My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4094: long night, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The ancestor of the undead suddenly became interested and said, "Really? Speak quickly!" Yuan Sheng said: "We can take advantage of his inner demon to attack any one of us while others set up formations outside! The formation will destroy all the people outside. The aura of the devil is blocked, so that he cannot escape and has nothing to hide. In fact, it is that simple. The key difficulty is that first, we must set up the formation without knowing it. If he knows our plan in advance , I will definitely not be fooled!”

The ancestor of the undead said: "That's true!"

Yuan Sheng continued: "Secondly, this plan must succeed the first time. If it fails the first time, it will be even more difficult to do it a second time."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I can lure him into being deceived and let him lead me into the inner demon. When the time comes, you take the opportunity to set up an formation outside. Can you set up this formation?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This formation is difficult to set up, but if I have your help, the ancestor, it won't be a big problem!"

The ancestor of the undead immediately said: "I don't know anything about battles, how can I help you?"

Yuan Sheng said: "The combination of the Undead Star Stone and my formation can completely block the energy of the devil from the outside. Within half a stick of incense, even you, the ancestor, cannot bring in the energy of the devil."

The ancestor of the undead suddenly felt a little fearful.

The devil's energy is also his support and support! At that moment, he couldn't help but take another look at Yuan Sheng. Of course he knew that Yuan Sheng was an old fox who ate people but never spit out their bones, and he didn't want to end up getting him involved.

Yuan Sheng said: "The ancestor doesn't trust me? I'm not going to die soon, and you don't have any deep hatred for the ancestor. Why do I want to harm you? I just want to unite you, the ancestor, and then destroy Taishang's gang together. If I give you to Damn it, wouldn’t it be more difficult for me to deal with Taishang’s gang?”

The ancestor of the undead thought: "That's true!" But he still said: "Although my thoughts are not as complicated as yours, I still know how to be on guard against others! You really have no reason to harm me, but I You still have to be careful."

Yuan Sheng said: "Let's do this. I will rely on the Undead Star Stone to set up the formation first! When the time comes, the Undead Star Stone is in your hand. With the Undead Star Stone here, no one can kill you, the ancestor, right?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "You won't do anything on the undead star stone, right?"

Yuan Sheng smiled bitterly and said: "It was indeed wrong for me to plant the seeds of life in you, the ancestor, but we were in the hostile camp at that time, so we naturally had to be more careful. Now, everything is different from what it used to be. Furthermore, you, the founder, know the most about the Undead Star Stone, so you will be able to check whether I have done anything to it."

The ancestor of the undead said: "You did something in my body back then, but didn't I detect anything?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This moment is the same as that moment! Now, I no longer have the way of life and heaven! Naturally, I no longer have such a miraculous ability to create things!" After a pause, he added: "If the ancestor is still worried, you can still be with me. Plant a mark or a seed in your brain."

The ancestor of the undead's eyes lit up and he said, "This is what you asked for."

Yuan Sheng said: "My life is not long, and I have nothing to fear. Therefore, as long as I can gain your trust, my ancestor, you can do anything you ask me to do!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Okay, today you retreat first. After I refine a seed and let you take it, we can talk about other cooperation!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Then I have resigned!"

After that, Yuan Sheng left the quiet room!

In this Heavenly Holy Palace, the ancestor of the undead has no friends. He has many women, but no woman is his friend. It seems that there is no need for this. All the talents you like can be turned into demon puppets. They are loyal and immortal...

There is no need to worry about them rebelling!

He had requirements for women and hoped that their souls would be interesting, so he did not use the poison of the devil to concoct them.

But these women cannot be his intimates.

The woman he likes the most is called Gu Yue. Gu Yue’s cultivation is at the eighth level of Creation Realm...

However, this woman named Gu Yue has a cold and strong temperament, and so far, the ancestor of the undead has not been able to get her hands on her.

Gu Yue also has a group of disciples under his command.

The ancestor of the undead showed great favor to Guyue Aiwu and Wu Jiwu, and also gave those disciples very good treatment. So although Gu Yue was cold, she still tried to be as enthusiastic as possible towards the ancestor of the undead. Don't be too arrogant. If you really anger the ancestor of the undead, life will be really difficult!

That night, the ancestor of the undead came to Gu Yue Palace where Gu Yue was.

In Gu Yue's palace, the ancestor of the undead and Gu Yue sat opposite each other, and a maid served hot tea.

After that, Gu Yue pushed the maid and said with a smile: "The palace master seems to be in a bad mood today?"

The ancestor of the undead smiled bitterly and said, "Where did you see it?"

Gu Yue said: "In the past three months, your mood has not been good, but today it is even worse than before. I feel that you are still a little uneasy. Is it because of the boy named Bai Qing?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "Originally, we were absolutely carefree in this place. No one in the world could hurt us. Three months ago, that Bai Qing suddenly appeared, and his inner demon happened to be me. The nemesis. Today Yuan Yunzhong said that he has a method of restraint."

Gu Yue said: "Isn't that a good thing?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I have always distrusted Yuan Yunzhong, but to deal with Bai Qing, I really need him. The method he said is ambiguous, and I am also worried that there is some deception in it!"

Gu Yue said: "This is really difficult to handle. Indeed, Bai Qing's inner demon is a headache. And Yuan Yunzhong has to be on guard, he is too powerful. People like Tai Shang Dao Ancestor have been played by him. Among them. You may not like to hear some of what I say, but in terms of resourcefulness, you are indeed no match for him!"

The ancestor of the undead smiled and said: "The fact that you are willing to tell me this is enough to prove that you regard me as a friend. I will not be unhappy after hearing this, but will be very pleased!"

Gu Yue said: "It is my honor to have a friend like you, Palace Master!"

The ancestor of the undead smiled bitterly again and said: "Lone Moon, there are no outsiders here, and I don't feel the need to beat around the bush when I say something. You know what I mean..."

Gu Yue's face suddenly turned red and she said, "I know."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I brought you here forcefully. It must be disgusting to you, right?"

Gu Yue said: "With my ability, in such a world, it is difficult to protect my disciples. Palace Master, you have provided me with a shelter, and I am deeply grateful!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "But you can also go to their secret place!"

Gu Yue said: "There are too many great gods there. My disciples and I went there to see people's faces. Can it be as good as the Palace Master's place?"

The ancestor of the undead was delighted and said, "Seriously?"

Gu Yue smiled sweetly and said, "Of course it's true!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "When you say that, I feel much happier."

Gu Yue continued: "As for your thoughts, Palace Master, I understand! It's just..."

The ancestor of the undead said: "But it doesn't matter, no matter what decision you make, I will not be angry and respect it!"

Gu Yue said: "Actually, I don't dare to accept you, Palace Master."

The ancestor of the undead suddenly wondered: "What are these words?" Gu Yue said: "You have many wives and concubines. Now that you are looking at me highly, it is just because you haven't got them yet. I am also afraid that once I agree to you, in the future..."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I can swear that I will never do it."

Gu Yue said: "Let's be best friends first. When that day comes, I will feel completely relieved... Of course, if you don't want to, Palace Master, I will listen to you in everything."

The ancestor of the undead immediately said: "Hey, don't say that, everything is up to your arrangement. You will be respected forever by me. In my heart, you will always be a unique existence!"

Gu Yue quickly bowed down and said: "Thank you Palace Master! Gu Yue... I am very grateful!"

The ancestor of the undead quickly supported Gu Yue and said: "Don't be like this..."

When Gu Yue raised her head, there were tears in her eyes, she looked so pitiful!

At this moment, the ancestor of the undead felt that his heart was about to melt. He wished he could give everything he had to the woman in front of him.

The two sat down again.

The ancestor of the undead said: "Speaking of which, I am also responsible for the human race being like this. However, the cause and effect of reaching this point is not caused by me. I am just pushing the boat along."

Gu Yue said: "I understand! What you wanted originally was the Tears of Death, and even without you, in order to defeat Yuan Yunzhong, they would eventually produce the Tears of Death."

The ancestor of the undead said: "If you can understand this, I will feel relieved."

Gu Yue smiled slightly and said: "I understand all the cause and effect in my heart."

The ancestor of the undead said: "Since I was born and realized that I have finally become a complete human being, I have never had a real name. Others call me the ancestor of the undead... but what kind of name is it? What do you think I should be called? How about you give me a name?"

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, then began to think seriously.

The ancestor of the undead was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

After a long time, Guyue said: "My surname is Li, and my full name is Li Guyue. How about you share my last name?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "That's fine, but you are not allowed to call me you anymore."

Gu Yue smiled slightly and said: "Yes!" Then he said: "Li Changye, what do you think?"

The ancestor of the undead tasted it carefully and said: "Li Changye...Li Changye, good, good name, let's call it Li Changye!"

Then, he added: "But what's the origin of this name?"

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