
As Sister Guixiang left, the air suddenly became quiet.

There was an evening breeze blowing.

Gently roll up the girl's skirt, bringing with it a refreshing coolness.

Ginko held down her skirt with a folding fan, took out a cardboard box and handed it to Hashima Seisuke: "Here you go."

"What is it?" Hajima Kiyosuke reached out and took it, curiously.

Yinzi pursed her pink lips lightly: "The championship gift I promised you."

"This is it?"

Hajima Seisuke looked at the box in his hand. Could it be that there were some redemption coupons inside?

"Why, are you disappointed?" Yinzi half-squinted his eyes, pinched his waist with his right hand, and blurted out, "Do you want me to give you a victory kiss like a primary school student?"


There was silence all around.

Hajima Seisuke subconsciously looked at Ginko's lips. They were thin and small. When he went to the bathroom before, he had obviously re-applied lip balm. They looked particularly moist and attractive. As expected, he judged whether the girls had eaten enough by checking whether they had returned from the bathroom. Just touch up your makeup.

"The kiss of victory..."

Hashima Kiyosuke was surprised to find that a bad impulse had arisen in his heart. He hurriedly held his breath, drove away distracting thoughts, and did not do strange things to junior high school students. This was the bottom line, otherwise he would lose his qualifications as a human being!


A folding fan knocked over.

Hajima Kiyosuke subconsciously took the sword with his bare hands, and the current success rate is 100%.

Yinzi's little face turned red, her teeth bit her pink lips, and she said in embarrassment: "Dirty!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You hesitated for so long and didn't say no, and you still said you weren't thinking about obscene things?"


After the beating, Ginzi clasped his hands on his chest, turned around and hummed: "When you go back later, don't forget to play shogi."

Hajima Kiyosuke was speechless: "Are you going to play chess tonight?"

"Of course I have to play." Yinzi's face became solemn, "After becoming a professional chess player, the next competition will be more difficult, so you can't slack off... In two days, you will participate in the ranking match."

After becoming a professional chess player, the place where you play chess is not the reward meeting, but the shogi ranking match that all professional chess players participate in. It can be understood as a ranking match. During each ranking match, professional chess players have to play ten games. Winning five games can keep your ranking unchanged, winning seven games will give you a chance to advance to a higher rank.

However, promotion is not that easy. Except for the title holders, all other chess players will start a big melee. It is hard to say whether they will encounter middle-aged uncle-level veteran chess players who are decades old.

Hajima Seisuke glanced at the entry form sent by the Shogi League. There will indeed be a ranking match to participate in two days later, which is very efficient.

On the battle form, in addition to the time, place and opponent, there are also battle rewards - a bonus of 200,000 yen for winning a round, and a bonus of 100,000 yen for losing.

That's right, as long as you win ten ranking matches, you will earn two million yen, which doesn't sound like much, because the real highlight is later, which is the title match where professional chess players compete for the title.

The seven major title battles have corresponding competitions every month. For example, between July and September, there is a battle for the [throne]. Although it is not as famous as the Dragon King and celebrity titles, if you can successfully challenge the title, you will still be able to win. There are tens of millions of yen in rewards, and the most valuable celebrity title has a bonus of 39 million yen.

The most important thing is that there are no restrictions on the title battle. If you have the ability, you can win all seven titles. When the various bonuses are accumulated, your annual income can exceed 200 million.

Hajima Seisuke silently calculated his income in his mind, and was inevitably shocked by this number. However, he soon came to his senses. As a newly promoted chess player, he could only think too high and aim too high, and just take his time one step at a time. , it’s best to get the title in the title battle, don’t dwell on it if you can’t get it.

So, first set a small goal, such as making 100 million?

"I understand." Hajima Seisuke looked at Ginzi, "Go back and practice shogi tonight."


Ginzi turned his face away, hummed softly, looked at Hajima Kiyosuke's shadow on the ground, and muttered silently: "Only by working harder can we catch up with his shadow."

While talking, Kiyotaki Guixiang drove out of the underground parking lot: "Seisuke, we are going back."

"Yes." Hajima Seisuke nodded, "Don't forget what you promised."

"Don't worry." Qingtaki Guixiang pursed her lips and smiled, "I'll start running tomorrow."

"That's why I warned you because I'm worried." Hajima Kiyosuke complained, "I'll start running tonight."


The three league games finally ended. Hajima Kiyosuke took a deep breath and turned towards the neon-lit streets in the night breeze.

Chapter 664 Fighting against the Five Scum Yinglili

The summer is hot and the cicadas are chirping.

The chirping of cicadas on campus heralds the official arrival of the hot summer.

A week has passed since Hashima Seisuke was promoted to a professional chess player. The popularity on campus has finally subsided. When walking on the road, he no longer has to be watched curiously like a baby panda.

I finished my first ranking match in my career a few days ago, successfully won, and won a reward of 200,000 yen. Apart from that, it is now exam week.

It’s already late July, the final exam week is over, and the long-awaited summer vacation is about to begin.

The bell rang soon after class. As the middle-aged history teacher left, the sleepy classroom quickly became active. Everyone got up and walked to the gymnasium.

Yes, today is the day of the physical education test.

Hajima Seisuke followed behind Takumi and walked slowly towards the gymnasium. Takumi on campus was an elegant young lady. She was walking with two friends at the moment, her golden twin ponytails like handicrafts gently hanging behind her back. Shaking, shining with dazzling luster in the sun, the cute little tiger teeth are looming at the corners of the mouth, and the decent smile on the pretty face makes the junior boys on the road stop and watch from time to time, admiring the demeanor of the "brave Zhali" who is one of the four most famous celebrities on campus. .

"Hashima-san." After walking for a while, a girl next to Eiri turned around and looked at her, laughing loudly and saying, "Come here and let's go together."


Hajima Kiyosuke nodded in agreement and walked up to the other two people.


Yinglili took advantage of the situation and cast a look of shame and annoyance, "What are you doing here?"

"To the gym, of course."

"Then walk faster and don't come with us." Ying Lili chased people away with her eyes.

Of course, Hajima Seisuke ignored it. There is no concept of "puppy love" in Japan. Even if you fall in love with someone in elementary school, the teacher will not care about you. It is better to say that Zakuli's shy and annoyed expression is actually more cute.

"Hashima-kun," a girl said sharply, "It's hard to be a professional chess player. Do you have to compete in competitions all over the world?"

Compared to his gloomy, melancholic and taciturn predecessor, Hashima Kiyosuke's status in the class food chain has continued to rise, and now he is basically at the top of the food chain. When he meets his classmates, others will basically say hello.

"No." Hajima Kiyosuke smiled and explained, "Only when competing for the title, I will compete and travel around the world. I usually compete in Tokyo."

Another girl's face turned slightly red and she chirped, "Will it affect her studies?"

"No, most of the games are on weekends, and I only need to take leave occasionally." Hajima Seisuke said.

Will playing shogi affect high school studies?

In fact, it definitely has an impact.

Many people in history became professional shogi players in high school, and most of them chose to drop out of school and concentrate on developing their shogi career. However, Hashima Kiyosuke would not choose that path.

In Hashima Seisuke's view, shogi and learning are actually the same. They both require hard work and talent. Hard work can supplement talent, but it does not determine everything.

Dropping out of high school and focusing solely on shogi to win the title?

Nothing is that simple.

In fact, the vast majority of professional chess players who dropped out of high school are still ups and downs in the professional circle, disappearing from the crowd.

For Seisuke Hashima, shogi is an interest and hobby, but it is not the whole life. After all, unlike Ginko, he does not have a "deep and passionate love" for shogi, not to mention that there are seniors and seniors on campus. Takuri and Kato, if Hashima Seisuke is asked to choose between shogi and otaku, Hashima Kiyosuke will definitely choose otaku.

As for the impact of playing shogi on learning... sleeping, eating snacks, playing on mobile phones, and reading comics in the classroom also affect learning. It does not mean that sitting in the classroom for one more day will make you better than others.

Hashima Seisuke is now becoming more and more intelligent. Although he can't remember a book he read, he can read it three or four times and he doesn't have to worry about learning at all.

"I thought Hashima-san would give up her studies for shogi." A girl giggled.

Hashima Seisuke replied: "Campus life is actually more important than shogi."

"Huh..." The girl who spoke blinked and looked at Zhaili with a joking smile on her face, "Why? Is it because there is someone very important in the school?"

"That must be the case, right?" Another girl giggled, "Eiri-chan, what do you think?"

There is no doubt that these two girls are teasing Takuri. At the beginning of the semester, Hajima Seisuke shouted out the confession "I will always like Eiri" in his sleep, which was the most suitable way to tease Takuri.

"How do I see it?" Ying Lili looked forward, tightened her face, and said in a nonchalant tone, "Of course I saw it with my eyes."

"Hey, is that all?"

"Otherwise." Eiri looked at her two best friends in embarrassment and said with disdain, "Hashima-san has been rumored to have an affair with third-year Kasumigaoka-senpai before, so it must not be groundless, right?"

"My senior sister and I are innocent, and the sun and the moon can shine brightly!"

Hashima Seisuke really wanted to say something like this to prove his innocence, but thinking about it carefully, he really wasn't qualified to say this.

It's okay to be a scumbag. If you don't dare to admit that you are a scumbag, it is really looked down upon.

"It has nothing to do with senior." Hashima Seisuke coughed lightly, and then said, "There is only one I like..."

"Hey, what is it?" The two girls looked over.


When her two friends weren't paying attention, Ying Lili quietly showed her little fangs, and her eyes, which were as blue as the sky above her head, glared in embarrassment: "You, you, you, if you dare to say nonsense, just wait and see!"

Hajima Kiyosuke paused for half a second and then said: "Because I like to study."


While talking, several people walked to the gym, then separated and went to the locker room to change into sportswear.

After Hashima Seisuke changed into his sports clothes, he quickly walked to the gymnasium hall to prepare for warm-up activities. After a while, the girls in the class finally appeared. Eiri wore a white sweatshirt on her upper body and red sports shorts on her lower body. The white cotton socks on her knees make her stand out from the crowd... wrong, it should stand out from the crowd.

The senior sister looks thin when she is wearing clothes, but she has flesh when she takes off her clothes. Unfortunately, Ying Lili can’t see the flesh when she takes off her clothes, only her thin arms and legs can be seen. She is not a tall figure, but now she looks more and more petite, especially the people around her. Most of the girls had bulges under their white shirts, except for Zhaili, who was ordinary and particularly conspicuous.


Before Zakuli could get angry, Hajima Kiyosuke quickly withdrew his gaze.

The sports test officially begins.

"Hashima-san." A girl with long black hair and straight hair quickly found Hashima Seisuke, clasped her hands together and said, "Sato-san suddenly has a stomachache. I want to send her to the health room. Can you please help record the test results?"

"I understand, squad leader." Hajima Seisuke did not refuse and nodded in agreement.

The girl with long black hair and straight hair who spoke is the monitor of her class. She actually has a good personality and can be said to be quite competent. Not to mention overwhelming others with her power, Hajima Seisuke has even often seen her cleaning the bathroom alone in the morning - cleaning The bathroom was always the most annoying class task, and the boring study committee was nothing in comparison.

As for the name of class monitor Hei Changzhi... don't mention it. He already has a date. It is said that he is a boy of the same grade in the next class.

"Thank you, Hashima-san." After thanking class monitor Kuronaga Nao, he quickly helped the girl who had a stomachache and walked out.

Hajima Seisuke glanced at the form recording the results, then walked up to the girls, and under the gaze of the class girl and the otaku, announced: "The monitor has something to do, and I will record it now...The next step is repeated horizontal jumps."

Yes, repeated horizontal jumps are also a test item, also called round-trip jumps. It is a whole-body coordinated exercise, mainly used to test a person's agility and balance ability. Many cartoonists were tested by repeated horizontal jumps when they were young, so It often appears in comics. In addition, this kind of sports test event is only available in Japan and not in other countries.

"Let's begin." Hashima Seisuke announced the start, then picked up the pencil and prepared to score.

A group of melon-eating girls laughed and started jumping horizontally repeatedly. The number is generally between forty and fifty, and some girls with good physical fitness can reach more than fifty.

After a while, it was finally Zhaili's turn.


"It's terrible to fight against the fifth scum, even elementary school students have better physical fitness than you!"

Chapter 665 I don’t have to worry about domestic violence from you anymore.

After silently counting the pear dances, Hashima Seisuke picked up a pen and silently wrote down the data on the form.

If a battle royale competition starts in the gym, Yinglili will definitely be the first one to be eliminated... her physical fitness level is actually the same as that of a primary school student!

The measurement method of repeated horizontal jumps is very simple. The more jumps in one minute, the better. The general data for girls is between forty and fifty. As for Yinglili... she has just reached thirty, and she can't even reach the average line. ah!


Zhaili was panting, sweating on his forehead, showing his little tiger teeth, and stared at him in embarrassment.

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