Because of the little lolita's 'French meeting gift', Hajima Kiyosuke instantly became a lolita control that everyone wanted to beat up, and he had no choice but to run away.

It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

The upgrade matters for the third tier of the reward club have been completed, and the registration for next month's competition has been successful. As long as you become a professional chess player, you will automatically leave the reward club. Now Hashima Kiyosuke can hardly find any games in the reward club. chess player.

"I'm so tired." Yueyeye saw Ban Liao raising his hands above his head, stretching, and suggested, "Shall we go to KTV to sing?"

"No." Ginzi voted vetoed, "Qingsuke and I will go back for special training, and you can go play by yourself."

"So heartless." The evil girl said with dissatisfaction, "I came here alone, I am not familiar with the place, and you actually want to abandon me."

"How much power does the phone have?" Yinzi asked.

"Eh?" Yue Ye was startled when he saw Ban Liao, and subconsciously replied, "There is still less than half of the electricity."

"That's enough." Yinzi folded his hands on his chest, "If you are in trouble, go to Yahoo."


After saying this, he was finally dragged into a KTV by Tsukiye Miban Liao.

"Hashima, I have exclusive information to reveal to you." Tsukiyomi Sakaru whispered.

Hashima Kiyosuke was curious: "What information?"

"Kaminabe will participate in the National Amateur Competition in Kansai this weekend. If you perform normally, you two will definitely meet in the third-level competition."

"I see."

Hajima Seisuke nodded slightly, not surprised. During the Kamakura finals, those who supported Ayumu Kaminabe were almost overwhelmingly one-sided. Although he was quite arrogant, it had to be said that the opponent was indeed a super genius in shogi.

"Aren't you afraid of losing again?" Yueyeye asked Ban Liao curiously.

Hajima Seisuke shook his head: "In chess, there are natural wins and losses. Losing is the fastest way to improve."

"Ha, you have a lot of confidence now." Tsukiye Mi Sakaru bumped Hajima Kiyosuke's arm with a slightly complicated tone, "Damn Shogi star... At least in terms of singing, I am definitely better than you."

Chapter 598 Little Crisis

"Singing time." Tsukiyomi Ban Liao picked up the microphone, "What song do you two want to order?"

Hashima Kiyosuke shook his head and said, "You sing first, I want to think about it."

"Where's the silver?"

"You sing yours." Yinzi replied.

"You're welcome, sister." The evil girl pinched her waist with one hand, "Of course the first song to be sung after entering the room is the signature song. Leave the task of heating up the atmosphere to sister."

Sorry, there are only three people in the private room. Neither you nor your money will be heated up by you!

This was Hajima Seisuke's first time visiting a KTV in Japan. The biggest feeling he had was that the room was so small and felt like a pigeon cage, which was a bit depressing and uncomfortable.

After singing one song, Tsukiyomi Ban Liao quickly handed over the microphone: "Hashima, it's your turn."


Hashima Seisuke didn't have stage fright, and there was nothing to be shy about singing. He randomly chose a song he liked and started singing.

"Hey, it sounds pretty good, and the score is also very high." Yueyeye saw Ban Liao humming proudly, "But it's not as high as my sister's score."

"Yes Yes Yes."

I’m really sorry that I can’t play the piano, the guitar, or sing and compose music!

Finally, there was Ginko, whose singing voice was cold and yet had the unique softness and sweetness of a girl, which sounded surprisingly good.

The room was small and cramped, and staying there for a long time would inevitably make one feel a little tight in the chest and short of breath. Hajima Kiyosuke sang another round, then reported to Ginzi, got up and went to the bathroom.

Walking outside the door, as his ears cleared, Hashima Seisuke quickly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he turned the corner, he suddenly saw an acquaintance.

Her waist-length blond hair looks like satin.

Clear and bright eyes.

The clothes are simple and clean, but can highlight the youthful beauty of the girl. It is obviously a dark corridor, but it glows with the presence of the girl.

Xiao buried.

To be precise, she is a perfect girl in the form of a hamster.

Next to Hamster Buri, there was a young man in a suit. He put his hands on the wall and talked to Hamster Burial. Because the distance was a bit far away, Hajima Kiyosuke couldn't hear clearly what the two of them were saying, but the nervousness on Xiao Burian's face showed It's quite clear.

"Xiao Mi."

Hajima Seisuke walked over.

"Eh? Senior" Hamster turned his head when he heard the shout. After seeing Hashima Seisuke, his eyes suddenly brightened up. He hugged Hashima Seisuke's arm and said crisply, "My boyfriend is here, please. Respect yourself.”

Hajima Kiyosuke said nothing and just watched what happened.

Pretending to be Xiaomi's boyfriend is nothing, since he is still UMR's boyfriend now.

The man who blocked Xiaomi just now seemed to have just drank, and he smelled of alcohol. He looked at Hajima Seisuke, but he did not leave in a hurry, but said: "Are you really her boyfriend?"

"That's right."

Hajima Seisuke calmly replied that Xiaomi's social circle was okay, but all his friends were at school, and it was impossible to have such social people, so the possibility of striking up a conversation was the highest.

The young man looked at Xiao Mi and couldn't help but said, "Do you want your girlfriend to make some extra money..."


Looking at the fist only one centimeter away from the tip of his nose, the young man in the suit suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"The first and last warning." Hashima Kiyosuke said coldly.

Let Xiao Mi earn extra money, how to earn it?

Is it possible to let Xiao Mi move the bricks?

Not to mention Xiao Mi as a friend, even if a stranger asks for help, he will never sit idly by.

"You misunderstood." The young man in a suit quickly raised his hands, took two steps back, swallowed and said, "I want to ask your girlfriend if she wants to make a movie debut..."

Hajima Kiyosuke narrowed his eyes, stepped forward, and was about to kick him. His arm suddenly tightened, and he was held tightly by Xiaomi.

"Senior, don't fight." Xiaomi didn't care about being shy, her pretty face turned red, she hugged Hajima Kiyosuke's arm tightly, and whispered, "'s not what you think."

Hashima Kiyosuke nodded slightly and continued to look at the young man in a suit with a cold face.


Xiaomi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to hold Hashima Seisuke's arm tightly to prevent Hashima Seisuke from hitting anyone impulsively.

"You really misunderstood." The young man in a suit raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, took out a business card from his pocket, bowed ninety degrees, handed it over with both hands, and said, "I am a new director, and I am preparing to film my graduation. Short film, I just met your girlfriend in the corridor and found that your girlfriend is the perfect heroine in my dreams, so I want to ask her to help shoot the short film..."

"I was drunk just now and caused trouble to you two on impulse. I'm extremely sorry!"

Hajima Kiyosuke twitched the corner of his mouth and turned to look at Xiaomi: "Is this really true?"

"That's indeed what he said just now..."

Xiao Mi stuck out the tip of his tongue. The implication was obvious. In a place like KTV, if he was blocked by a man he didn't know and who was drunk, he would not agree to what he said regardless of whether it was true or false. When someone defrauds you of money and sex, you don’t even have a place to cry.


What a cheat! I thought you had met a drunk maniac and was going to let you use your body to make extra money like Fujiwara Takumi's girlfriend. I didn't expect that you would be asked to shoot a graduation short film. It was just a waste of worry!

"Not necessarily." Xiao Mi blinked and answered with his eyes, "What if it's a bad guy and a liar?"

"If I was cheated, senior would be sad, right?"

Hashima Kiyosuke was speechless: "Why am I sad?"

"Senior is too much."

"Well..." the young man in a suit said sincerely, "You and your girlfriend must consider this matter. As long as the graduation short film is successfully shot, I can give you two a reward of up to 100,000 yen."

"Five or five hundred thousand yen?"

Xiao Mi opened his eyes wide, and symbols representing money appeared in his eyes.

For an ordinary high school girl, Xiaomi's only source of pocket money is her brother. Because she has to buy figurines, games, comics, and snacks, she can't save money at all. In addition, Hamster Mi doesn't work like Ebina, so she is truly poor. girl.


"I reject."

Xiaomi quickly shook his head at Hajima Kiyosuke.

It is undeniable that there are indeed many girls who dream of becoming famous and becoming popular idol stars. But Xiaomi has never thought about such a thing. She plays games at home with the TV on, potato chips in her left hand, Coke in her right hand, and her brother. Cooking in the kitchen is the most ideal life... If my brother is not at home, Hajima Seisuke will be the one cooking in the kitchen, which is barely acceptable.

Hajima Seisuke withdrew his gaze and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, my girlfriend just wants to live a quiet life and is not interested in your work."

The young man in a suit couldn't hide his disappointment on his face and bowed: "I ask you two to think about it again."

"No need to think about it." Hajima Kiyosuke shook his head. He would no longer hesitate about things that had already been decided. "That was the final answer. Goodbye."

Hajima Kiyosuke turned around and was about to leave, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.

A weak red-haired girl came into view.


Chapter 599: Hug left and right, as stable as Mount Tai


Xiaomi quickly let go of Hajima Kiyosuke's arm and said nervously, "Listen to my explanation!"

Explain your sister! If you are so nervous, Ebina will misunderstand you!

"Xiao Mi and senior..."

Ebina took half a step back, and the voice in his ears suddenly faded away, leaving only the 'girlfriend' Hajima Kiyosuke had just mentioned.

"The senior said that Xiao Mi is his girlfriend..."

"Ming, you still said you support me in the supermarket that day, why..."

Sore nose.

Eyes warm.

Ebina recalled the scene that night when he saw Hajima Seisuke and Xiaomi riding a bicycle together. Xiaomi was smiling so happily. He should have discovered it a long time ago.

(If it’s just a relationship, why would you lie to yourself?)

Looking at the red-haired girl with her right hand covering her chest, her eyes wide open and her face pale, the lost young man who was about to turn around and leave quickly stopped.

(This does it sound like I evaded taxes behind the back of my best friend and my best friend's boyfriend, and then was caught and raped?)

(I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!)

(How could such a cute little angel steal my best friend’s boyfriend? I must have guessed wrong!)


A familiar voice sounded in my ears.

Hajima Kiyosuke stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the head of the weak red-haired woman.

The familiar warmth made Ebina raise his head and look at Hashima Seisuke with tears in his eyes.

Hajima Kiyosuke said softly: "Ebina Prime Minister doesn't believe me?"


Ebina nodded subconsciously.

I came to Tokyo from my hometown in Akita to go to school. Before I met Xiaomi, I met Seisuke Hashima. The two of them worked part-time in a restaurant and came home from get off work together in the evening. During this period, they also encountered many things... If we talk about the whole of Tokyo Who is Ebina's most trusted person? It must be Hajima Kiyosuke, and Xiaomi can only be ranked second.

"Then continue to trust me." Hashima Kiyosuke said warmly, "I will never deceive Ebina at any time."


Ebina blinked blankly, and he could clearly distinguish the sincerity in Hajima Kiyosuke's words. His face suddenly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and water steam came out from the top of his head.

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