My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1086: What happened in the temple, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

"Hand over the Human Sword, lest you die!" The figure in front shouted loudly.

Chen Yang looked intently, and those who came were two old men in black.

Chen Yang did not know these two people. Wei Wuji and Qiao Ning were slightly surprised.

Qiao Ning said to Chen Yang: "They are Styx Shuangjue!" Chen Yang couldn't help but wonder, "What Styx Shuangjue?" Qiao Ning said, "In the extreme east, there is a Styx. Styx water poison. , All things do not exist. Styx Shuangjue grew up in the Styx, and they are both the existence of the peak of the Nine Heavens. Moreover, the technique is extremely poisonous and difficult to deal with!"

Wei Wuji said: "Unexpectedly, these two people are also here. Why did the Human Emperor Sword make such a big movement this time?"

"Get away!" Xiaolong said coldly when facing Styx Shuangjue, his eyes widened.

But Styx Shuangjue didn't expect that this little dragon was so arrogant. They laughed in anger, and said: "What a wicked animal, with a sly on his mouth, today I have to peel you off and cramp!"

Xiaolong is not a bullshit, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out the pillar of thunder and lightning!


The mighty Thunder God Fire Pillar instantly shot the boss in Xiang Styx Shuangjue. The boss was taken aback and immediately resisted with Styx's true energy.

"Roar!" Xiaolong started to feel hot.

Qiao Ning quickly sacrificed the soul, and the three of them went to the soul, and then left Xiaolong. When the little dragon went crazy, he couldn't wait for it.

Numerous Styx vortices appeared in front of the boss!

But the Thunder God Fire Pillar pierced all the vortices instantly. The boss kept retreating and kept creating new vortices. The mana on his body was quickly consumed.

The second child in the Styx Shuangjue was also taken aback when he saw this, and he immediately attacked Xiaolong.

"Netherworld God Slash!" The second child shouted loudly, and then slammed his hand violently!

Suddenly, the black Styx water gathered together, forming ten fierce sword auras!

Sword Qi in the sky!

Ten sword qi slashed to Xiaolong with lightning, and Xiaolong's body suddenly turned into flames!

Those ten sword qi were directly burned into ashes!

At this time, the boss could no longer hold on, and the Thunder God Fire Pillar burned directly onto the boss.

In an instant, the boss was burned to ashes, but there was no residue left.

The second child finally realized what was wrong, so he turned around and fled.

He escaped quickly, but the dragon was faster.

In the void, the little dragon roared and roared, and the Thunder God Fire Pillar came out again! The second child found that it was impossible, and in the midst of the crisis, he hurriedly turned back to defend. But Xiaolong's Thunder God Fire Pillar instantly shattered his defenses. Soon, the second child was also burned to ashes.

A man's sword, how many heroes died because of him before everyone met.

Chen Yang and the others also knew in their hearts that they had to return to the imperial city on this trip. Without the **** of Xiaolong, they basically had no hope of taking the Human Emperor Sword back.

Xiaolong then took everyone back to Dakang.

Along the way, many masters came to intercept, but in the end they were all killed directly by Xiaolong.

In this way, in the next morning, Chen Yang and his party went outside the imperial city of Dakang.

Xiaolong put down the three of Chen Yang.

The sun was shining at this time, and the willow trees were hanging down on both sides of the city.

The morning breeze is blowing, it is pleasant.

"Xiaolong, go back with us." Qiao Ning said.

Xiaolong looked at Qiao Ning, but finally fell on Chen Yang. Chen Yang scratched his head and said, "Xiaolong, come home with me."

Xiaolong looked at Chen Yang for a long time, and then said: "I have no home for a long time."

Chen Yang said, "I'm sorry."

Xiaolong said, "Can I ask you to do something?"

Chen Yang was overjoyed when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "You said it!"

Xiaolong said: "You don't need to practice your soul anymore."

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly understood Xiaolong's emotions. In Xiaolong's heart, from beginning to end, he was his most important father. Therefore, this request is like a son telling his father that you should not have a second child.

If it was before, Chen Yang would not agree to Xiaolong's request. But now, he is ashamed of Xiaolong.

It's like the parents are careless, and the son almost died. At this time, my son came to make a request, saying that you should not have a second child. There is no reason for the parents not to agree!

Chen Yang took a deep look at Xiaolong and said, "Did I promise you that you will come home with me?"

Xiaolong shook his head and said, "I don't want to for the time being, and I have a place I want to go." It paused and said, "Just forget it if you don't want it."

"I promise you!" Chen Yang said: "I swear, I will never practice any soul in this life, Chen Yang. My only soul will always be you, Xiaolong! If I break my oath, I will never repay. Qiu, you can't save Ling'er!"

This is the most poisonous oath made by Chen Yang.

Xiaolong waved his tail, and finally looked at Qiao Ning. Qiao Ning's eyes were gentle, and she said, "Xiaolong, where are you going?"

Xiaolong said: "Mom, I understand now that I can't stay. I have my mission!"

Qiao Ning couldn't help crying with joy, and said, "Don't you blame us?" Because Xiaolong actually called his mother.

Xiaolong said: "I never blamed you." He paused, then said: "You are my only mother forever."

Qiao Ning hugged Xiaolong's head.

Chen Yang looked at it with emotion. He knew that one day, Xiaolong would return to his embrace.

Qiao Ning continued: "Why can't you stay?"

Xiaolong said: "If I stay, it will be difficult for him to improve. Moreover, I also need to be stronger. Because I already know that after too long, there will be greater changes. At that time, you may all in danger!"

Chen Yang and others were taken aback.

Xiaolong then said, "I'm leaving!"

It walked without nostalgia, turned around and flew away quickly. In an instant, I saw the fire left on the horizon.

Then, the fire also disappeared.

"There will be danger, what do you mean?" Wei Wuji couldn't help but mutter.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't figure this out either, but it was a pity that after Xiaolong's cultivation now grows, he speaks the same way as those mysterious great supernatural powers, saying only half, but they refuse to say it clearly.

What made Chen Yang more relieved was that Xiaolong refused to stay, not because he could not forgive him. But Xiaolong felt that if it stayed, Chen Yang would not be able to grow.

That said, it's true.

The reason why Chen Yang progressed so fast all the way was because he was driven by a sense of crisis.

If Xiaolong stayed, then Chen Yang would have less trouble and crisis. This is not conducive to Chen Yang's growth!

Subsequently, the three of Chen Yang entered the imperial city.

Chen Yang wanted to give the human emperor sword to Wei Wuji, and let Wei Wuji give it to the emperor. Wei Wuji refused. He smiled and said, "The credit is really yours. How can I pretend to take it."

Chen Yang said, "Master Wei, if you say that, you will be out of sight."

Wei Wuji waved his hand and refused to accept it. He is also an arrogant person, and it is impossible to do anything to pretend to be meritorious.

Chen Yang couldn't force it, so he could only give up.

Afterwards, the three of them went directly to meet the Lord.

In the imperial palace, in the imperial study room, Chen Yang sent the human sword to the emperor.

The emperor took the man's sword and stared at it for a long time, then laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

At the end, the Emperor General Renhuangjian also received his magic book, and then said: "Why don't you see Tingyu?"

Wei Wuji told the whole story.

For Lan Tingyu, of course there is nothing to blame. People don't necessarily have to accompany him to death. He has the ability to escape, and that is his ability.

After hearing this, the emperor didn't say much. Just said: "This time the Human Emperor Sword can be successfully retaken, all of you will have a great reward. Well, you go back first, and the reward will be sent to the house afterwards!"

"Thank you emperor!" The crowd bowed again.

Subsequently, the emperor let Chen Yang and Qiao Ning leave first.

When they went back, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning were in the carriage.

The carriage shook.

Chen Yang did not speak in contemplation. Qiao Ning said, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yang said: "I still can't help but think about what magical tools Lan Tingyu has that needs to be hidden like this."

Qiao Ning said, "Do you still suspect that the Tathagata is related to him?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't know if I should doubt it."

Qiao Ning said, "Do you think the emperor might be lying to you?"

Chen Yang said: "If it were not for the emperor, I would not have these doubts."

Qiao Ning said: "The emperor said that when you reach the Nine Heavens, you will naturally tell you the truth. I don't think you should think too much about it, these will not help."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Qiao Ning then smiled again and said, "Guess what reward the emperor will give us?"

Chen Yang said: "The emperor has always been generous in his shots, and he will certainly not disappoint us."

Qiao Ning said, "I was expecting it too."

Chen Yang suddenly said: "Guess what Xiaolong's crisis is referring to?"

Qiao Ning said: "I can't guess this. However, the emperor's request for the **** emperor completely offended all sects. I don't know if these sects are brewing any new poisonous schemes."

"If this is the case, the emperor should know." Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning said, "Even if the emperor knew, he would not tell us."

Chen Yang said, "That's true!"

Qiao Ning said: "Then let's trust the emperor's strategy."

At this time, it is located in the holy city of Salad Country.

In the temple of the holy city, in this temple, all idlers and others are not allowed to enter.

The building of the temple is magnificent and magnificent, it looks like the city of God!

In the center of the temple, Devil Emperor Chen Tianya, Jiuyou Tiandi, Yun Huaying, and Xiao Yi all gathered together.

The four of them were surrounding Chen Yihan in the middle, and endless mana gathered towards Chen Yihan.

At the same time, Yun Huaying brought a branch of the tree of life. Everyone's mana was transformed through the tree of life, and finally became infinite vitality and began to nourish Chen Yihan.

The scars and holes on Chen Yihan's face are beginning to heal.

After a while, Chen Yihan's face began to be smooth as jade, and his eyes recovered...

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