My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3005: Emperor Shi, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

The Empire Sky Ark is so huge that it is no longer a big mountain or something that can describe it in case.

Ouyang Yu and Ni Cangshui were standing in front of the Empire Tianzhou. They could no longer see the top when they looked up.

I saw that the front was like a black iron mountain rising into the sky.

On the black iron, a light blue light flickered! Obviously, this pale blue is a guardian energy shield. Once someone forcibly breaks in, it will trigger very terrible consequences.

But no one knows what the consequences are.

When the Empire Tianzhou sails in space, there will always be risks of this and that! Quantum storms, suspended magnetic storms, stellar flares, meteorite groups, etc...

But the Empire Tianzhou has always been unscathed, and it doesn't even need to be resolved!

Occasionally when encountering quantum storms and some energy storms, Empire Tianzhou will even directly open the suspended magnetic antimatter, directly absorb all of them, and swallow them, using it as the energy of Tianzhou!

At this time, Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu had already felt the majesty of the Imperial Skyzhou!

This pitch-black giant has surpassed any ancient mythical beast in the universe, and its majesty makes people shudder!

Then, the blue magnet in the front dissipated.

Then an iron gate appeared, and the iron gate opened!

It was pitch black outside, but there was a dazzling light from inside the iron gate.

As if there is heaven in there!

Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu followed Lingzun to smoothly enter the iron gate.

Then, the iron gate is closed!

After entering the Imperial Sky Ark, Ouyang Yu and Nicangshui's eyes suddenly opened up.

There were beautiful mountains and green waters, and the sun filled the sky.

In the time of the Empire Tianzhou, this time was around 12 noon.

Looking up, there are blue sky and white clouds!

A hundred thousand green mountains ahead!

There is a lake in the middle of Daqing Mountain. The lake looks like an ocean at first glance, but it is very calm.

On the edge of the lake, there are some modern villas!

This is a very beautiful place.

The air is also very fresh.

This place makes people fall in love as soon as they come, and stay here if they want.

The spirit master came and didn't stop, saying, "Follow me!"

He reached out and opened a door to the void.

Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu followed Lingzun to pass through the gate of void.

In the next second, the two appeared in front of a magnificent palace.

That palace is the royal palace of the Dragon Capital, the supreme place of power in the entire empire!

There was a huge dragon power and king's air in the entire palace, as if it could only be admired, not directly looked at.

Fortunately, Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu are both people who have seen the world before. They came here as ordinary masters, and they have already been suppressed by majesty and speechless.

Around the palace, there are gardens all over, showing the royal style and majesty.

The air and the aura here work with each other, and it is even more refreshing.

Take a breath of air and it's all sweet.

Inside the palace, there are surveillance and guards patrolling everywhere, and there is supreme aura in the strictness.

Nine bends and eight bends, vast and vast!

The two of them walked for a while, passing through some palaces, gardens, and corridors, and finally passed the lake and the square before they came to the front of the Zhengwang Palace.

Emperor Long Qianjue attached great importance to this matter, and he met with Ouyang Yu and Ni Cangshui together with his cronies, Tian Qingge, the imperial emperor.

Tianqingge's position in the entire empire is pivotal. He is an emperor, once the teacher of Long Qianjue, and the nobleman of the entire empire.

Tian Qingge's cultivation is unfathomable, and his technique is particularly mysterious and powerful.

Even the Emperor Longqian Absolutely Tian Qingge did not dare to have any negligence.

Tian Qingge is only more than four thousand years old now, and he looks weird in the eyes of humans. But among the spirits, he looked young and handsome, and he looked like a gentleman.

He is indifferent, but he has a kind of prestige that is not angry and prestigious.

At this moment, in front of the Zhengda Palace, the gorgeous palace looked empty.

Carpets with gold threads are noble!

Emperor Long Qianjue is wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a golden crown, sitting on the dragon head throne.

Tian Qingge was wearing a black robe, standing aside elegantly.

Tian Qingge looks like a monster, and wears a black robe. If this dress is on a monkey, it will look like a monkey crown.

But Tian Qingge's clothes gave Ni Cangshui and Ouyang Yuzhong a sense of majesty and elegance.

It seems that this is what he should be doing. This outfit is normal for him.

The envoy of Lingzun followed, he first paid a respect to the emperor and Emperor Tian Qingge, and then coldly said to Nicangshui and Ouyang Yu: "Kneel down!"

Nicangshui is a man of arrogance and arrogance, and even more so in his cultivation. At this moment, he is treated like this, and he suddenly feels uneasy.

Ouyang Yu was easy to accept, he had bowed to his knees in front of Ni Cangshui, and immediately knelt down.

Nicangshui felt that these knees couldn't bend. He looked at Long Qianjue, but after only one glance, he immediately retracted his gaze.

Just because he saw it at this glance, he seemed to see the universe and the vast center in Long Qianjue's eyes.

With a tremor in his heart, he knew that the emperor was an absolute master, no less than the master of Taoist ancestor Zhang Daoling!

His knees softened immediately and he knelt down.

Long Qianjue scanned the past, his voice was faint, and said, "Get up and talk!"

"Thanks your Majesty!" The two thanked them, and then got up.

"Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?" Long Qianjue asked indifferently. He paused, and then said: "The grievances between the empire and the earth are no longer reconcilable. You will get into murder. This is the place of solemn imperial power. If one word of your words is false, don't blame the emperor for letting you survive or die!"

Ni Cangshui was about to answer.

At this moment, Emperor Shitian said lightly: "Look up, look at your majesty's eyes and answer questions!"

Ni Cangshui helplessly, raised his head and looked at Xiang Long Qianjue.

At that moment, Nicangshui suddenly found that he was irresistible as if he had entered another dimension.

In an absolutely dark place, the only light ahead is Long Qianjue. Long Qianjue is sitting on the Dragon Throne!

He couldn't see Ouyang Yu, he couldn't see the spiritual master, he couldn't see the palace, or the emperor!

At the same time, Ouyang Yu also suddenly found that Ni Cangshui was motionless.

This is a great supernatural power, a supernatural power that cannot be understood by experts like Ouyang Yu and Nicangshui.

Before them, Long Qianjue was an absolute god.

After that, Tian Qingge also spoke: "What is your name?"

"Under Ouyang Yu!"

"Look up and look into my eyes."

Ouyang Yu raised his head.

Later, he also came to a dark world.

There is a beam of light ahead, and under the light, Emperor Shi Tian Qingge stands calmly.

"What is your purpose?" Tian Qingge asked.

Ouyang Yu said in a deep voice, "I am coming down, I want to take refuge in the empire and take revenge!"

"Vengeance?" Tian Qingge said, "What revenge?"

Ouyang Yu said, "Chen Yang, Chen Yang is my enemy!"

Tian Qingge was slightly startled, he was also very impressed with the two words Chen Yang. He even thought about it and wanted to catch Chen Yang himself. He wanted to meet Chen Yang for a while, how scheming is this...

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