"I didn't." Hashima Kiyosuke shook his head.

I used to be a homebody and rarely went out, let alone go shopping so far away, so naturally I didn’t have a points card.

"Senior, use mine." Ebina opened her wallet and handed over a points card.

Hashima Seisuke reached out and took the points card: "Then let's pay together."

The points card has discounts and can accumulate points. There is no need to pay for each. It is not too late to talk about it when we go back.

"Okay." The cashier girl quickly finished scanning the code, "The total is 3,250 yen. Thank you for your patronage."

Just as Hajima Kiyosuke was about to pay, the cashier girl said again: "This supermarket is holding a discount promotion. If you spend more than 3,000 yen, you will get a chance to win a lottery. Please see over there for specific information."

Hajima Kiyosuke turned around and looked around. The notice board did say that there was a lottery promotion. The first prize was a travel voucher to a hot spring resort, the second prize was a physical object such as a small desk lamp, and the third prize was a supermarket shopping voucher.

Shopping promotions are a very common method in Japanese supermarkets, and they are basically held every once in a while. However, Hashima Kiyosuke has always been polite about this kind of luck-based thing.

"Ebina, come and draw the lottery." Hajima Kiyosuke gave up his position to Ebina, "I'm not lucky."

"Eh?" Ebina shook his head quickly, "I'm not lucky either."

"It doesn't matter if you don't win." Hajima Seisuke said warmly, "I'll go back after drawing the prize."

"Well, then..."

Ebina was a little nervous, pursed her lips and put her hand into the lottery box, then closed her eyes, revealing her super cute face, and looked like she was praying to the gods.

After a while, Ebina took out a small ball.

The cashier girl reached out to take it, her eyes widened quickly, and she whispered in surprise: "Congratulations, you two, you won the special prize."

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

Chapter 82 Ebina’s troubles in life

"Hey, hey, I, I won the prize?"

Ebina was dumbfounded, shocked 0v0, and looked particularly cute.

"And it's the first prize." The cashier girl couldn't help but congratulate, "You two are very lucky."

Hajima Seisuke smiled and praised: "Ebina is very powerful. It is indeed right to give you the chance to draw the lottery."

"That, that..."

The people queuing up behind to check out also looked over one after another. Being suddenly the focus of attention made Ebina very nervous. Her face turned red and she was stammering and speechless. She could only lower her head and pinch the corners of her clothes uneasily.

"Please give us the prize." Hashima Kiyosuke stepped forward to negotiate.

"OK, just a second."

After a while, a man who looked like a manager in a suit walked over quickly and handed the prize of this lottery to Hajima Seisuke, which was two travel vouchers for a one-day hot spring trip to a hot spring near Tokyo. The hotel is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. Accommodation and meals are free. You can visit for two days and then stay one night, which is the so-called 'one hotel for two days'.

"Ebina." Hashima Seisuke took the two travel coupons, turned around and said, "We are going back."


At this moment, many people were looking at Ebina, which made the weak girl very uneasy. She hurriedly followed Hajima Seisuke in small steps. Because she was walking too fast and her center of gravity was unstable, her forehead hit Hashima Seisuke's back. one time.


The cute little beast hummed.

"Senior, I, I didn't mean it!" Ebina apologized quickly.

There was a good-natured laughter from behind, and Ebina heard it, her face turned even redder, and there was steam coming out of her head, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Hajima Kiyosuke shook his head: "It's okay, let's go."

I know you didn't mean it, but you're so brave that you don't even dare to go home alone. How could you touch others?

As he walked out of the supermarket, the cool evening breeze blew in his face, making Ebina's hot cheeks begin to cool down.

"Here you go." Hashima Seisuke handed two travel vouchers for hot spring hotels to Ebina.

"Eh?" Ebina was startled and quickly shook his head and said, "I-I don't want it."

Hajima Seisuke said: "Why don't you want the prize you drew?"

Ebina whispered, "It was the senior who gave me the lottery opportunity."

"So it's still your prize."

"That, that, half of the credit is due to the seniors..." Ebina followed closely behind Hajima Seisuke, raised his face slightly, with sparkling lights flashing in his wine-red eyes, and whispered, "I don't like it. I’m going out to play, and I want to review my lessons at home when I have time... Why don’t I leave it to the seniors, and the seniors can ask Eiriri-senpai to play together.”

Hajima Kiyosuke: "..."

Taking the travel voucher a girl won from a lottery and going out on a date with another girl... this kind of behavior can only be done by a scumbag!

Even though I don’t have any moral integrity, I can’t do such an outrageous thing!

To take a step back, even if you don't have moral integrity, turn into a scum, and take your prize to ask Ying Lili out, Zhai Li will definitely not agree! There is no need to even ask for such a certain thing!

"No need." Hajima Seisuke shook his head, "Eiriri's place, I'll talk about it later when we have a chance. You can go play with Xiaomi."


Ebina lowered his head and bit his lip silently. Although she is a little dull, she is not stupid. Hashima Seisuke only talked about Eiriri and did not say that he wanted to play with her. He really likes Eiriri-senpai, right?

"Then I'll go back and ask Xiaomi tonight..."


Ebina took the two hot spring travel coupons and carefully put them away when he suddenly heard an 'oops' and almost fell down.

Hajima Kiyosuke held him up and said, "Be careful."

"Thank you, senior." Ebina breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and looked down, "The shoelaces were loosened at some point..."

Hashima Seisuke stretched out his hand and said, "I'll help you get something."

"Thank you, senior."

Ebina thanked him again, handed the thing in his hand to Hajima Kiyosuke, squatted down, and began to tie his shoes.


Then Hajima Seisuke really saw how distressed girls with big breasts are!

Ebina is now wearing a pink buttoned thin coat. He is squatting down to tie his shoelaces. His chest is pressed directly on his knees, pressing on the very conspicuous round outline. Hajima Seisuke is a little worried about whether the clothes will be unbearable. The milk will crack directly.

In addition, when this vulnerable girl tied her shoelaces, she had to turn her head and look down from the side. In other words, when she lowered her head from the front, she couldn't see the position of the shoelaces... I thought her breasts were too big to hide them. The sight is just a joke, I didn’t expect it to actually exist in reality!

Due to racial restrictions, Asians are generally not as plump as Europeans and Americans. The average bust size of Japanese girls is B. Now suddenly there is such a big-breasted traitor. No wonder you will be looked at with strange sunshine.

Ebina is a very sensitive girl and is particularly concerned about other people's eyes. When she noticed Hashima Kiyosuke's gaze, she immediately became panicked, and her shiny white earlobes turned crimson at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Hajima Kiyosuke silently looked away. Everyone loves beauty. To glance at her subconsciously is instinctive. To stare at her all the time is obscene and perverted.

After a while.

"Not fastened yet?" Hajima Kiyosuke was surprised.

"I'm very, very sorry." Ebina raised his face, and he didn't know whether he was embarrassed or anxious, his face turned red and he said, "The shoelaces seem to be knotted."


Having big breasts is indeed a very distressing thing, because the shoelaces can't be seen and they will tie into tight knots if you are not careful.

Ebina squatted there, struggling in vain with the shoelaces, feeling ashamed and anxious, with tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

Hashima Kiyosuke raised his hand to cover his forehead: "Do you want me to help?"

"Eh?" Ebina was startled and quickly shook his head, "No, no, no, I can do it..."

Unfortunately, there was no confidence in his voice.

"Stand up first." Hashima Kiyosuke ordered.

Ebina subconsciously stood up. Because he moved too much, his chest clearly trembled like jelly, and there seemed to be auditory hallucinations such as 'Puffy Puffy'.

"Senior?" Ebina blinked, a little dazed, "What's the matter?"

"Take the things." Hajima Seisuke handed the shopping bag to Ebina and squatted down, "I'll do it."

It was a bit presumptuous and abrupt to tie a girl's shoelaces suddenly, but Seisuke Hashima couldn't just sit idly by - the shoelaces couldn't be untied even after five minutes, and after a while, Ebina might cause trouble for others. I cried out "Wow" in shame.

Well, probably not.

Ebina, who is less courageous than an ant egg, even if he is bullied into tears, he only dares to cry silently and does not even dare to make a sound, right?

Ebina is wearing blue and white sneakers today. Although her breasts are big, her feet look very delicate. They are only about the size of a hand. Think about it, the size of the feet is directly related to your height. Ebina is shorter and has very delicate feet. It is also a matter of course.

Chapter 83 Let the buttons fly

"S-Senior, if you don't want it, it won't work there..."

"give it to me."

"B-but senior is a man, how can he touch such a dirty place?"

"It's obviously very clean, but where is it dirty?"

"So shameful..."

"Don't be nervous, it will be over soon."

"Meow meow——"

Ebina was wearing a pair of blue and white sneakers. At this moment, her legs were tightly together. Between the black stockings and the skirt, a dazzling absolute realm was revealed. One hand was pressed on her lower abdomen, and the other hand covered it. He was holding his chest, his little face turned red, his eyes were panicked, and he looked extremely nervous.

Just then, a couple passed by nearby.

"Hey, the boy actually tied the girl's shoelaces." The little girl raised her hand to cover her mouth, "It feels so romantic."

The boy silently wrote down this operation: "Yuki-chan, leave your shoelaces to me from now on."


"Because Yuki-chan is my little princess."


Although the lovers spreading the dog food were muttering in a low voice, Ebina's hearing was very good and he still heard a few words. His body was stiff and dumbfounded, but water steam was coming out of his head, and he completely entered the steam girl mode.

"The shoelaces are tied." Hashima Kiyosuke stood up and clapped his hands, only to see that Ebina had turned into mosquito-repellent eyes, and his body was shaky, as if he was going to faint in the next moment, "Are you okay?"

Ebina quickly shook his head: "No, it's okay!"

As he spoke, he stepped back as if he was frightened. As a result, he hit a telephone pole with a bang and let out a low "Oh!" again.

Looking at Ebina, who was in tears and squatting in defense with his head in his hands, Hajima Kiyosuke was speechless. He took a deep breath and said, "You go to the front."

Ebina walked up to Hashima Kiyosuke with a face full of embarrassment, pressed his skirt with his right hand, and whispered, "Well, I usually have very ordinary luck. Once I win the big prize and use up all my luck, I will be in trouble for a while." Very unlucky..."

"Is there such a thing?" Hajima Kiyosuke was surprised, "Is it a psychological effect?"

"No." Ebina shook his head, his burgundy hair shining softly under the light, "When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I went shopping with my mother and won an air conditioner in a lottery. A few days ago, I fell into a creek on the way to school, my homework was chewed up by the family dog, my lunch lunch was accidentally knocked over by a classmate, and my favorite pencil was also broken..."

Ebina raised his little face and said seriously: "Mom told me that people's luck is certain. If you spend all your luck in a short period of time, you will naturally have bad luck next. This must be true."


Hajima Seisuke is skeptical about Ebina's theory of luck, but the most unscientific time travel has already happened, and the theory of luck may actually exist.

"Why didn't you tell me just now?" Hajima Kiyosuke said warmly, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you draw the lottery."

"It's okay, we can't control this kind of thing." Ebina shook his head, "This time it's just a coincidence."

Hashima Kiyosuke could only say: "Be careful on the way back."


On the way back, Hashima Seisuke discovered that Ebina was indeed unlucky today. A stray dog ​​suddenly jumped out of the dark bushes, scaring her so much that she almost sprained her legs. There were also two people chasing and fighting on the road. A junior high school student, he almost bumped into her.

"Senior, please stay away from me, right?" Ebina whispered uncomfortably, "I don't know if bad luck is contagious. It would be bad if it was contagious to you..."

"When you were having bad luck in the past, did you infect others with it?"

Ebina shook his head: "No."

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