"What did you say?"

Zhai Li raised her eyebrows with a fierce expression on her face. If this guy dares to talk about what happened in the bathroom that day, just wait and see.

"Swimming lessons, of course."

Hashima Kiyosuke's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Isn't swimming lessons about the same as now?"

Girls have to wear swimsuits in swimming lessons, while boys only need to wear a pair of swimming trunks, which is no different from Hajima Seisuke now.

"There's a big difference." Zhaili complained, "No one cares about you when you wear a swimsuit at the beach. But if you wear a swimsuit on the street, you will definitely be questioned by the police, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go get dressed quickly."

"Wait a minute, you're covered in water, wait until you're dry."

Hashima Seisuke breathed out: "You haven't said what you want for breakfast yet?"


The corners of Yinglili's lips slightly raised upwards, giving a death answer.

"Hmm..." Hajima Seisuke said quickly, "Cold bitter melon?"

"Don't eat."

Yinglili objected immediately. Bitter melon is similar to green pepper, and not many people like it.

"Green pepper?"

"Don't eat green peppers."

You won’t eat this, you won’t eat that. You promised to be casual, but in fact you are not casual at all!

Hajima Seisuke quickly said: "Then just lemon."


"Go to the refrigerator and take out a lemon." Hajima Seisuke wiped his hair and ordered, "Cut the saury and grill it."

Rice, natto, and grilled saury are typical Japanese breakfasts that never go out of style. Japanese people don’t drink hot water or porridge. Rice porridge is usually only eaten when you are sick. If you have relatives coming to visit, you Cooking a pot of rice porridge to entertain people is almost equivalent to driving them away. The only exception is Kyoto. The people in Kyoto are very famous for their porridge, which can be said to be quite unique.

"So complicated……"

Ying Lili complained, but turned around and walked towards the refrigerator.

Hajima Seisuke walked into the kitchen, and after a while he saw Takumi coming over with lemons. He couldn't help but smile on his face: "There is also the remaining watermelon from yesterday, go get it."

"Go get it yourself."

"I'm so busy that I can only leave such an important matter to Yingli-sama."



Ying Lili is not a good cook. She can barely manage to get enough of the food, rice, oil and salt, and she can make a barely-tasting omelette rice. Every time she goes to home economics class, she follows her friends, like a mixed girl. She usually comes over to play and sits there. Watching TV in the living room, going into the kitchen for the first time today, it is inevitable that there is a sense of novelty. Faced with Hajima Seisuke's orders, although his mouth is disgusted, his body is obedient.

The two of them worked together to prepare breakfast. Looking at the food on the table, Yinglili couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Cooking seems to be fun too.

“If you want to capture a boy’s heart, you must first capture his stomach.”

Eiri suddenly remembered what Sayuri Sawamura said.

This sentence is not nonsense, but Mrs. Sayuri's personal words.

Yinglili's father is from the Dafu country. When talking about the Dafu country, one must mention its world-famous dark cuisine. It once "looked up at the stars" and made people all over the world look up at it.

The love story between Mrs. Sayuri and her husband started with cooking. The two gradually got in touch, and after discovering that they had similar tastes, they hit it off, got married and had children.

"But...is it the other way around for me?"

Yinglili blinked and quickly shook her head.

I have neither been caught in my heart nor my stomach. If I want to eat delicious food, I can just go to a high-end restaurant. The money I earn from drawing books will not be used up even if I go to restaurants every day.

"I'm going to wake up senior sister."

Hajima Seisuke put down his bowls and chopsticks, said something to Zari, walked towards the bedroom, reached the bedroom door, and pushed the door open.

The bedroom is dimly lit.

Hashima Kiyosuke narrowed his eyes, walked to the window, stretched out his hand to open the curtains, and bright sunlight suddenly poured in, then turned to look at his senior.

The senior sister was obviously not very honest when sleeping. At this moment, one leg was draped outside the quilt. The slender right leg without stockings was curved and dazzlingly white in the sun.

"Senior, it's time to get up and have breakfast."

Hajima Seisuke walked to the bedside to provide wake-up call service. Suddenly he felt a stiffness in his body...no, it was a stiffness in his feet. He looked down and found that the sole of his foot had accidentally stepped on the button of his pajamas that had fallen off yesterday.

Bending down to pick up the button, Hajima Seisuke couldn't help but look at his senior's chest. Sure enough, it was still yesterday's pajamas. It seemed that his senior fell asleep without taking any measures after he went out last night.


Kasumigaoka Shiu was already awake at this moment, but he was just lying on the bed in a daze, refusing to get up. When he heard Hashima Seisuke's shout, he opened his eyes lazily and sat down slowly. Get up.


Hajima Seisuke directly reached out and pressed his senior sister's shoulders.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly woke up, narrowed his sharp eyes, and said in embarrassment: "I can't bear it anymore so quickly. The scumbag's concentration is really getting worse and worse."

That's enough for you. It's broad daylight now and I won't touch you when I'm fully rational!

"It's a button." Hajima Seisuke handed the button he just picked up to his senior sister and couldn't help but said, "When I go out and get up again, you will be gone again if you get up now."

"Tsk~ The scumbag showed his bestial nature without hesitation last night."

"Yes, I have decided not to be a human being anymore."

Hajima Kiyosuke had a straight face and reached out to lift the quilt: "Do you want me to help you get dressed?"


The senior sister spat softly, raised her big white leg and kicked it lightly, "You can actually describe shameless obscenity as wearing clothes. The scumbag's face has grown a little thicker, I'm glad to say."

Hajima Seisuke reached out and grabbed the right foot kicked by his senior, stretched out his fingers and placed them on the soles of her soles: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."


Kasumigaoka Shiyu hummed, a blush quickly emerged on her pretty face, and her lovely cardamom-like toes curled up suddenly under the stimulation. She stretched out her hands to grasp the corners of the quilt, gritted her teeth and begged for mercy: "Junior, I was wrong."

"That's pretty much it."

Hashima Seisuke let go of his hand, turned around and walked out: "Hurry up and get dressed and come out for breakfast."


Had breakfast.

Hajima Kiyosuke and the others set out to walk to school, but did not meet Hamster and Xiaomi on the way.

Today's exam subjects are history, society and geography. They cannot be said to be difficult. The focus is on daily memorization and accumulation.

After finishing the exam in the afternoon, the headache of the final exam finally came to an end.

However, Japan is different from China. After taking the exam, it does not mean that the summer vacation has started. You have to continue to attend classes for two days and listen to the teacher about some things to note during the summer vacation and arrangements for the next semester, etc.

All in all, summer vacation has come quietly in the ordinary campus life.

Chapter 684 Summer Plan

The last day before summer vacation.

Hashima Seisuke followed his usual schedule and walked on his way to school.

Compared to the boys and girls on the road who were excitedly looking forward to summer vacation, Hashima Kiyosuke didn’t have much feelings about summer vacation.

"Senior, good morning."

A soft and pleasant sound like cotton candy sounded, but the volume was a bit low.

Turning a corner, Hashima Seisuke caught up with Koami and Ebina who were going to school.

"Ebina, good morning."

Hajima Kiyosuke smiled and looked at Hamster Burial.


Xiaomi puffed up her cheeks and turned her head away. Ever since she almost turned into a 'book heroine' in the bathroom that night, this hamster Xiaomi had been angry and didn't want to talk to Hajima Seisuke at all.

It wasn't until Ebi became famous that he reluctantly said good morning.

"Senior, summer vacation starts tomorrow."

Ebina's steps were a little more cheerful than usual, and there was a hint of expectation in his voice.

From the cold days of March in Akita when I came to Tokyo to study alone, to the scorching summer in a blink of an eye, now that summer vacation is coming and I can finally return to my hometown, Ebina is naturally looking forward to it.

"Not tomorrow."

Hajima Kiyosuke walked to Ebina and walked towards the school with Xiaomi: "To be precise, summer vacation starts this afternoon."

There is no need to go to school today. Even if the teacher wants to give a lecture, there must be someone willing to listen. Listen to the head teacher talking about the same nonsense as in previous years, and then go to the auditorium to listen to the school director talking nonsense. After listening, you can leave and go home.

"After the afternoon break, I plan to work in a restaurant. I have been busy studying for exams recently, and I haven't worked in a restaurant for a long time."

Probably because summer vacation is just around the corner, Ebina has more words: "Work for a few more days, and then buy some gifts back to Akita to give to my parents."

"We haven't decided yet how long we will stay at home during the summer vacation." Ebina raised his eyes and looked up, his eyes clear and bright in the sunlight, "Where are you, senior?"

"The current plan is roughly two."

Hashima Seisuke naturally considered the arrangements for the summer vacation. After all, there is more than a month. He cannot go to bed at three o'clock in the evening and wake up at twelve noon the next day, and then eat, drink and have fun every day, drunk and dreaming. That is simply committing suicide slowly: " One is to participate in the battle for the throne.”

The throne battle is one of the title battles. The competition is from July to September, which happens to be during the summer vacation. Naturally, the reputation is not as good as that of the Dragon King and celebrities. However, Hajima Seisuke is not a person who values ​​fame in the first place. He wants to hone his chess skills. Of course, it would be best to win all the way to the title. With tens of millions of bonuses out there, it would be hypocritical to say that you are not excited at all.

"The second step is to complete the game and participate in the Summer i Expo."

The main body of the game has basically been produced, and the remaining content is mainly the dubbing and soundtrack. There is still nearly a month left, which is plenty of time.

"Senior looks very busy."

Hajima Seisuke smiled and said: "It's better to be busy than idle."

Humans are creatures that tend to have random thoughts when they are free. In ancient times, it was called sadness for spring and sadness for autumn. Maybe we could write the eternal famous poem "Spring fades when flowers fall". However, in Hashima Kiyoshi's view, life is too short. , it’s just more than 20,000 days and 900 months. How can there be so much time to regret spring and autumn? Working hard and striving for the top is what we should do.

"Where is Xiaomi?" Ebina asked curiously, "What are you planning to do during the summer vacation?"


Xiao Mi held her schoolbag with both hands and gently pulled the corner of her lower lip.

what can I do?

Of course, I would spend the whole summer vacation with the air conditioner blowing, drinking Coke and doing nothing!

The so-called summer vacation is originally used for students to rest and relax, right?

If every day is more tiring than going to school, it is better not to have a holiday. People like Senior Pervert, who are unexpectedly motivated, cannot represent ordinary high school students at all.

"I should go to the library to read, right?"

Xiao Mi paused for half a second, and his voice was sweet and sweet, like a wind chime under the eaves: "I've been very interested in classical literature recently."

(Sorry, Ebina, I lied.)

(If I told you that I planned to stay home for a summer vacation, you would definitely be scared, right?)

Hajima Kiyosuke looked sideways at Hamster Buri. Only those with a thunderous heart and a flat lake face can achieve great things. Xiao Buri undoubtedly has the talent to do great things. If nothing else, he can deceive others with his face not blushing and his heart not beating. Ability is good enough.

"Pervert senior."

Xiao Mian turned his eyes and came over angrily, his anger still lingering: "Don't look at me."

"It's not illegal to look at people."

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