My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2755: Break and stand, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

At the most critical moment, Chen Yang suddenly covered his eyebrows with his hand! This sword is based on Chen Yang's body, and he will never stop without beheading Chen Yang. Therefore, avoidance will only lead to a more dangerous situation!

That sword pierced through Chen Yang's palm in an instant, and at the same time, it shot through Chen Yang's forehead!

Chen Yang's body shattered instantly!

But at this moment, a dark sword light flashed out suddenly and slashed towards the sword.


The dark sword light shattered directly!

This sword broke ten thousand laws, it was really terrifying!

At the same time, Chen Yang suddenly appeared in the void.

Chen Yang instantly cut out a hundred dark sword lights. One is more fierce than one, and one wave is higher than one wave!

It turns out that just now, Chen Yang has always appeared in his real body. But at the moment when the river of black hole shattered, he blocked his eyebrows with his hand, and then cut off his arm, and then turned the mind spar to create an illusion!

Zhang Daoling is a peerless figure. Chen Yangruo confuses Zhang Daoling with the illusion of the mind spar, which is self-inflicted.

However, Chen Yang's use of his arm as a medium gave Zhang Daoling the sense of realism that really killed his body.

In this way, Chen Yang successfully lied to Zhang Daoling!

When Baojian thought that Chen Yang would be killed, the momentum of his sword breaking ten thousand magics followed.

Chen Yang waited for this moment, so he broke the law directly!

His dark sword light is what he just realized, called Dark Dawn!

Dark Dawn is very different from Yijian Donglai. One sword to the east is the power of the essence, but one sword fixes life and death.

And the dark dawn is endless!

This is a very important thing Chen Yang has realized.


What is life? Life is a kind of passing away, and people are going to death from birth!

Destruction is an inevitable process, only the length of time!

Even the universe is in a process of collapse.

The sword light of the Dark Dawn is to consume Zhang Daoling's power...

A hundred sword lights slashed out in an instant, but the power of that sword breaks ten thousand magic is still extremely powerful...

"Black hole vortex, big swallowing technique!" Chen Yang condenses the black hole vortex again, big swallowing technique!

At this time, the power of one sword to break the ten thousand magic seems to be still strong, but in fact it has been consumed a lot.

Finally, the Great Devouring Technique began to swallow the many profound meanings and powers of this sword!

Chen Yang was almost exhausted. At this time, he absorbed Zhang Daoling's power. It was like a long drought and rain, greedy violently absorbing these powers.

"Roar!" Chen Yang's eyes flashed, Yi Jian Donglai finally killed him!

That incomparable sword light instantly smashed all the power of the sword!

Then, the sword shot out...

At the same time, the sword power of Yi Jiandong slashed towards Zhang Daoling's forehead!

Zhang Daoling frowned slightly, and then he waved his hand to grab the sword in his hand. At the same time, he was able to transport, and slashed another sword between lightning!

The sword came again!

Yi Jiandong’s sword power was directly shattered by the sword, and then Chen Yang saw a flash of sword light in front of him...

He scolded "I fuck!"

Then his head was chopped up, and his body was torn to pieces, becoming countless pieces!

After a long time, Chen Yang recovered.

He saw that the Taoist temples around him regained, and Zhang Daoling was sitting on the futon.

Chen Yang sat opposite each other.

At this moment, Chen Yang was no longer depressed, and he was in a good mood.

He held his fist to Zhang Daoling and said, "Junior, thank you for your advice!"

Zhang Daoling laughed, and said, "Today I have lost my promise and said that I would bestow a sword, but in the end he was bestowed two swords."

When Chen Yang thought of this, he also felt funny. Probably the Daoist wanted to save face, so he directly gave another sword.

Zhang Daoling followed and said: "Many of today's words are really heavy. In fact, you don't need a heavy hammer to sound the drum. It doesn't have to be the case. It's just because time is really running out. Therefore, the poor Dao discussed with the emperor. , I decided to give you some strong medicine."

Chen Yang said: "The younger generation understands the painstaking efforts of the senior and the emperor."

Zhang Daoling said again: "It must be reasonable for Heaven to choose you among the vast crowd. Little friends, you have a heart of love, compassion, and self-reflection. This is very good. The only thing you lack, It's time. In this situation, time is basically impossible to give you too much."

Chen Yang said: "The younger generation understands!"

Zhang Daoling continued: "The calamity of the Spirit Venerable will not be the final calamity. The Heavenly Dao descends to kill the calamity, not just to deal with the Spirit Venerable."

Chen Yang Yi Lin.

He couldn't help but look at Zhang Daoling more.

Zhang Daoling smiled slightly, and said, "You didn't expect that Pin Dao would understand all this."

Chen Yang said: "To kill the robbery, to kill the spirit deity, but also to kill us, right?"

Zhang Daoling said: "That's right!" He paused, and said, "This is a rule, a rule. Look at the founding emperors, how many people accompanied them from birth to death. Later, how many heroes were killed? But, too There are a few individuals who are extremely good at being human and get good results. Look, isn't Yuanjue Fashen just being safe for so many years?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly.

Zhang Daoling said: "The Dharma God has great grace to the poor Dao. In the past, the poor Dao promised the Dharma God. If it is another day, the earth will be in trouble. The poor Dao will definitely come back. If you come back now, it is to fulfill your promise. Moreover, you don’t have to, little friend. Worry about. Everyone will die and no one can escape. What we have to consider is not how to escape death, but how to live wonderfully!"

Chen Yang said: "You are right, the younger generation should remember!"

Zhang Daoling followed and said: "Okay, poor Dao is a bit tired at this moment. Please do it yourself, little friend!"

Chen Yang left with Zhang Daoling.

After that, Chen Yang went to see Xuan Zhenghao again.

In the study room, Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "I have seen your fight with Daochang Zhang. So, you don't have to compete with me anymore. You already understand the true meaning of Taoism!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and said: "I thought I was a grandfather in Taoism, but I didn't expect to understand it now. I just entered Taoism!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: “Any industry has its own ways. It is not easy to achieve the ultimate. And the Tao industry is inclusive of all rivers and boundless. No one dares to say that they are the patriarch of Tao. You recently I am indeed a little complacent. It is necessary to beat you. You can now understand life and destruction, and understand that fighting is the game of great powers. Our goal has been achieved. The rest will take time and your own insight and understanding. tried."

Chen Yang said, "I thank you again for your hard work and conscience."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled faintly and said, "All for the same goal!"

Chen Yang thought of something, and said: "The children over there are all interested in learning. Recently I also figured it out and decided to support them on this path. After thinking about it, it seems that you are the best here. School."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled upon hearing this and said, "Bring it here, but I have some requests."

Chen Yang was startled slightly and said, "Huh?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can train them carefully, but in the future, they will all be admitted to Dakang as an official! You can't keep me busy, right?"

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