Hajima Seisuke said: "When you go back to work in the restaurant, I have already talked with Kato's cousin. He has a girlfriend now, so you can rest assured."

"Eh? Why haven't I heard Kato say that?"

Hajima Seisuke replied: "Because my cousin Kato, like Kato, is a person with a very low sense of existence. He never takes the initiative to talk about his own affairs. It was only after I asked him that he answered that he recently dated a girl in college. friend."

What the workaholic cares about is nothing more than the relationship between Kato and her cousin. As long as one of the links is solved, the problem will naturally be solved.

An Yilun didn't have Kato's cousin's contact information, so the best he could do was ask Kato Megumi for confirmation.

As for Kato's cousin who met Kato by chance on the road... given Kato's cousin's attributes as a passerby, he probably wouldn't be able to remember what he looked like when he woke up!

Not long after, a message from Megumi Kato came over, "Aki-san apologized to me just now."

Hajima Kiyosuke responded: "I should apologize."

It's really unreasonable to cut off family ties by opening your mouth.

Classmate Sage sent another message: "Hashima-kun actually told Aki-san that my cousin had a girlfriend in college... I'm a little troubled."

"What's wrong?" Hashima Kiyosuke was a little confused.

Does An Yilun also want to see your cousin and girlfriend with his own eyes?

It can't be that extreme!

"Well, this is it."

The phone vibrated slightly, and a photo refreshed. It was a photo of a red banner celebrating the opening of the shopping mall.

"Recently, a Liutianma shopping mall opened, offering discounts throughout the store. I want to go shopping on the weekend, and I asked my classmates, but no one seemed to want to go."

It’s not that no one wants to go, it’s that no one wants to go with you! Although you said that you have a few friends, you always feel that they are all superficial friends and there are no real friends, right? Saint!

"I originally planned to go shopping with my cousin Keiichi at the mall over the weekend, but now I can't go out with my cousin anymore, so I have to ask Hajima-kun."


Chapter 149 People are worse than cats

Jin Yao day.


The sky in the afternoon was extremely blue, with only a few white clouds floating like cotton candy, making people want to take a bite.

In late April, the temperature is getting higher and higher. The windows are half open, the warm sunshine is shining in from the window, and the gentle spring breeze is blowing, which makes people feel happy.

Yinglili is very happy.

Not only because of the good weather, but also because of the good score in this English test.

Although he is of mixed British and Japanese descent, his father is a British diplomat, but his English scores are barely passing, and he is ranked at the bottom of the class. When he was a child, when he was asked what score he got in the English test, others looked at him with surprise and confusion. , is the humiliation that Yinglili doesn't want to recall.

"Classmate Yinglili, I have something to ask you."

Hashima Seisuke sent a message.

Zhai Li glanced at the phone and raised her chin: "Say."

"Fat Orange needs to get his nails trimmed."

"Hey, clipping the nails?" Ying Lili blinked, "It's only two months old, does it need to be clipped?"

"It's okay, the nails have grown out. I saw it scratching the sofa yesterday." Hajima Seisuke said, "Cats are afraid of bathing and usually resist cutting their nails. I can't do it alone, so come over in the afternoon to help. "

Cats are typical carnivores, and their claws are weapons evolved to capture prey. Nowadays, domestic cats do not need to go out to hunt, but their claws have not degenerated as weapons, and they often cause damage. Anyone who has raised a cat should have experienced this. There are experiences of sofas and curtains being scratched, and even people being scratched accidentally. Trimming the cat’s nails is also an essential part of raising a pet.

Ying Lili was in a very good mood at the moment. She thought about it and hadn't seen Keiduo for a week, so she turned away and hummed: "Then go and cut Keiduo's nails... I will go back after cutting the nails."

There's no need to stress it at all. I have to work in a restaurant in the evening, so I don't even have time to spare you for dinner.

After school in the afternoon.

When Hashima Seisuke walked back to the apartment, he saw Takuri standing outside a convenience store near the apartment, pushing a bicycle and holding a shopping bag in his hand, complaining: "You are so slow."

Hajima Seisuke said: "Don't ride a bicycle, just walk with me and it'll be fine."

"Huh." Eiri wrinkled her little nose and gave Hajima Seisuke a blank look, "Don't even think about it."

It’s okay if there are many people. What does it look like for two people to go home together after school?

It will definitely be gossiped about.

Hajima Seisuke smiled, and of course he wouldn't care. It would be shocking if Takumi agreed to go home together.

"Okay, let's go home."

"I'm just going to cut my cute nails more. I'm going to your house, not going home." Ying Lili complained, and said angrily, "Hurry up, I've bought scissors specially used to cut cats' nails."

Hajima Seisuke looked at the shopping bag: "What else is it?"

Ying Lili said: "Meow Meow fish pillow, dried fish, canned cat, and a bag of cat food..."

Hashima Seisuke sighed: "People are not as good as cats."

Eiri Li raised her chin, revealing her slender neck as white as jade, and gave Hajima Seisuke a cute look: "It's good to know."

After talking all the way, they quickly walked back to the apartment door. Hajima Seisuke took out the key, opened the door, and walked into the entrance hall first.

"Your slippers." Hajima Seisuke took out the pair of slippers that Takumi bought in the supermarket. "They were just dried yesterday and no one else is wearing them."

"You can dress it for whoever you want..." Ying Lili said something arrogant subconsciously, then her eyes lit up, she stretched out her hand and shouted: "Meow meow, come here, come here."


Fat Orange walked over in a leisurely manner, walking like a cat with his tail raised high.

Eiriri put on her slippers, handed the thing in her hand to Hajima Seisuke, bent down and picked up the little orange cat that was rubbing its trousers and acting coquettishly.

"I feel a little grown up again."

"To be precise, I've gained some weight." Hajima Seisuke put down Zari's things and opened the window for some ventilation.

"How can you say you are fat when you are growing up?"

It makes sense, Kong Yi has already said the same thing as you!

Ying Lili opened her eyes wide and looked at the innocent-looking Fat Orange, "You must have been welcoming me just now, right?"

Sorry, it's not.

Do you think Fat Orange is here to welcome you?

This may be true, but more importantly, I want to show you the empty food bowl and urge you to feed it quickly!

Ying Lili stretched out her hand and gently scratched Fat Orange's chin, and her voice became softer unconsciously: "Miao Miao is cuter than before."

Hajima Kiyosuke said: "Nyao's appearance is at its peak."

In a few months, when this little orange cat grows up, the fate of 'wide-hearted and fat' that all orange cats cannot escape will come. It can be expected that this orange cat will eat and sleep one day in the future. , slept and ate, and successfully evolved into a fat man who would not embarrass the orange cat!

As the saying goes, being fat ruins everything. This sentence applies not only to people, but also to cats.

Looking at Eiri and the little orange cat sitting on the sofa, Hajima Seisuke felt something in his heart:

"Shall I take a picture for you?"

"Why are you taking photos?" Ying Lili looked up, "I've taken a lot of cute photos."

"It's a joint photo shoot, not an individual photo shoot." Seisuke Hajima explained, "Cats develop very quickly. Although it is recognized that cats only reach adulthood at one year old, they are almost fully grown by six or seven months."

"It's no exaggeration to look the same every month."

"If you don't shoot it now, it will be too late to go back and shoot it later when it grows into a fat orange."

Yinglili hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay then."


Hajima Kiyosuke responded and took out his mobile phone to take pictures. Suddenly he remembered that there seemed to be a Sony camera at home, "Wait a minute, I'll get the camera."

I don’t remember why I bought a valuable Sony camera before, but that camera was usually left in a corner gathering dust. I only discovered it when Seisuke Hajima was tidying up the room. I think it was 90% a spur-of-the-moment impulse. Consumption is commonly known as the 'hand-picking party'.

Although it is possible to take pictures with a mobile phone, it is not as effective as a professional camera, or the gap is very large. One of the common contempt chains in the digital field is that people who are into photography despise those who take photos with their mobile phones.

Hajima Seisuke went to the bedroom to take out his camera. Before he returned to the living room, he heard Takumi's low groan of pain.

Quickly walking out of the bedroom, Hajima Seisuke glanced around and saw Eiri biting her lower lip and covering her right hand on her chest with some grievance.

"What happened just now?" Hajima Kiyosuke asked.

"It's nothing." Yinglili shook her head and said after a moment of hesitation, "She just bit me a little more..."

Hajima Kiyosuke raised his eyebrows, walked over to Zari and sat down next to him: "Where is the bite? Let me take a look."

"It doesn't matter..."

Hajima Seisuke ordered: "Give me your hand."


Chapter 150 Zhali and Cat (Second update)

"Give me your hand."

Hajima Kiyosuke looked at Zari and spoke forcefully.

(What, you actually spoke to me in this tone...)

Ying Lili puffed up her cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, and reluctantly stretched out her right hand.

Hajima Seisuke grabbed Tsurugi's finger.

Zhaili shrank back subconsciously.

Hashima Seisuke said: "Don't move."

"Hey, don't go too far, you guy..."

Ying Lili pouted and looked away.

Hajima Kiyosuke carefully inspected it. In addition to the light blue blood vessels on the back of his hand, which was as white as jade, there were two very conspicuous tooth marks at the tiger's mouth. Fortunately, there was no broken skin or bleeding.

"As long as the skin is not broken," Hajima Seisuke asked, "Are there any other places where you were bitten?"

"No more." Yinglili shook her head, withdrew her right hand, puffed her cheeks and said, "You're so cute, so you bit me...Why are you making such a fuss?"

Hajima Kiyosuke said with a straight face:

"A girl accidentally cut her finger with a nail. When the boy next to her saw it, he picked up the nail and cut it on himself. A few days later, the boy died of tetanus."

Yinglili: "..."

The story she used to complain about Hajima Seisuke that afternoon was actually returned intact. Is this the so-called good reincarnation of heaven?

Hajima Seisuke said: "If you are bitten, I have to take you for an injection now."

As we all know, although rabies is named after dogs, it is not only transmitted by dogs. In fact, all mammals can transmit rabies. For example, if a human bites another person during a rabies attack, there is a possibility of infection. But the chance of encountering this kind of thing is very low.

Being bitten by a cat is not like a scratch or fall. Open the search engine and it will automatically complete the search term for 'probability of getting rabies'. At this time, don't worry about whether the cat is healthy or not, and whether it has been vaccinated. Go to the hospital for a checkup. , Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

Hajima Kiyosuke lowered his head and looked at Fat Orange lying on the sofa.

"It's not okay to bite people. You must correct yourself."

If he didn't bite anyone this time, he might bite someone next time. If he leaves it alone, no matter who he bites in the future, he won't be able to make up for it. Just like many people raise dogs and take good care of them. They buy all kinds of toys and dog food. But when they see a dog baring its teeth and growling at them, their first reaction is to beat the dog down.

The lesson must be learned. Pets have no ability to control themselves. Just look at those naughty children who make people feel itchy.

Ying Lili hugged the little orange cat and looked at it warily: "Don't hit the cute cat."

Hajima Kiyosuke was speechless: "When did I say I was going to fight it?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Yinglili thought for a moment, "Let Kawaiiduo listen to the truth? He definitely won't understand."

Hashima Seisuke thought for a while and said: "There is an effect in psychology called the Pavlov effect."

"I think I've heard of it..." Zhai Li tilted her head and thought for a moment, her ponytail swaying slightly, shining like gold in the sun, "Pavlov's dog?"

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