, to entangle Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu soon fell into a bitter battle again.

At the moment, Chen Yang and Taishang Daozu are dealing with five Yuansheng clones alone.

Taishang Daozu responded in a natural way, taking advantage of the opportunity and counterattacking heavily.

But the clones were dead and alive, and such attacks were meaningless.

Chen Yang also fought with five clones. When he really couldn't deal with it, he used a powerful vortex of purple energy to absorb the opponent's palm power, then turned it into his own, and then counterattacked. As a result, Yuan Sheng felt that he could not go all out, because the greater the force, the stronger the counterattack would be.

The secret barrier of the human race has become increasingly dangerous at this time, and countless monks have vomited blood and died of exhaustion!

Sage Zhunti was no longer able to suppress Donghuang Taiyi, allowing Donghuang Taiyi to escape from the Seven Treasures Tree and regain his true form.

Saint Zhunti was surrounded by Donghuang Taiyi and some immortal masters, and he was already complaining again and again!

Similarly, the situation of receiving the saint is not good.

Neither Yuanshi Tianzun nor Li Changye took any advantage.

The main reason is that they not only have to deal with powerful opponents, but also have to contend with many masters of the undead army.

And they are all masters who cannot be killed...

Chen Yang's joining seemed to have no change in the battle situation.

Seeing that the human race is about to perish again...

After Yuan Sheng's spiritual thoughts scanned all this, he thought to himself: "I have suppressed Chen Yang, an unstable factor. There is no one in the world who can save this human race that should have died long ago, right? There will be no more miracles. Alright?"

Just when he was thinking this, suddenly, a huge sense of crisis appeared behind him!

This crisis came so violently and so unexpectedly.

Then, a palm print hit his back.


At this moment, Yuan Sheng's body quickly shattered into countless demon particles.

As soon as he was broken, the other clones immediately followed and scattered into demon particles.

This change is so sudden...

Taishang Daozu and Chen Yang were both stunned, but their reactions were also very fast. They immediately captured these demon particles, sealed them, and suppressed them.

There was also another woman at the scene!

It was this woman who attacked Yuan Sheng.

"Ye Sheng?" Taishang Daozu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the person coming.

I saw this woman wearing a long green dress, her hair tied up, and her heroic appearance. Her face was cold and beautiful, and her whole temperament was as cold as the Tianshan Snow Lotus.

After Chen Yang saw Ye Qingming clearly, he was also surprised and said: "Miss Ye?"

It was Ye Qingming's magical palm that determined the world, and she also participated in sealing Yuan Sheng.

The demon particles transformed from Yuan Sheng's body were sealed into ten parts by the three of them. Even though Yuan Sheng is extremely powerful, it will be difficult to break through their seal in a short period of time.

At this time, the undead army also lost control.

Li Changye got this opportunity to quickly circulate the demon essence in his body. When Yuan Sheng was there, Yuan Sheng was the boss... When Yuan Sheng was away, the second eldest brother, Li Changye, successfully took over and took over the power.

At that moment, the demonic energy in Li Changye's body formed a linkage with all the demonic energy in the fairy world, and reached resonance. I saw the demon energy in his body rushing towards the sky, and then merged with the demon energy in the sky. Then, these demon particles rushed towards the undead army like a violent storm!

After a while, all the undead army was washed away by these demon particles.

At this point, all the undead army was controlled by Li Changye.

Li Changye immediately told the undead army to stop attacking.

The black corpse and Long Xiaofeng originally had the upper hand, but at this moment they fell into an embarrassing situation.

"We can't let them escape!" Yuanshi Tianzun roared.

Li Changye quickly flashed his figure and drove Master Good Fortune and Donghuang Taiyi to kill Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng.

Black Corpse and Long Xiaofeng felt bad. This was not the time to show their loyalty, because staying would lead to death. And when they die, they are really dead... Yuansheng may not necessarily die!

The two of them quickly fled into the void.

But at this time, they will give each other this opportunity.

Yuanshi Tianzun roared violently, and he did not hesitate to consume the origin of the Three Purities, and used the magic weapon Three Treasures and Jade to kill Long Xiaofeng.

In the wishful thinking of Three Treasures and Jade, the five-colored light was stimulated by the holy power to shine brightly. The divine power inside exploded to the extreme, boom...

Sanbaoyu Ruyi quickly rushed towards Long Xiaofeng's back.

Long Xiaofeng was extremely fast, and when he was escaping, he used his ultimate move, Qiankun Boundless Puppet!

This infinite universe puppet was carefully crafted by Long Xiaofeng. It is an artifact that he has condensed for many years and is always infused with holy power and vitality. At a critical moment, once the Qiankun Boundless Puppet is displayed, the puppet can explode with power as powerful as him. It's just that Qiankun Boundless Puppet can only be used once...

Long Xiaofeng realized that it was a matter of life and death, so at this time he used the Boundless Puppet of the Universe without hesitation!


The three precious jade Ruyi directly smashed the puppet of Qiankun Boundless into pieces.

At the same time, Long Xiaofeng was already hundreds of millions of miles away.

Yuanshi Tianzun's body swayed and he chased after him desperately. He already hated Long Xiaofeng to the core, just because his junior brother Tongtian Cult Leader died at the hands of Long Xiaofeng.

The black corpse also unfolded the power of death...

At that moment, the Void Death Door appeared in front of the black corpse.

The black corpse was hit in the back by a palm from the leading saint, but at the same time, the black corpse also stepped into the door of death.

Obviously, the black corpse was seriously injured this time, and it also consumed a lot of the power of death.

But as soon as he left, he disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

After Saint Zhunti and Saint Jieyin made eye contact with each other, Saint Zhunti swayed and followed Yuanshi Tianzun in pursuit. The death of the leader of Tongtian Cult had always been a pain in the hearts of their fellow apprentices.

Long Xiaofeng was the one who did it.

So today, once they have the opportunity, they will not let Long Xiaofeng go!

Li Changye and Jieyin Saint quickly joined Taishang Daozu and others.

Following that, Emperor Fuxi also walked out of the secret realm.

The saints gathered together and had no time to rejoice in the resurrection of Chen Yang and Ye Qingming. Taishang Daozu solemnly said: "Yuan Yunzhong was divided into ten seals by Pindao, Chen Yang, and Ye Sheng to suppress them. However, he is moving extremely violently inside at the moment. Once he breaks through, he will fall short."

Ye Qingming also said: "I suddenly approached him from the world of death, so the sneak attack was successful. Now if I want to defeat him, it will be difficult. This old thief is really powerful."

Saint Zhunti, Emperor Fuxi, and Li Changye took action together to help suppress Yuan Sheng's demonic particles.

Those undead armies have all quieted down now.

Following that, everyone entered the secret place.

Taishang Daozu was also worried about his junior brother Yuanshi Tianzun, but at the moment there were too many things to deal with in the human race, and he did not dare to go separately.

In addition, Saint Zhunti also went to help, Taishang Daozu also knew that nothing would happen to his junior brother, so he was not so anxious.

A devastating crisis finally ended in an incredible way.

And for the first time in history, they captured Yuan Yunzhong alive!

In the secret place, the human monks began to recuperate.

After the saints restrained Yuan Yunzhong respectively, they sat together for a meeting. Li Changye also participated in this meeting.

After all, he can be considered a great hero!

Taishang Daozu and other saints are also worried, that is, Mo Yu has passed away. If Chen Yang knows that Li Changye and Yuan Sheng conspired to kill Mo Yu, the consequences will be disastrous.

They have to face a choice, whether to deal with Li Changye or trap Chen Yang and so on!

This is a huge problem!

Today's undead army is under Li Changye's control.

And all the saints have to allocate their energy to subdue Yunzhong...

The crisis seems to be over, but in fact there is still a more terrifying crisis behind it. If one cannot cover it, it will be another disaster.

During the meeting, all the saints tacitly agreed not to mention Mo Yu.

Taishang Daozu first asked how Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were resurrected from death?

Ye Qingming said: "In the world of death, I committed suicide and prepared to die with the black corpse. Later, all my soul fragments exploded. At that time, Yuan Yunzhong also used a lot of vitality to protect me. Black corpse. I also happened to absorb a lot of vitality, and my soul fragments slept in the world of death for a long, long time..."

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