My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1022: Moon viewing party, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

This is an exciting scene!


After this battle, the emperor's reputation once again climbed to the apex. In this month, the Thirteenth City of Tieyun fell one after another and suffered successive losses. The people are miserable, and people inside and outside the court are in panic.

However, the emperor's imperial driver personally conquered the opponent's coach in just five days. And defeat the Dashun army for thousands of miles!

If later historians want to describe the present-day saints, I am afraid they only want to come up with the four words of great achievements.

Throughout the twenty years in power of the Lord, countless miracles and countless great deeds are hard to count.

That evening, the emperor held a celebration banquet in Tianyun City.

All the officers and soldiers, except those on duty, all followed to carve together.

This is a sleepless night.

The next morning, the emperor led Chen Yang, Lan Tingyu, and Wei Wuji, and Qiao Ning returned to the imperial city. Tang Zhennan continued to guard Tianyun City. As for the Thirteenth City of Tieyun, the emperor had already arranged generals, officers and soldiers, and officials to assist. The Thirteenth City of Tieyun received a heavy blow, but the emperor has promised that the surviving people will receive due compensation.

This is definitely not a small consumption to the treasury.

However, today's emperor has never been selfish toward his subjects.

In such an era, to have such an emperor is the gospel of the people of Dakang.

The emperor has almost become a perfect man, he is a virtuous minister, a distant villain, not obsessed with female sex, he is wise and wise...

At noon that day, the emperor and his party returned to the imperial city.

Outside the Xuantian Gate of the imperial palace, Lan Tianji led the civil and military officials to kneel to welcome him.

After Chen Yang and others entered the palace with the emperor, the emperor simply held a court meeting, and then let Chen Yang and others go home to rest. As for the awards and so on, it will have to wait until the fifteenth of this month before the emperor will hold a moon appreciation party.

There are three days before the fifteenth of this month!

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning naturally returned to Shaowei Mansion.

When I returned to Shaowei Mansion, it was five o'clock in the afternoon. Once back to Fuzhong, Batu flew around happily. This Shaowei Mansion is also its home. And Nie Meiniang made the kitchen prepare a sumptuous dinner.

Before Qiao Ning and Chen Yang entered the house, firecrackers were set off at the door.

Shaowei Mansion was beaming up and down.

This gives Qiao Ning and Chen Yang the warmth of home, and Shaowei Mansion is everyone's big family.

Qiao Ning said with a smile: "I haven't been to the house that the emperor rewarded me for a day, so I might as well sell it."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "It's up to you, but you dare to sell the emperor's reward?"

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "That's what I said."

The dinner was very enjoyable, with a glass of wine and joy. Nie Meiniang was also very interested to hear Chen Yang and Qiao Ning talk about this battle.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning did not have any reservations about Nie Meiniang. As long as they are not allowed to talk about military secrets, they will tell Nie Meiniang.

Nie Meiniang had a very good time in Shaowei Mansion. Here, she didn't need to look at anyone's color to act. This is a very pleasant state.

In the evening, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning chatted while enjoying the coolness in the pavilion.

Nie Meiniang went to play with Batu.

"How does it feel?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yang with a smile.

Chen Yang couldn't help but froze, and said, "What does it feel like?"

Qiao Ning said: "You have always been considered unparalleled in wisdom. This time you went out with the emperor. Do you think the emperor's wisdom is better than yours?"

Chen Yang was startled when he heard the words, and then he thought about it. After thinking about it, I felt extremely scared. He said sincerely: "I am not as much as the emperor."

"Oh, how do you say?" Qiao Ning said.

"My previous strategy of besieging Ba Zhiwen and suppressing the Supreme Master was successful. But after thinking about it, there are still many loopholes. If that day, Huang Banruo and the others would see through our strategy and rush directly into the county government. The consequences were unimaginable. I thought about it later and I felt terrified!"

Qiao Ning said: "Huang Banruo thought that the county government was our ambush, and he categorically did not dare to go in. But there is indeed a 1% chance that he will go in."

Chen Yang said, "But look at the emperor this time, he used Wei Wuji to confuse the opponent. It is clear that we can besieged and killed Wendao, but the emperor still asked Wei Wuji not to notify us, creating a false impression. Wei Wuji really took the shot when he really displayed the Taishang Dragon Stele and revealed the empty door. He was willing to take a shot if nothing went wrong. This is the emperor’s meticulous! Besides, the emperor broke the Qianyuan Golden Light Array, and he let Wei Wuji go. Broken. At the same time, it also defended Wei Wuji, that is, he was afraid that Wei Wuji would turn to Yun Tianzong. Therefore, we never saw a person from the beginning to the end."

"Who?" Qiao Ning asked.

Chen Yang said: "Gongsun!" He paused, and said, "Gongsun is the most secret killer around the emperor. I saw Gongsun once when I was leaving. But later, Gongsun completely disappeared, and he never made a move. Yes. But I believe that Gongsun must have gone. He is the emperor’s way back! And I also believe that even if Wei Wuji rebels against Yun Tianzong, even if Gongsun cannot overcome Wei Wuji. The emperor must have arranged a way. The biggest difference between the emperor’s formation and mine is that he does not take any risks. The seemingly existing risks, in fact, the emperor has several ideas to prevent."

Qiao Ning said: "You can see it thoroughly. I have indeed never seen someone as terrifying as the emperor's tricks."

Chen Yang said: "However, the emperor has been holding the four Yuntianzong masters, and Luo Tianhua of the Protoss has also been arrested. Both sides are hot potatoes. I am afraid that the Protoss and Yuntianzong are not I will give it up."

Qiao Ning said: "Whatever you and I thought of, the emperor obviously thought of it. I just don't know what the emperor is thinking about."

Chen Yang said: "From the bright side, now the emperor has completely stabbed the hornet's nest. Dakang's strength is really not enough to deal with the Yuntian Sect and the gods. But I don't know why, I don't worry too much, as long as there is an emperor, Everything is not a problem."

Qiao Ning said: "It's not just you, but I also feel it. This time I was fighting against Dashun. From the bright side, it was a very difficult battle. But later, the emperor did it so effortlessly. I won the war and captured the other four masters alive. This is really incredible."

Chen Yang said: "The emperor's mind is not something you and I can guess." He paused, and then said: "By the way, Miss Joe, after the moon viewing party, I think you will take me to collect the essence of the earth. "

Qiao Ning said: "No problem!"

Later, she said again: "I think Batu can stay with Mei Niang in Shaowei Mansion now, and I will also tell Mei Niang how to teach Batu to practice."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "This is good. Batu has been in Jiexumiri, and he feels aggrieved. In the imperial city, no one dared to come to his idea."

Qiao Ning said, "I think so too."

Three days later, it was September 15th. On this night, Haoyue was clear.

In the imperial garden of the imperial palace, all preparations for the moon-viewing convention have been arranged.

In the imperial garden, the palace maidservants and eunuchs placed fine wines and delicacies, seasonal fruits, grapes and fine wines, and glass luminous cups in front of the banquet table like running water.

Orchestras, singers and dancers, everything is ready.

The emperor has ordered that ministers and workers can bring their families.

This is a grand banquet.

The emperor and the queen attended the feast, and the princes also attended the feast.

Chen Yang had never heard of the queen before. This was the first time he saw the queen. He also saw the princes at the banquet. There were twelve princes and three princesses. The eldest of the princes is already 22 years old, and the youngest is still in a baby.

Although the emperor took the house to Tianzhou 20 years ago, when he was the prince, he had a princess and gave birth to a son.

All ministers and workers have been seated separately, and Chen Yang, Qiao Ning, and Nie Meiniang are sitting next to each other. Next to them are Lan Tingyu and others!

And Wei Wuji, Wuhou, and Wenhou were all sitting under the emperor.

First of all, the emperor and the queen toasted for a drink. The ministers and workers also toasted together, wishing the emperor and the queen happiness and prosperity.

Chen Yang saw that the queen was beautiful, dignified, and extremely beautiful, and she looked only in her twenties.

Her beauty is not inferior to Qiao Ning.

The emperor looked young, but he was a good match for the queen.

After seated, the dancer began to dance. The ministers started drinking and chatting.

"The queen empress seems to be a master?" Chen Yang whispered to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning smiled and said, "You can ask Mei Niang about this question. Mei Niang should know better than me."

Nie Meiniang also smiled. She said: "Before the emperor became the prince, there was a princess who gave birth to the eldest prince Tai Ji. However, after the emperor ascended the throne, she did not make this princess the queen."

"Oh, this seems to be unreasonable, right?" Chen Yang said.

Nie Meiniang said: "The emperor is a person who keeps his promises, and there is no reason to deal with it. The princess was named a noble concubine, and now she is still happy. This queen is the lord of the Yongle Palace. When the emperor wants to destroy the Yongle Palace, Yongle The palace members declared all their allegiance to the emperor. At the same time, the emperor was quite happy with the palace lord of Yongle Palace and directly named the queen."

Chen Yang said: "That's it!"

"Did the queen give birth to the emperor?" Chen Yang asked Nie Meiniang.

Nie Meiniang said: "Then, look at the baby in the swaddle, the prince born to the emperor three months ago by the queen. The emperor has appointed him as the prince."

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback, and said, "This is how the emperor was so haste?"

Qiao Ning whispered: "No one can figure out what the emperor thinks. However, the emperor is very affectionate to the queen. Over the years, although the emperor has children with other concubines, the emperor never spends the night with other concubines. The emperor and the queen. His feelings are very enviable."

Chen Yang couldn't help but looked at the empress empress, who happened to also look at Chen Yang.

When they touched each other's eyes, the empress's eyes were as warm as water, and as pure as her bright eyes. One glance made people feel involuntarily embarrassed.

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