Holding a tissue, showing his little fangs, he reluctantly said, "Thank you, Hashima-san."

Hashima Seisuke smiled: "You're welcome."

Who is being polite to you? cheeky!

Hajima Seisuke coughed lightly and changed the subject: "Okay, let's go to the supermarket."

Go into the supermarket.

Hashima Kiyosuke pushed a trolley, took two children, one large and one small, and started shopping for ingredients.

"What don't you want to eat?" Hashima Seisuke said, "Tell me now."

"I'm reporting this, Master." Chuhe Ai raised his hand in a salute gesture, "Don't eat green peppers. Green peppers are super scary and will kill you if you eat them."


Japanese people generally don't like to eat green peppers, and Crayon Shin-chan and Xiaomi both clearly hate green peppers. The reason is that lunches for Japanese primary school students are provided by schools, and the recipes are determined based on the students' development. The green peppers in the recipe are not stir-fried with eggs or meat, but are boiled in a small amount of oil. Green peppers already have a smell, and they need to be stir-fried over high heat to get fragrant. The taste of boiling... For those who are interested, You can give it a try.

Hashima Seisuke said: "Don't be picky about food."

"Master..." Chu Heai held his hands in front of his chest pitifully, "You said you wouldn't eat."

"I didn't, so don't talk nonsense." Hajima Seisuke said, "I just told you to tell me, but I didn't say I won't buy green peppers... I made shredded pork with green peppers last time, and some people said they didn't like it at first. Later, my body became very honest..."


Yin Zi knocked over with a folding fan.

Yinglili: "fierce——"

Chapter 109 Zhali commits suicide (second update)

"I know how Ginko tastes." Hajima Seisuke looked at Takuri, "Eiri-san, what about you?"

Yinglili snorted, "I can eat anything."

Hajima Seisuke said: "Can you eat green peppers too?"

Yinglili said: "Okay."

"What about cilantro?"

Zhaili trembled slightly, with a very scared expression on her face, but for the sake of face, she could only grit her teeth and say, "I won't eat coriander."

Coriander can be said to be the most controversial food in the world. People who like it can eat it with every meal. People who don't like it feel like swallowing poison and can't take a bite. This thing is said to be related to genes - those who didn't like it when they were children People who like coriander when they grow up have nothing to do with genes, it is purely a matter of taste when they were young.

"I don't like eating silver either." Hashima Seisuke nodded, "Then I won't buy it."

Hashima Seisuke really likes to eat coriander, but it’s okay not to eat it.

Walking to the counter of fresh fruits and vegetables, Hajima Seisuke stopped and asked, "How about bitter melon?"

Yinglili snorted lightly and said with disgust:

"Don't eat."

Bitter melon is named after its taste. It tastes bitter and is difficult to like if it is not cooked well.

Hajima Kiyosuke nodded: "I'll remember it."

Hey, what do you mean by memorizing it? You guys are seeking revenge for personal gain... No, you are seeking favoritism for public benefit, right?

Zhai Li puffed up her cheeks, but unfortunately for the sake of face and being afraid of getting angry, she could only look over with wide eyes: "Ferocious——"

Hashima Seisuke pretended not to see it, "Ginko, you put some tomatoes, Eiri, you put some potatoes and green peppers, go back and make vinegar-glazed potato shreds."

"No, Master!"

Chu Heai looked over pitifully, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Hashima Seisuke was unmoved and packed a few cucumbers by himself. As we all know, cucumbers are also named after their shapes. When these things are ripe, they will turn yellow, but when they are ripe, they will become old and unpalatable, so The cucumbers sold in supermarkets are all green cucumbers.

"Are you going to eat chopped green onions?" Hajima Seisuke looked at Zari.

Yinglili snorted, turned around and said, "You can eat some."

Chopped green onions can be said to be a weakened version of coriander. Some people like to eat them, while others don't.

"How about shiitake mushrooms?"


A folding fan knocked over. Yinzi narrowed his eyes and said in disgust: "Shut up."


After buying some seasonal fruits and vegetables, Hashima Seisuke pushed the cart towards the aquatic area. Fish is one of the essential ingredients on the table.

I encountered another kind of food on the way.

"Well, preserved eggs?" Hashima Seisuke said, "Do you eat preserved eggs?"

"Are you a devil?" Ying Lili complained, "Only devils can eat preserved eggs!"

Hashima Kiyosuke was speechless: "That's not an exaggeration, is it?"

Ying Lili crossed her arms and said, "Huh, when I was watching the news, I saw that Sweden recently built a 'disgusting food' museum, and there are things like preserved eggs in it."

Because foreigners swallow preserved eggs as if they were hard-boiled eggs. Of course they would feel terrible. Fortunately, you didn’t see the preserved eggs. You might be so disgusted that you would vomit them out!

"You are not allowed to eat preserved eggs." Yinzi made the announcement more directly and without any doubt.

"Master craftsman, master craftsman." Hinazuru Ai stretched out his hand and pulled Hashima Seisuke's sleeve, "What is a preserved egg? I have never seen it before."

Hajima Seisuke pointed at the boxed preserved eggs in the dried and fresh section, "That's the kind of egg."

Hinazuru Ai opened his eyes and looked twice. A look of shock and horror suddenly appeared on his face. He ran back and grabbed Hajima Seisuke's sleeves and said nervously: "Master, let's go quickly."

"What's wrong?" Hajima Kiyosuke was confused.

"Master, bend down." Chu He waved his hands and made a "come here with your ears attached" gesture.

Hashima Kiyosuke thought for a moment and bent down in front of Xiao Ai.

As we got closer, a sweet milk fragrance mixed with the fragrance of shampoo hit my nose, it smelled very good.

The moist and warm air fell on his ears, and Chu Heai whispered: "Master, there is something scary next to that preserved egg. It's so scary."

Hajima Seisuke stood up straight and looked at the preserved egg. He soon saw a box of black sticks nearby. At first glance, it was indeed disgusting and scary.

"That's a sea cucumber." Hashima Seisuke said with black lines on his face, "It's not a strange thing."

Sea cucumber is a very high-end ingredient and very expensive. However, it has high environmental requirements. It must be dried and preserved with salt, otherwise it will quickly turn into a puddle of water. The freshly caught sea cucumber can barely be seen. , after drying, it becomes something unbearable to look at.

Hearing Hajima Seisuke's words, Zarashi and Ginzi immediately blushed, obviously guessing what Xiao Ai was talking about just now.

Yinglili came over in anger, "Hurry up, you idiot."

When we arrived at the seafood area, there were all kinds of fish, shrimp and shellfish, including sea urchins and oysters. The tuna sashimi had been sliced ​​and laid out, with the date of fishing and the time of slaughtering posted on each piece.

Hajima Seisuke didn't like to eat sashimi, so he only bought some prawns and eels, and then went to the meat area next to him to buy pork and ribs. Finally, he also had rice, soy sauce and some drinks.

After a round, Lin Lin Zongzong did buy a lot of ingredients, which were just right for the three of them to carry. Then Hajima Kiyosuke gave the other party a bottle of soy sauce at Loli Ai's strong request. The soy sauce bottle is a plastic bottle and will not fall on the ground. It is most suitable to break it and let the soy sauce-loving loli love to carry soy sauce.

"Okay, let's go back."


The entire journey was silent.

"Brother, are you back?"

Qianxun opened the door and reached out to take what was in Ginzi's hand.

Kato-san appeared quietly, stretched out a slender hand, and said in a calm voice: "Hashima-san, give me the thing."

Hashima Seisuke smiled and did not refuse: "Thank you, just put it in the kitchen."

Zhaili was weak and weak. Although he didn't carry many things, he was panting slightly and sweating on his forehead all the way back to the apartment.

Pushing the door and entering the room, I saw An Yilunya and Kasumigaoka Shiu still sitting on the sofa, reading the script together. They became angry again and turned into a rolling beast. If they could transform, they would definitely transform into Sailor Moon and beat people up. .


A soft cat meow sounded.

Yinglili looked down and looked at the little orange cat sitting on the ground who seemed to be caring about her, and her eyes suddenly softened.

"You're so cute and you know how to care about people."

Zhaili reached out and scratched the cat's chin, and suddenly remembered that she had heard from her classmates that cats seemed to be afraid of cucumbers.

So out of curiosity, I went to the kitchen to get a cucumber and quietly walked behind the little orange cat.

"Mi/Mi? Look what this is?"

The little orange cat was playing with painted eggs at the moment. Hearing Zhaili's call, he turned his head and looked back. Then his ears suddenly stood up. The expression on his face could be translated as:

"Damn! I'm scared to death!"

Well, so far, Seisuke Hashima still doesn’t know if the orange cat is a male or a female.


Fat Orange was so frightened that he jumped up.

Yinglili didn't expect that Fat Orange would react so strongly and jump so high. She was also shocked. She stumbled, lost her balance and fell backwards——

Chapter 110 Face Star Yinglili


The little orange cat jumped three feet high, which startled Zhaili. She subconsciously leaned back and was about to fall to the ground. An arm suddenly stretched out from the side and held her in his arms. .


The air suddenly became quiet.

The melon-eating girls in the living room all looked over.

Zari's pretty face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but because she had consumed a lot of energy while shopping before, and because her waist was touched by Hajima Seisuke, her hands and feet were so weak for a while that she didn't have the strength to push Hashima Seisuke away.

"be careful."

Under the subtle gazes of the melon-eating girls, Hajima Kiyosuke looked calm, helped Takumi stand upright, then took a step back and said, "It's very dangerous to fall."

Yinglili shook her body and bit her lower lip in shame and anger.


Don’t you know that girls’ waists are not allowed to be touched?

Help the person to another place...well, it seems worse to go up or down.

Yinglili didn't know what other people were doing, but she knew that her waist was very sensitive. If someone attacked her from behind, she might jump up like a little orange cat.

On the one hand, there was a strange numbness in her waist, and on the other hand, there was the shame of being 'caught in the act'. The two were mixed together, making Zhaili want to run away through the door, but she forgot to explain for a while.

"Ah, what happened just now?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked over with subtle eyes.

Ginzi just came out of the kitchen and didn't see the whole story. He crossed his arms and gritted his teeth and said, "Seisuke?"

"What is the master doing?"

Chuhe loves to puff up her pink cheeks, and her little face that was already a little baby fat has turned into a bun face.

He was not afraid of the slanting shadow, and he did not deliberately take advantage of Zhaili. Hashima Seisuke did not panic at all. He was about to speak when a light voice suddenly sounded.

"I saw it." The understatement, like the soft sound of catkins flying in the spring, attracted everyone's attention. Kato-san put down the phone and tilted his head slightly and said, "Just now Eiri-san teased the little orange cat with a cucumber. , was frightened by the sudden jump of the kitten and fell down, Hajima-san just happened to stand nearby to hold her."

"So that's it..." An Yilun also pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and complained, "I heard that cats are afraid of cucumbers. Don't scare the kittens."

Kato-san said calmly: "Maybe the cat mistook the cucumber for a snake, right?"

"I don't think so," Hajima Seisuke said. "Cats are not actually afraid of cucumbers, but are afraid of unknown objects that suddenly appear behind them."

"It's like you're eating something secretly in the classroom, and when you turn around and find the teacher standing behind you looking down at you, it would be scary for everyone."

Hajima Seisuke silently praised Kato-san.

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