My Gorgeous Wife

: Chapter 2838 Kill Feng Taixuan, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Sure enough, after a while, Bing Xuanxin's doomsday divine flame began to weaken.

But Feng Taixuan's blood flame is even more fierce and arrogant!

Bing Xuanxin's face appeared strenuous, and she encouraged the last flame **** armor to continue to kill.

Feng is too profound and calm, and said in a deep voice: "Bane maid, don't waste your efforts. No one can defeat the widow in this place. Your biggest mistake is to suppress the widow in this forbidden land. But you too It's helpless. In other places, the widows cannot be suppressed. So you have to suppress the widows here!"

Bing Xuanxin was too lazy to pay attention to Feng Taixuan's words, she was looking forward to Chen Yang's action, she couldn't help but glance at Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang did not seem to intend to make a move.

"Chen Yang, the mystery of Earth Star Palace lies in this blood prison forbidden area. Right here, I am definitely not Feng Taixuan's opponent!" Bing Xuanxin immediately said loudly.

Chen Yang still had no plans to do it, so he watched in his spare time.

Feng Taixuan laughed and said, "The little white face you are looking for has the courage to make a move at this time? Does it rely on his three-tiered holy realm cultivation base? Do you think he will live and die with you? You are wrong. , He will only escape far. Later, he will kneel in front of the widow and beg the widow to spare him his life, and if the widow wants him to kill you, he will not hesitate!"

Bing Xuan Xin became more and more difficult to deal with Feng Tai Xuan.

Feng Taixuan suddenly urged his luck in his hand, and the blood mist around him became thicker, the blood mist rushed wildly, and the blood flame sword became more radiant.

Although Mo Yan Divine Armor is unparalleled in power, but this place does not see the sun, it is really suppressed too hard.

As expected, Bing Xuanxin could no longer support it.


Bing Xuanxin suddenly flickered, and finally flew out, fell heavily to the ground, followed, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Her face was pale.

Chen Yang couldn't help frowning.

He didn't need to guess that Bing Xuan's heart was hurt very lightly. She wanted to provoke herself to take action, this woman would never put herself in the Jedi.

Feng Taixuan didn't realize this, he had been suffocated for too long. So at this moment, he is full of spirits.

Feng Taixuan's figure flashed, and lightning slammed Bing Xuanxin, who wanted to grasp Bing Xuanxin in his palm.

At the same time, he has not forgotten Chen Yang. Lest Chen Yang escape, he spread a big palm print with his other hand to cover Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also shot at this time.

His big fatalism instantly enveloped him, and his figure flashed before he came to Bing Xuanxin.

Feng Taixuan grabbed the air with a palm, was taken aback for a moment, followed him and grabbed Bing Xuanxin with the other hand. Chen Yang appeared in front of Bing Xuanxin and slapped it. With his vigorous mana and destiny, the opponent's palm power was easily broken into pieces.

Feng Taixuan's body shook, he stood there with an incredible expression in his eyes.

"You... how is this possible?" Feng Taixuan stared at Chen Yang incredulously.

Chen Yang touched his nose, and then said, "Originally, when you were fighting with my Xuanxin, I wanted to kill you. It was easy to kill you. But your mouth is too cheap, so I still plan to come alone. Will you. This is your home court, and I don’t need Xuanxin’s help. I won’t say that I bullied you!"

"What an arrogant kid!" Feng Taixuan sneered after condensing his emotions.

"Do it!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Chen Yang had other worries in his mind at this time. He felt that Yan Nanfei and Feng Shangren were together, and they might conspire to come up with something. The Obsidian Tunnel may no longer be his back garden. If he wants to go to the Obsidian Tunnel, he must reserve some fatal power to crack their tricks.

So at this moment, he couldn't use all his lifespan to deal with Feng Taixuan.

Feng Taixuan didn't talk nonsense and shot immediately.

He was very solemn this time, and his whole body's mana condensed in an instant, and the blood mist around him shook and burst, as if he had merged with Feng Taixuan!

Then, the blood flame **** beam is fierce in the world!

Lightning beheaded to Chen Yang!

The armor of the blood **** is like an energy pile, which can provide a steady stream of energy!

Once the blood flame has burned everything, it will be like a maggot of tarsus!

Chen Yang directly sacrificed the river of black holes!

In the blink of an eye, the river of black holes burned completely and turned to ashes.

"Sure enough, ferocious!" Chen Yang secretly said.

"Black Hole Vortex, Great Devouring Technique, Profound Yellow God Valley Seed, Great Fate Technique!"

Chen Yang displayed all his three axes in a series!

The opponent's power is burning fiercely, and the stamina is full!

With Chen Yang's current skill, even Xuanhuang Divine Valley Seeds could not quickly absorb and transform those powers. But big fatalism is different...

After the big fatalism blessing, he immediately weakened those blood flames, and then Chen Yang frantically absorbed it.

"Roar!" Chen Yang roared wildly.

Feng Taixuan relied on the powerful energy of the blood mist and the power of the battle armor. That energy was so powerful that Chen Yang couldn't bear so much energy at all. Chen Yang immediately used big fatalism to forcibly store the opponent's energy!

Life is burning like crazy!

In the blink of an eye, one hundred thousand years of life was exhausted!

But Feng Taixuan still had nothing to do with Chen Yang.

He felt that his power was flowing like a big river, but the other party was actually absorbing...

"Why, he can absorb the power of the widow? This is impossible, this is impossible!"

"Why, he has such a weak cultivation base, has absorbed so much energy and mana, and can continue to absorb it? His body should have been burst long ago!"

Feng Taixuan felt that Chen Yang in front of him was an evildoer!

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and suddenly, a sword came!

All the power burst out, and with the power of one hundred thousand years of destiny into it!

This is definitely the best return for Feng Taixuan.

In order to deal with a Feng Tai Xuan, it consumed 200,000 years of life, which is very worthy of Feng Tai Xuan.

Chen Yang was very unrestrained in the obsidian tunnel.

It's like lying in a sea of ​​money, there is no scruples about using money.

Now, he still has a lot of wealth, but he needs attention. Therefore, his life span of 200,000 years will never be less powerful than the life span of 300,000 years.

This sword cut through the dark void, through time and space, through space, and through all prohibitions!


The sword light flashed, and the blood flame **** beam shattered instantly!

The sword light from Yijian East is like the divine light upstream, killing it all the way.

Feng Taixuan's face changed drastically, no matter how hard he tried to resist, he couldn't stop the sword light coming from Jiandong!

Feng Taixuan roared again and again, his figure changed, and he quickly hid in the blood mist forbidden area around him.

The blood mist forbidden land was surging, and the endless blood mist enveloped the sword light!

But in the blood mist, the sword light is like a powerful light hidden in the human body, illuminating the internal organs clearly!

At this moment, Bing Xuanxin also suddenly recovered. Her figure flickered, her eyes glanced sharply, Moyan God Armor urged, Moyan God Sword slashed out!

That is the strongest sword!

It was a sword that Bing Xuanxin did not reserve, and urged with all his strength!

The flames burning in the darkness engulfed the Divine Sword of Moyan and slashed towards Feng Taixuan with lightning.

Feng Taixuan is under the enemy, there is no way to go back!

His pupils began to dilate, and fear took over him.


Feng Taixuan suddenly roared, and after that, his figure began to change!

He actually changed into a real beast!

In the blink of an eye, Feng Taixuan turned into a huge beast, standing in the air!

The Blood God Armor on his body also increased...

The hideous and terrifying beast wore the majestic Blood God Armor, and the blood mist around him surrounded him, and countless blood mist was incorporated into the Blood God Armor.

Feng Taixuan suddenly threw out his fists!


Yijiandong’s Jianguang and Moyan Divine Sword were all crushed by his fists!

The surrounding sea of ​​blood mist shook fiercely, like a tsunami!

At this time, Feng Taixuan and the blood prison forbidden land have completely merged.

"Bane maid, and the little white-faced beast next to you, you actually forced the widow to this point. You are honored to die today! Now, the widow has completely integrated into the land of blood mist, you, welcome your doomsday! "Feng Taixuan roared again and again.

The sea of ​​blood mist erupted completely, exploding frantically, even more terrifying than a tsunami, it was really overwhelming!

After that, all the blood mist burned.

The armor of the blood **** is also burning!

Between heaven and earth, it turns into a **** flame!

After that, all the blood flames began to shrink quickly...

Bing Xuanxin's face instantly turned pale...

"Chen Yang, it's not good, we are going to run away." Bing Xuanxin's voice trembled: "He has completely integrated with the land of blood mist, and he will use death blood flame to refine and kill us in the next step. This kind of power, It is comparable to the burning of Saint Yaoxing. We must leave, or we will die!"

"Haha, you want to go now, can you go?" Feng Taixuan laughed sharply.

All the blood flames shrank and finally turned into a little blood pill!

The blood mist around all disappeared, and the original blood mist land became a dark void.

Following that, Feng Taixuan ejected the clear blood pill and blasted towards Chen Yang's eyebrows.

Once the blood pill bursts out, its energy is beyond Chen Yang's imagination.

Chen Yang must escape if he wants to escape.

But he didn't want to escape.

Today, does Lao Tzu have to be a bereaved dog?

how is this possible!

Chen Yang has 800,000 years of lifespan left, so he directly cut out three swords!

"Great destiny, you are an omnipotent existence! Kill this pill for me, kill Feng Tai Xuan!"

The first sword, a life span of 300,000 years!

The second sword, a life span of 200,000 years!

The third sword, a life span of 300,000 years!

At the same time, Chen Yang swallowed all the ice pill to replenish life.

Once this life span is completely exhausted, Chen Yangke will be dead.

Therefore, he must add!

At that instant of lightning and stone fire, the first piece of the Great Fate Technique directly killed the blood pill!

The sword of fate quickly froze the blood pill!

The blood pill exploded directly, and the fierce blood flame burned the sword of fate into ashes!

That terrifying blood flame is as big as a football, continue to rush over!

Chen Yang's second sword froze again!

The gray power of destiny quickly freezes blood flames!

The blood flame rose again!

The sword of destiny was burned to ashes again!

However, at this moment, the third sword came out!

The sword light flashed, the blood flame burst completely, and finally turned into infinite gray particles, scattered on the ground!

At the same time, Jianguang shot towards Feng Taixuan!

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