My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 2732: Wedding news, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Hei Suzhen said: "This world is not so much a celestial sphere as it is an elemental world. It was originally an arc elemental world, but due to the tempering of the fire, my dark element and arc element merged into one and became a new element. I haven't named this element yet. Before, the old elemental power was guarding the world, but after we were burned by the fire, our body was too weak to integrate with it normally, but was swallowed. Now it's different. This world is now my world."

Hei Suzhen added: "The rules of elemental power are equivalent to the earth's heavenly path, which has no human body consciousness. And I am now equal to the heavenly body's human body consciousness! In this place, the elemental power has been used by me! We are going out, It's easy. There was a time error before, which was the most difficult problem. But because the time spar is here, it's easy. In other words, if there is no fire burning time spar, our time will not be wrong. Now, It is to make the time spar return to normal time, so this is not difficult."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, he said: "It is equivalent to, are you now the creator of this world?"

Hei Suzhen said: "I am in this place and integrated into the rules of the elements, which can indeed change many things and rules. But if I want to leave this place and enter the normal world of the celestial sphere, I will also be restricted by the rules. Unless, I am in Here, the rule is changed so that the mana of the entire celestial sphere is no longer restricted."

"That can't be done!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Hei Suzhen said, "Don't worry, I always hate trouble."

Chen Yang said: "It's equivalent to being here, you can have the power of the world, right?"

Black Suzhen said: "I can mobilize the power of the world, but I can't take it away."

Chen Yang said: "That's it."

Hei Suzhen said: "There are slight cracks in the time spar, and this kind of crack is a time crack. As long as we stay here for a long time, the crack inside will be larger. To a certain extent, it will cause The space-time storm in the time spar. At that time, there will be even greater chaos."

Chen Yang was taken aback.

Hei Suzhen said: "Ten years, ten years is the limit. Ten years later, we will come back on time. In these ten years, I want to walk around and take a look, you can practice hard and realize the truth!"

When Chen Yang heard that there were still ten years to go, he heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Good!"

When Ye Chaoning and others were desperate...

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen walked out of the darkness and came to them.

Everyone was delighted to see Chen Yang still alive. But when she saw Suzhen in black, she couldn't help showing fear in her eyes.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Don't be afraid, the person next to me is not the Night King, but my sister!"

"Huh?" Everyone was suddenly surprised and happy.

Chen Yang briefly explained, and told everyone that all disasters have passed.

Ye Chaoning was overjoyed, but sad, because her brother Ye Feng was still dead.

Chen Yang's injuries have also healed. Because he was in the middle of the elemental world, it was equivalent to regaining mana. So a little hurt, just go straight.

Before, Chen Yang entered the frost dragon's stomach, but his body was a stench. But under the washing of mana, the clothes were already clean.

Black Suzhen didn't say much, she came to Ye Chaoning, and then knelt down to investigate Ye Feng's situation.

At that moment, there was a complex look in her eyes. Of course she knew what Ye Feng did for him...

"He will be fine." Hei Suzhen then said to Ye Chaoning: "Just take a good rest, and when you return to a normal world, the light will shine and you will eat more nutrients, and everything will be fine."

"However, the outside environment is very bad." Ye Chaoning said with tears in his eyes, "I don't know, brother can support it."

Hei Suzhen said, "No problem, wrap him in a sleeping bag when the time comes. Then warm him with a slight fire dragon air."

Ye Chaoning's eyes lit up.

"Then now, can you tell us who the two of you are?" Jade Luosha couldn't help saying.

They are really very curious about this issue.

Including Su Luo!

Everyone looked at Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen.

For these people, Chen Yang couldn't ignore them or reject their curiosity forcefully.

He will not forget that in times of danger, these people will accompany each other time and time again.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "We have no malice against this world."

Suzhen Hei is not good at words, and doesn't bother to explain anything.

And Chen Yang felt that it would be very troublesome to clarify the causes and consequences of things.

So next, Chen Yang briefly talked about the origins of him and Suzhen Hei. And when I fell into this world, my soul went out of my body and so on. The real body is stuck in chaos...

Chen Yang didn't say that they were here to change the elements, only that the calamity was coming and so on.

Then, Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao were also looking for the accident.

Ye Chaoning and Su Luomo believed this. Because they have investigated the origins of Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao. It is also known that the changes between Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao only started after that car accident.

But no matter what, everyone finally understood the ins and outs.

Time, never stops, always moves forward.

Time is like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes arousing waves...

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

Xiaoyao Wang and his party have gone to the world.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen had already returned to Kyoto, and Ye Feng's injuries had all improved.

Everything is back on track.

However, Su Luo's injury will not heal after all.

Su Luomo had a long conversation with Chen Yang and Black Suzhen, and asked Chen Yang what they plan to do in the future.

Chen Yang replied that he would leave after ten years.

Su Luo Mo felt worried.

In fact, Chen Yang also has worries, worrying that Chen Leyi will not be able to bear it.

At that time, Chen Yang expressed his concern, and Suzhen Hei just said indifferently: "Don't forget, the time is wrong. Once we get back to the right time, it means we have never been in this world. The fact is that Chen Jun and Chen Jingyao died in that car accident. No one can change this, including you and me."

Chen Yang's body shook suddenly.

He asked Suzhen Black: "Then can you change that car accident in the element rules?"

Hei Suzhen sighed slightly and said, "I only now begin to understand Yuanjue's position and difficulties. The establishment of rules lies in abiding. If I change the rules, the rules will become fragile, especially, I am equivalent to that. The law enforcement is now. The way of nature is to follow natural changes. Both natural and man-made disasters are part of nature and cannot be changed. Once changed, it will cause a series of unbearable changes."

Chen Yang felt sad.

Black Suzhen said: "Who can avoid life, old age, sickness and death?"

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "Sometimes I feel that we are omnipotent. But sometimes, I feel that we can't change anything."

"Supernatural powers and persistence can change what has not happened, but no one can change what has already happened." Suzhen Hei said.

Chen Yang said: "So, the gate of eternal life, the five failures of heaven and man, you should also understand that even then, nothing can be changed." When he saw Suzhen Hei Yi talk about this, he said the gate of eternal life. .

Black Suzhen was startled slightly.

"Yes, of course I understand!" she said after a long silence.

Regarding Su Luomo’s worries, after Chen Yang and Black Clothes Suzhen left, no one in the celestial world could contend with the Dark King. Chen Yang and Su Luomo said, “Don’t worry, ten years will be enough for Ye Feng to grow up. It’s not enough. Before we leave, it is fine to kill the Dark King."

He didn't want to think about this kind of unnecessary troubles, so he just soothed Su Luo Lonely. Su Luomo's eyes lit up after hearing this.

In fact, the newcomer always replaces the old one!

Su Luo's worries were unnecessary. Without him, others would naturally rise.

What's more, Chen Yang already knew that when he and Suzhen Black had left, there would be no traces of them here.

Everything will return to normal track.

time flies.

In an instant, a year passed.

This year, Chen Yang was not with Suzhen Hei. He entered a state of meditation, in the house of Yan Guzhong in Kyoto.

What he cultivates is not the dragon energy of this world, but to realize the meaning of life and the mysterious connection with the universe. Such an understanding will be very helpful to him after he recovers his true body in the future.

Chen Yang didn't know what Hei Suzhen was doing this year.

Hei Suzhen said, she wants to walk around, eat food and see the scenery.

Chen Yang offered to go with her, but Suzhen Black refused. Hei Suzhen said: "You should practice hard and don't waste precious time!"

Chen Yang thinks so, he always feels a little anxious.

So Chen Yang stayed.

During the year, Chen Yang occasionally went out to eat with Ye Chaoning. Ye Chaoning likes to hear Chen Yang tell some stories about his world. This makes Ye Chaoning have infinite yearning... and even asked Chen Yang if she can go with her then.

Chen Yang rejected Ye Chaoning and told Ye Chaoning that this was impossible. Because the time error must be corrected.

No one can take Ye Chaoning away.

There is no need to take it away.

Ye Chaoning could only dispel this idea.

Chen Yang could feel Ye Chaoning's heart moved, and felt a touch of affection. But Chen Yang can only pretend to be blind and keep his distance. He didn't want to have any unintended feelings.

However, on this day, Chen Yang never expected that he received Ye Feng's call.

On the phone, Ye Feng told him that he had proposed to Black Suzhen.

Moreover, Black Suzhen has already agreed.

On the phone, Ye Feng was very excited and excited. He said that he thought Chen Yang was a very important person to Suzhen in black. So it is necessary to inform.

Chen Yang's heart was shocked!

At that moment, his whole person followed in a daze.

"What kind of crazy thing is this silly saying!" Chen Yang murmured.

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